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Berdepan Gelombang Kedua Covid-19, Ibu Bapa Awasi Anak Pada Musim Cuti

6-3-2020 10:09 AM| Diterbitkan: ctcheery| Dilihat: 10222| Komen: 61|Original author: Oleh: Ct Cheery

Perkongsian maklumat terkini dari Facebook Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, negara kita berada pada kedudukan ke-17 dan telah mencatatkan bilangan penghidap Covid-19 seramai 50 orang. 

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Berita ini pastinya mengundang panik di kalangan rakyat, lagi-lagi setelah Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah mengesahkan bahawa Malaysia telah memasuki gelombang kedua wabak Covid-19. 

"Seperti mana dimaklumkan sebelum ini, gelombang pertama jangkitan Covid-19 di negara ini merangkumi 22 kes.

"Bagi gelombang ke-2, ada satu kluster Covid-19 yang dikenalpasti dan ia membabitkan kes ke-26. Berdasarkan siasatan dan pengesanan kontak yang dijalankan sehingga kini, terdapat 215 kontak rapat dikesan.

"Daripada jumlah kontak rapat berkenaan, 16 kes adalah positif, 19 negatif, manakala 180 individu masih menunggu keputusan," katanya dalam sidang media rabu lalu seerti dipetik BH Online.

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Untuk maklumat, gelombang ke-2 wabak Covid-19 telah bermula pada kes ke-23 dan sehingga hari ini, 28 kes positif telah dilaporkan, manakala 22 kes pula telah sembuh sepenuhnya.

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Namun, pihak KKM menjelaskan bahawa gelombang ke-2 berkenaan masih lagi dalam keadaan terkawal selagi langkah pencegahan dan pengesanan kontak rapat masih giat dijalankan.

Kredit Foto: Facebook KKM

Dalam pada itu, KKM telah berkerjasama dengan pusat perubatan swasta dalam menjalankan dan memperkenalkan perkhidmatan pengambilan sampel untuk Covid-19 di rumah orang awam yang mahu menjalankan ujian pengesanan. Caj akan dikenakan oleh pihak swasta tersebut.

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Semua sedia maklum yang musim cuti sekolah menjelang tidak lama lagi. Ibu bapa dinasihati agar lebih berwaspada akan kesihatan anak-anak, peka menjaga kebersihan diri, dan elakkan melawat tempat-tempat berisiko.  - CARI







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Quote Kenabertaubat 6-3-2020 10:29 AM
Duduk rumah buat aktiviti keluarga jela masa cuti sekolah. Duit pun jimat. Harap cepat-cepat la habis covid19 ni
Quote bloodyamuk 6-3-2020 10:29 AM
kalau KKM maklumkan lokasi dan siapa individu tersebut maka lagi bertambah panik kes 26 yang dah bergaul dengan orang sekeliling
Quote Dunhill. 6-3-2020 10:34 AM
Rasanya Arab Saudi dah naik 5 kes, bukan 1 kes
Quote aiva 6-3-2020 11:00 AM
memang dah tak bawk dah anak anak shopping
anak anak memng tahu laa corona virus
bila dorang ajak jalan
aku cakap ada corona virus
terus semua diam

bosan dorang aku lagi bosan
semoga cepatlaa berakhir gejala ni
Quote koko2 6-3-2020 11:15 AM
Aku sesaje test nk booking hotel resort kt area balok/beserah/cherating cuti sekolah sabtu ahad no..full katenya..
Quote clerics 6-3-2020 11:23 AM
aiva replied at 6-3-2020 11:00 AM
memang dah tak bawk dah anak anak shopping
anak anak memng tahu laa corona virus
bila dorang aja ...

sampai bila nak berkurung diri?

do go out...but take the necessary precautions...and utmost hygiene.

you will be fine.

Quote clerics 6-3-2020 11:24 AM
koko2 replied at 6-3-2020 11:15 AM
Aku sesaje test nk booking hotel resort kt area balok/beserah/cherating cuti sekolah sabtu ahad no.. ...

they make have blocked the dates as precautionary measures.
Quote mizruncing 6-3-2020 11:35 AM
dgr citer datuk yg kena tu dh berjalan n meeting merata kan. dh tau tak sihat pi la cek. dok rumah diam2. habis semua yg bawah dia pn kena
Quote ellejo 6-3-2020 11:40 AM
datuk dr hisham ni ada anak tak? muka dia familiar
Quote ellejo 6-3-2020 11:42 AM
koko2 replied at 6-3-2020 03:15 AM
Aku sesaje test nk booking hotel resort kt area balok/beserah/cherating cuti sekolah sabtu ahad no.. ...

sebelum ph tumbang aritu macam kata hotel industry macam tergugat ke rugi.
tapi aku usha agoda dan rate masih sama.
takde initiative langsung nak majukan diri la hotel2 industry ni.

Quote manehnya 6-3-2020 11:55 AM
dok umah je lah... habih  kuat p tepi laut menjala n mancing...

nk p swimming/ shopping complex mcm x brp nk selamat ...

dah la musim panas skrg ... mandi sg sedim pun oke... free
Quote Artemesiaa 6-3-2020 12:08 PM
Gelombang kedua lagi bahaya lagi mudah merebak.  Seseorang tu mungkin tak perasan sebab tak ada simpton ketara pada dirinya dan hanya beranggapan dia kena flu biasa.  Balik dari negara berwabak tak kuarantinkan diri dulu paling kurang selama 14 hari.  Malah pergi sana sini jumpa famili, urusan kerja, kawan dan rakan sepejabat.  Semua yang dia jumpa tu berpotensi terkena wabak tu sama.  
Quote keypochino 6-3-2020 12:13 PM
mizruncing replied at 6-3-2020 11:35 AM
dgr citer datuk yg kena tu dh berjalan n meeting merata kan. dh tau tak sihat pi la cek. dok rumah d ...

Statement by Hisham Hamdan, COVID-19 patient - kes ke 26

First and foremost, I would like to record my deepest appreciation for the incredibly diligent and dedicated folks across the healthcare system in Malaysia who are doing a tremendous job in this very challenging period. Their work ethic and dedication to the cause are second to none.

From the medical professionals at the Subang Jaya Medical Centre (“SJMC”), to the doctors at Sungai Buloh Hospital, led by Dr. Yasmin Mohd. Ghani, who have been working extremely hard to treat my condition – as well as the conditions of all the other COVID-19 patients – to the officers at the Ministry of Health, it has made me extremely proud to know that Malaysia has a wonderful healthcare system. In particular, I would like to especially commend Dr. Muhammad Haikal Ghazali from Selangor Health State Department and Dr. Zaza Rida Zakiman from the Petaling Health District Office.

Next, I would like to take this opportunity to address some of the media reports that have been circulating with regards to my case, Case 26. I believe that it is important for me to share the facts regarding my particular circumstance so that the public has a clear picture of events.

On the 27th of February 2020, I started exhibiting symptoms, namely fever and a cough. That afternoon, I went to the SJMC Outpatient Center to get myself tested as I was concerned that I had dengue fever. While there, I also specifically requested for the COVID-19 test. After doing the test, I went home and stayed home. On the 28th of February 2020, in the evening, I received my first round of test results stating that I had tested positive. I was then asked to proceed to Sungai Buloh Hospital on the 29th of February to be isolated and treated. It was there that my positive results were confirmed.

At that point, I was the 26th person in Malaysia to be tested positive for the COVID-19 disease, which does not necessarily mean that I was the 26th person in Malaysia to be infected by it. There were potentially others who had been infected earlier but not tested. Accordingly, I worked with Dr. Haikal and Dr. Zaza to come up with a Contact Tracing list, along with colleagues at UDA and at Khazanah. In addition, my family was also tested.

My family have all, Alhamdullilah, tested negative. It is hugely unfortunate that two individuals have caught the COVID-19 from me, namely my driver at UDA as well as the SJMC paramedic who was treating me. They are, at present, being treated with the utmost care and professionalism from Malaysia’s healthcare professionals.

The second wave of COVID-19 cases in Malaysia are linked to me, that I think is clear. But being linked to me and having originated from me are two entirely different things. The Ministry of Health is still working diligently and must be applauded for continuing to search for Patient Zero. I was at several meetings from the 21st to the 27th with individuals who have since been confirmed positive for the COVID-19 disease. As I mentioned, the Ministry of Health is still searching for Patient Zero. I just happened to be the first person who was tested from this string of meetings. At the same time, it is worth noting that there were certain meetings on the morning of the 24th of February where all 13 non-UDA board and management individuals all tested negative. I also did attend a Ministry function in my capacity as Chairman of UDA on the 27th of February, but I would like to clarify that I did not attend any political functions. At this stage, I must also commend Dr. Haikal and Dr. Zaza for arranging a sizeable number of tests for those in UDA and Khazanah who were in close contact with me.

The next point I would like to touch on is my visit to Shanghai. I was in Shanghai attending a conference from the 13th to the 17th of January. There are two issues to raise here. Up to that point, the only confirmed cases in China were from the city of Wuhan, which I never visited. There was no suspicion, at that time, for any concern with regards to visiting Shanghai. Shanghai’s first recorded case was on the 20th of January. In Malaysia, on the 25th of January, a week after I arrived home from Shanghai, the Ministry of Health issued an advisory for Malaysia to postpone or avoid travel to China. On the 30th of January, the World Health Organisation, as a result of the novel coronavirus, officially declared a “public health emergency of international concern.” This all happened well after I returned from Shanghai.  

The second issue is that all scientific and medical research we know so far points to the virus having a two week incubation period. Given that I returned on the 17th of January, and given that I exhibited symptoms on the 27th of February, it is – as far as medical research is concerned – not possible for me to have obtained the virus from my trip to Shanghai.

Furthermore, the earliest close contact patients linked to me are from a meeting on the 21st of February, 5 weeks after I returned. Unless new medical research tells us otherwise, it is important to keep the facts, as we know them now, clear – my visit to Shanghai is not linked to my positive confirmation.

To summarise, based on the facts that I have laid out, while it is true that I am linked to the second wave of cases, being linked to and being the source of are two entirely different things. We need to give our full support to MOH as they identify Patient Zero. Next, given what medical research tells us, the incubation period for the virus is two weeks, and so, I did not catch it from my trip to Shanghai. Furthermore, at the time of my visit to Shanghai, there were no recorded cases there as yet.

Finally, I trust that we will all be guided by the facts as well as the exemplary work done by the entire medical professionals at the Ministry of Health. I thank them all for their service to our country. I also call on the public to give them their full support, to use facts before spreading news or opinions, and to respect the confidentiality and privacy of individuals going through their recovery. I would like to also send out my prayers to all UDA staff and their families, as well as all other infected patients, whether in Malaysia or globally, that are still under treatment as I understand how difficult it is and wish them the speediest of recoveries.

Thank you.

Hisham Hamdan
Sungai Buloh Hospital
6 March 2020

Quote bakingsoda 6-3-2020 12:16 PM
selfish yg sibuk nk berjalan musim virus ni, pergi sihat balik bawak virus
Quote JunkMail 6-3-2020 12:39 PM
So patient 0 Belum dijumpai. maybe dia takde symptoms pun Tu aman2 jumpa org Sana sini.
Quote DandelionW 6-3-2020 02:15 PM
Dlm kes ni,org ramai kena ada tanggungjawab sosial yg tinggi baru ok kot.klu rasa diri tu sakit wpun tak pasti sbb covid19 ke,kena la elakkan diri dr jumpa org sekeliling maupun berpelesiran.minta bantuan keluarga atau rakan atau jiran klu perlu nak beli barang.
Quote husna_amal 6-3-2020 02:42 PM
Musim cuti sekolah nanti duk rumah main game lah ya adik2. Tak pun tolong mak ayah kemas rumah. Jangan berharap berjalan sana sini sangat.
Quote munchkin 6-3-2020 02:53 PM
Edited by munchkin at 6-3-2020 02:54 PM

Hallo incubation period depa kata 42 days ya.

Malaysian ni kalau batuk demam pun gigih nak pi function laga2 pipi peluk2. Tengok video kat fb tu.

Badan tu ada antibodi. So dia lawan dulu. Tu yg tak nampak sakit. Bila dah replicate bebanyak baru show simptom. Ada yg silent carrier.
Quote shy79 6-3-2020 03:14 PM
bukan ke ada kes sblm ni kt china kata incubation period is up to 27 days? tp kt sini officially memang dok pakai yg 14 hr tu. but it is not impossible kan memandangkan ni novel corona virus yg baru.

by the way, org besar2 pun terkesan jgak ye dgn berita viral super spreader ni?? ingatkan x kisah pun

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