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"Kalau Esok PRU, BN Tak Mungkin Menang" - TPM

27-7-2015 10:56 AM| Diterbitkan: CARI-HBZ| Dilihat: 23082| Komen: 195

Oleh : Dean BZ

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Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin menyatakan kebimbangan beliau sekiranya pilihan raya umum diadakan esok, maka Barisan Nasional pasti kalah. Ini berdasarkan maklum balas rakyat yang makin berkurang terhadap parti itu kebelakangan ini.

"Kalau ikut kata hati saya, kalau esok pilihan raya, kita tak mungkin boleh menang. Sudah ada asas-asas kajian yang dibuat banyak pihak yang menunjukkan adalah amat sukar untuk Barisan Nasional menang. Saya tanya bagaimana kalau perdana menteri bubar Parlimen adakah kita akan menang atau tidak, tidak ada seorang pun yang menjawab yakin untuk menang," kata Muhyiddin semasa berucap pada majlis penutup mesyuarat UMNO Bahagian Cheras di Kuala Lumpur pada Ahad malam.

Memetik dari laporan astroawani, Muhyiddin turut mengakui beliau sendiri sukar memahami apa yang sebenarnya berlaku dengan syarikat pelaburan strategik negara 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Beliau tertanya-tanya mengenai sumber mana yang boleh dipercayai sekiranya laporan The Edge tidak boleh dipercayai.

"Orang cakap dekat saya laporan The Edge tidak betul, jadi beritahu saya apa yang betul, tidak juga diberitahu sampai sekarang," kata Muhyiddin.

Muhyiddin menyatakan tindakan segera amat perlu dilakukan untuk menangani masalah yang kian meruncing itu, jika tidak BN pasti terkubur. Beliau turut mengingatkan ahli-ahli UMNO supaya berhenti menghentam bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad kerana tindakan itu hanya mengakibatkan kedudukan Barisan Nasional (BN) menjadi semakin lemah. - CARI Infonet.








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Quote atira 27-7-2015 08:25 AM
I told Najib to quit 1MDB but he didn’t listen, says Muhyiddin -

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin today revealed that he had asked Datuk Seri Najib Razak to step down as chairman of the board of advisers of the controversial 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) but the prime minister ignored his advice.
Muhyiddin said that he had no ill-intentions by suggesting this, but had not wanted Najib's name to be tarnished because of his involvement with the debt-ridden state investment vehicle.
"I told him to let go off his post in 1MDB, but he didn't want to listen.

"I don't have any evil intention, my will is to help him," he said when officiating an Umno Cheras meeting in Kuala Lumpur tonight.

He said 1MDB was something that could not be ignored and a solution had to be found.
"I am the first minister to make a stand on 1MDB even though the prime minister had made a decision on the matter. I said we should find a solution, not point fingers,” he said, he had been the most vocal in raising his concerns about the matter at the Umno supreme council and Cabinet meetings.
Muhyiddin said he had noted that the RM42 billion debt run up by 1MDB was a huge figure and had exceeded the budget allocations for some states in the country and was a burden to the country at a time when the ringgit was dropping.
"I have told the prime minister but I don’t dare say it in public as I fear it will be misconstrued and people will say that I was out to topple the prime minister. I don’t want a clash with the prime minister as our party is not strong,” he added. – July 26, 2015

Quote atira 27-7-2015 08:33 AM
Muhyiddin Yassin worried about UMNO's chances at next GE
Astro Awani | Published on: July 27, 2015 00:30 MYT

MUHYIDDIN: It will be difficult and an uphill battle for Barisan Nasional. - BERNAMA Photo

KUALA LUMPUR: Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin warned UMNO that voter sentiment following the 1 Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) controversy may cause the party to lose should the General Election be held tomorrow.

“It will be difficult and an uphill battle for Barisan Nasional,” he said.

Despite the negative public perception, Muhyiddin still held hopes for the party as there was still time to reverse the situation.

Muhyiddin was speaking at the Cheras UMNO division meeting Sunday.

The Deputy Prime Minister also spoke about his advice to the Prime Minister to quit as 1MDB chairman but was ignored.

He said his quit advice was to prevent the Prime Minister from being tainted by all the uncertainty over 1MDB.

On the suspension of The Edge Weekly and The Edge Financial Daily, Muhyiddin said, he had to resort to reading the publications in order to get information on 1MDB.

“I had to read The Edge in order to understand what’s going on in 1MDB.

“People tell me The Edge report is false, so tell me what is the truth,” he said.

UMNO members were also told not to demonise Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as the former prime minister is seen as a father figure to the party

Quote atira 27-7-2015 08:35 AM
“Saya sendiri sukar nak faham isu 1MDB, sehingga saya terpaksa membaca banyak bahan dan saya tak nafi terpaksa baca The Edge."

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14902)]

Tolong bagi tahu saya apa yang betul - Muhyiddin
Pihak kerajaan seharusnya mengeluarkan satu kenyataan yang jelas berhubung isu 1MDB supaya tidak berlakunya pencanggahan pendapat.

Quote the_killer 27-7-2015 08:37 AM
atira replied at 27-7-2015 08:35 AM
“Saya sendiri sukar nak faham isu 1MDB, sehingga saya terpaksa membaca banyak bahan dan saya tak na ...

atira setuju si Jawa ni ganti si Bugis tu?

kedua2 Indon
Quote atira 27-7-2015 08:42 AM
the_killer replied at 27-7-2015 08:37 AM
atira setuju si Jawa ni ganti si Bugis tu?

kedua2 Indon

siapa lagi yg bukan indon?..

camtu aku nak LGE la as PM...
biar set2 ketuanan menggelupur  
Quote kecimpret 27-7-2015 08:44 AM
kesiannnn wak kena marah dgn macai najib
Quote the_killer 27-7-2015 08:46 AM
atira replied at 27-7-2015 08:42 AM
siapa lagi yg bukan indon?..

camtu aku nak LGE la as PM...

lagi la ada orang meroyan ..apae forummer tu nama belakang dia jek...zjek...lupa plak
Quote the_killer 27-7-2015 08:46 AM
kecimpret replied at 27-7-2015 08:44 AM
kesiannnn wak kena marah dgn macai najib

wes mangan?
Quote kecimpret 27-7-2015 08:47 AM

kabare warasss??
Quote atira 27-7-2015 08:49 AM
wak yidin ni pekak dan nyanyuk ke?

Quote gaara_X 27-7-2015 08:51 AM
TPM tak paham....lagi nak konar leper rakyat...hadoi...
Quote atira 27-7-2015 08:52 AM
kat utusan ada lapor tak?
Quote Simunggu 27-7-2015 08:52 AM
TPM sepatutnya berdiri kuat dibelakang PM...kalau tak nampak mcm jockers shj menteri menteri kita...apalah nak jadi......tak kan tak sabar nak jadi PM pula...
Quote atira 27-7-2015 08:53 AM
the_killer replied at 27-7-2015 08:46 AM
lagi la ada orang meroyan ..apae forummer tu nama belakang dia jek...zjek...lupa plak

djek masih dlm penjara
Quote the_killer 27-7-2015 08:53 AM
atira replied at 27-7-2015 08:52 AM
kat utusan ada lapor tak?

orak eneng
Quote gaara_X 27-7-2015 08:55 AM
TPM tak paham....lagi nak konar leper rakyat...hadoi...
Quote atira 27-7-2015 08:55 AM
Muhyiddin: Should be the PM to tell truth on 1MDB


Muhyiddin greeted by delegates at the Cheras Umno meeting on Sunday


KUALA LUMPUR: Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin broke his silence on the 1MDB issue, saying that he did not have any malice in questioning the controversial fund and that the Prime Minister himself should personally take the lead to explain the issue to the people.

Saying that he chose to speak up publicly as he was on an Umno platform, Muhyiddin, the deputy president, said at the closing of the Cheras Umno meeting on Sunday night that the government should not underestimate the people’s negative sentiments towards 1MDB.

“Don’t underestimate the people, we cannot lie, when the Second Finance Minister explains on 1MDB the critics rebut him and when the Housing Minister speaks he is also rebutted.

“We cannot explain properly because even we don’t know the real facts, so who is going to tell us the real facts, it should the Prime Minister, true or not,” Muhyiddin asked the delegates.

In his 70-minute speech, Muhyiddin admitted that he led a movement to urge Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to resign as Prime Minister after the 2008 general election.

However, the situation now was different, as he felt that Umno was in a weak position and could not afford a leadership tussle.

Referring to his criticisms of 1MDB, which he made during a closed door party session that was leaked,  Muhyiddin said he told the Prime Minister the same thing.

“I support the move to probe 1MDB but still some people think I want to somehow do in the Prime Minister.

“I have no malice, why should I, but I have to speak the truth and give my views and advice.”

The Deputy Prime Minister repeatedly reminded delegates that he was not against Najib and that he was part of a team equally responsible to defend the government’s decisions and policies.

He said he was vocal during Cabinet meetings on 1MDB and other issues but was reluctant to speak publicly as he was concerned that his comments would be manipulated to make it look as if he was going against Najib.

At this point Muhyiddin pointed to the media who were present and advised them not to twist his words.

In his wide-ranging speech, Muhyiddin touched on other subjects which affected voter perceptions towards Umno, which included GST and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

He said he had asked at a number of meetings and gatherings whether Barisan Nasional would win the next general election and the response was always negative or uncertain.

“I say this not to blame anyone because I too am part of the system and among the people responsible to help the Prime Minister but I feel worried if we fail to manage some of the important issues well.

“I want to give you a stern warning that if nothing is done now to manage these issues, Barisan will lose, God forbid.”

Muhyiddin said he has been in touch with Dr Mahathir but he keeps the Cabinet briefed on these meetings.

He said Dr Mahathir should be regarded as a father figure and that the more the elder statesman was “attacked” the more popular he would become and cause more people to dislike Umno as a result.

Cheras Umno chief Datuk Seri Syed Ali Alhabshee said his division unanimously support Najib as party president and prime minister and likewise, Muhyiddin.

“This decision is made because we want Umno to be strong again,” he said.

Syed Ali also called on party leadership to initiate move to “restore” relationship with Dr Mahathir, saying that Umno was at the losing end if “we are at war with him”.

Quote atira 27-7-2015 08:56 AM
mana nak cari artikel BM nih
Quote the_killer 27-7-2015 08:58 AM
atira replied at 27-7-2015 08:56 AM
mana nak cari artikel BM nih

dah .. ni ha

Muhyiddin: Apa dadi PM marang bebener ing 1MDB

KUALA LUMPUR: Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin nyuwil kang nggawe bisu ing Jeksa Agung bisa ngetokake 1MDB, matur sing iya ora duwe rasa sengit sembarang pitakonan dana kontrovèrsial lan Perdhana Mentri piyambak wong ngirim njupuk timbal kanggo nerangake Jeksa Agung bisa ngetokake ing wong.

Matur sing piyambakipun milih kanggo ngomongake munggah publik minangka kang ana ing platform UMNO, Muhyiddin, Wakil presiden, ngandika ing nutup patemon Kajang UMNO ana wengi sing pemerintah ora ngirim underestimate sentiments negatif wong menyang 1MDB.

"Aja underestimate wong, kita ora bisa ngapusi, nalika Menteri Keuangan kapindho nerangake ing 1MDB pangritik sarangan dalam kenangan wong lan nalika Menteri Housing ngandika iku uga dilawan.

"Kita ora bisa nerangake mlaku amarga malah kita ora ngerti bukti nyata, supaya sing arep kanggo kita ngomong bukti nyata, iku ngirim Perdhana Mentri, bener utawa ora," Muhyiddin takon delegasi.

Ing wicara 70 menit kang, Muhyiddin ngaku yen dheweke mimpin gerakan kanggo nggusah Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi kanggo resign minangka Perdhana Mentri sawise pemilihan umum 2008.

Nanging, kahanan saiki iki beda, kaya kang felt sing UMNO ana ing posisi kuwat lan ora bisa saged tussle Kepemimpinan.

Referring kanggo kritik kang 1MDB, kang digawe sak sesi partai lawang Ana sing trocoh, Muhyiddin ngandika marang Perdana Menteri ing bab sing padha.

"Aku ndhukung pamindhahan kanggo satelit 1MDB nanging isih sawetara wong mikir aku pengin piye wae apa ing Perdhana Mentri.

"Aku ora duwe rasa sengit, apa dene aku, nanging aku kudu nganggo bebener lan menehi views lan saran sandi."

Wakil Perdana Menteri bola-bali ngilingake delegasi sing panjenengané ora marang Najib lan kang ana bagean tim merata tanggung jawab kanggo defend pancasan lan kawicaksanan pamaréntah kang.

Ngandika ana vokal sak rapat-rapat kabinet nalika tanggal 1MDB lan isu-isu liya nanging wegah nganggo publicly minangka wong iki ngangap sing komentar kang bakal diapusi kanggo nggawe iku katon kaya wong iki arep marang Najib.

Ing titik iki Muhyiddin nuding menyang media kang ana lan menehi saran mau ora corak words.

Ing wicara wide-ranging kang, Muhyiddin kena ing subjek kang kena pengaruh persepsi pinilih menyang UMNO, kang klebu GST lan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Ngandika wis takon ing nomer rapat-rapat lan klumpukan apa Barisan Nasional bakal menang ing pemilihan umum sabanjuré lan nanggepi iki tansah negatif utawa boten mesthi.

"Aku pitutur iki ora kanggo nyalahke sapa amarga aku banget iki bagéan saka sistem lan antarane wong tanggung jawab kanggo Perdhana Mentri nanging aku rumangsa kuwatir yen kita gagal kanggo ngatur sawetara masalah penting uga.

"Aku arep menehi kowe bebaya Stern yen boten rampung saiki kanggo ngatur masalah iki, Barisan bakal ilang, Gusti Allah ngalang-alangi."

Muhyiddin ngandika wis ing tutul karo Dr Mahathir nanging tansah Kabinet briefed ing rapat-rapat iki.

Ngandika Dr Mahathir kudu dianggep minangka tokoh rama lan sing luwih negarawan sepuh iki "nyerang" luwih populer kang bakal dadi lan nimbulaké wong rak UMNO minangka asil.

Pangareping Kajang UMNO Datuk Seri Syed Ali Alhabshee ngandika divisi kang swantun ndhukung Najib minangka presiden partai lan perdhana mentri lan ugo, Muhyiddin.

"Kaputusan iki digawe amarga kita pengin UMNO dadi kuwat maneh," ngandika.

Syed Ali uga disebut ing pimpinan partai kanggo miwiti pamindhahan kanggo "mulihake" hubungan karo Dr Mahathir, matur sing UMNO ana ing mburi rusak yen "kita ing perang karo wong".

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