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3-7-2013 10:44 AM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 10923| Komen: 45

Description: If on one night every year, you could commit any crime without facing consequences, what would you do? In The Purge, a speculative thriller that follows one family over the course of a ...

If on one night every year, you could commit any crime without facing consequences, what would you do? In The Purge, a speculative thriller that follows one family over the course of a single night, four people will be tested to see how far they will go to protect themselves when the vicious outside world breaks into their home.

Release date: August 2013







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Quote sekngucing 30-6-2013 10:04 PM
macam menarik, dah tgok trailer dia jaritu di tv
Quote hanna88 21-8-2013 07:55 PM
aku tgk kt showtime dah release movie nih
rase nk tgk..
tp kalo byk potong x best plak kn
durasi 1jam 25min je..mst byk potong nih..
Quote Rhyno 22-8-2013 10:39 PM
Dah tgk dah....ganas filem ni...Tak dpt bayangkan kalau The Purge ni betul2 berlaku di US sana....
Quote hanna88 22-8-2013 10:57 PM
Rhyno posted on 22-8-2013 10:39 PM
Dah tgk dah....ganas filem ni...Tak dpt bayangkan kalau The Purge ni betul2 berlaku di US sana.... : ...

mmg x de potong memotong scene ke?tgk kt wyg kn
Quote hanna88 23-8-2013 03:55 PM
cite nih je menarik minat aku nk tgk tgk je la..hehe

Cite dia camni
tahun 2022..kat US..

-pengganguran x de
-ekonomi smakin meningkat

sbb pe?

sbb setiap tahun akan di ada kan Annual Purge
Purge ni maksudnya cam penyucian atau pembersihan lah
org2 miskin/sakit/org2 yg x contribute pd US akan dibunuh dgn kejam pd upacara tahunan nih
sekali setahun ja..sampai pukul 7 pagi shj..
then leh hdup secara biasa

nk cite mmg pnjg..hehe
aku suka part dlm umah bila diceroboh pembunuh2 ni
mmg panic la tgk..cruel + no hati perot lgsung lah..

Last edited by hanna88 on 23-8-2013 03:58 PM

Quote Ferr_Remy 24-8-2013 02:34 AM
X saba nk tgk!!! Ethan Hawke mmg best klu berlakon!
Quote syanis4114 25-8-2013 05:33 PM
Nah link:

Video clear. Google2 terus jumpa.
Quote mbhcsf 26-8-2013 10:32 AM
watched it last Saturday and I hated the idea, the concept , the message they want to send across

but with a brilliant yet simple story lines...

too violence

tapi sarat dengan persoalan nilai dan moral.

Quote BabeYSHa 27-8-2013 01:13 PM
syanis4114 posted on 25-8-2013 05:33 PM
Nah link:

Video clear. Google2 terus jumpa.

full movie ke?  

*kat opis tkleh bukak megashare.. kena block..*

Quote senahitam 27-8-2013 03:15 PM
dh tgk semlm...konsep die menarik..lain dr yg aku cm xleh digest konsep cm gitu sampai terbawak2 ke arini.huhuhu.

bayangkan kalo korang xtau pun korang ade musuh, or ade org dengki ke ape...tetibe mlm purge tu kene attack tanpa sebab...

cth cm jiran die nk bunuh dorang semata sbb x puas ati ngan kekayaan family ni..pastu x berjaya bunuh...what's next?? pindah sbb dh tau jiran ade niat buruk kt kite? balas dendam time purge taun dpn?

ni satu penindasan kpd org yg lemah..yg x mampu nk sediakan sistem security terbaik utk protect diri masing2,..sape kuat die survive.

byk yg aku asek pk pas tgk movie ok la x ganas sgt kot...sbb aku bule tgk sume tanpa tutup mata...aku anti filem seram/ganas.hehehehe
Quote sayangidaku 27-8-2013 03:47 PM
menarik konsep n plot cter ni.
walopon aku penakut, tp bila bab psiko thriller, i'm in.
Last edited by sayangidaku on 27-8-2013 03:59 PM

Quote hanna88 27-8-2013 04:01 PM
the concept is absurd
tp movie ni 'rare'
hrp x de la jd cmni kt dunia sbeno..
takot woo..
Quote afheyz 27-8-2013 10:21 PM
Tertipu aku dgn trailer movie nie,
Idea dah ada, tapi storyline cam haremm.
patut la kat imdb rating rendah.

Quote syanis4114 27-8-2013 10:32 PM
BabeYSHa posted on 27-8-2013 01:13 PM
full movie ke?  

*kat opis tkleh bukak megashare.. kena block..*

Ye full movie. Tak sangka pulak ada link full movie. Guna streamyx je ni tapi boleh tahan laju. Tgk cepat sbb takut kdg2 esok lusa copyright dah block da. Enjoy.
Quote lil_honey 28-8-2013 06:09 PM
syanis4114 posted on 27-8-2013 10:32 PM
Ye full movie. Tak sangka pulak ada link full movie. Guna streamyx je ni tapi boleh tahan laju. Tg ...

video not found dah
Quote hanna88 28-8-2013 08:22 PM
lerr..baru nk tgk kali ke 2..da x dop plak..ea
Quote sepok 29-8-2013 12:12 PM
aku donlod je citer ni, gambo dah cantek tapi jln citer tak mcm yg aku harap mcm horror/thriller lain, abis tgk delete..hehhe
Quote supernaturalee 29-8-2013 12:24 PM
hanna88 posted on 23-8-2013 03:55 PM
cite nih je menarik minat aku nk tgk tgk je la..hehe

Cite dia camni

mana lg best?
sinister ke the purge?

Quote hanna88 29-8-2013 12:33 PM
supernaturalee posted on 29-8-2013 12:24 PM
mana lg best?
sinister ke the purge?

sinister bes lg..

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