[MERGED]--Room inside Kaba is a forbidden.Why? - Pict page 43
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Originally posted by gunblade712 at 21-12-2008 10:55 AM
i dun see any reasons for anyone to bow down when they enter the Ka'abah, well, maybe if someone who's 8 feet tall might feel obligated to bow down a lil bit so that his head won't bump on the do ...
Why I ask such question? I will reply once got firm answer from muslims. read this :
What to SeeThe Ka'ba is roughly the shape of a cube (Ka'ba comes from the Arabic word meaning "cube") and is made of granite from the hills near Mecca. It stands 15 meters (49 feet) high, with sides measuring 10.5 m (34') by 12 m (39'). It is covered by a black silk cloth decorated with gold-embroidered calligraphy. This cloth is known as the kiswah and is replaced yearly.
On the southwest side of the Ka'ba is a semi-circular wall about one and a quarter meters tall, which represents its border (al-hatim) as built by Abraham.
Entrance to the inside of the Ka'ba is gained through a door 2.13 meters above the ground on the northeastern wall. Inside is a marble floor and walls clad with marble half-way to the roof. Tablets with Quranic inscriptions are inset in the marble. The upper part of the interior walls is covered with a green cloth decorated with gold embroidered Quranic verses.
Lamps hang from a cross beam; there is also a small table for incense burners. Caretakers perfume the marble cladding with scented oil, the same oil used to anoint the Black Stone outside. The Black Stone, an ancient sacred stone, is embedded in the eastern corner of the Ka'ba, one and a half meters above the ground.
source : http://www.sacred-destinations.com/saudi-arabia/mecca-kaba.htm
So, can you tell me the the size of the door which is 2.13 meter is small. In order to enter, one must bow little to enter inside the room which larger space. Can you please confirm this and I will come with answer later.
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 21-12-2008 12:28 PM
Entrance to the inside of the Ka'ba is gained through a door 2.13 meters above the ground on the northeastern wall. Inside is a marble floor and wallsclad with marble half-way to the roof. Tablets with Quranicinscriptions are inset in the marble. The upper part of the interiorwalls is covered with a green cloth decorated with gold embroideredQuranic verses.
Lamps hang from a cross beam; there is also a small table forincense burners. Caretakers perfume the marble cladding with scentedoil, the same oil used to anoint the Black Stone outside. The BlackStone, an ancient sacred stone, is embedded in the eastern corner ofthe Ka'ba, one and a half meters above the ground.
source : http://www.sacred-destinations.com/saudi-arabia/mecca-kaba.htm
So, can you tell me the the size of the door which is2.13 meter is small. In order to enter, one must bow little to enterinside the room which larger space. Can you please confirm this and Iwill come with answer later.
so, the door is 2.13 FROM THE GROUND, means that it's higher from the ground approx. 2.13 meters. You understand the meaning of that?
it means that the door is situated 2.13 metres FROM the ground, NOT the door is 2.13 meters in height.
ok, let's just say that the door IS 2.13 meters in height, see how it goes, ya?
Dude, 6 foot equals to 1.83 meters, you know...
you telling me that the King, or any other person in the picture, is 2.13 meters tall, hence more than 6 foot?
wahh lau wehhh.. u don't remember the math lessons in class, ahh? |
dia speechless...
dulu ponteng kelas math.. |
Balas #1595 rurouni_khairul\ catat
heheeh RK pon ingat ke statement dia tuh?
GB malas nak cakap, kang risau2 dia terkecil hati... |
Reply #1596 gunblade712's post
Kite org Islam nie sibuk jaga hati org lain kan GB? Tapi ade org tuh tak henti2 buat org lain sakit hati...padahal kite tak penah kaco kepercayaan die...die provoke2 pastuh kena hentam, cakap kite lak salah....manusia jenis ape laa tuh kan? |
alhamdulillah....akhirnya yang benar tetap benar..... |
alhamdulillah....akhirnya yang benar tetap benar.....
zad78 Post at 21-8-2009 16:04
benar? macama mana ?? dlm segi macam mana? |
benar yang tuhan ko tu tak bolih robohkan KAABAH
khar khar khar |
kafir sorang ni xhabis2 nk menyibuk pasal islam ko tu kafir apa tau pasal islam kecik2 aku tgk ko tau tak |
#1602 miss_white
kafir ke tak kafir. Ini bukan forum Islam. Ini forum interfaith. Dimana semua orang boleh berikan pendapat mereka tentang agama yang lain... Sebab tu ini diwujudkan. Supaya semua akan lebih faham dan memahami aspek agama seseorang. Sekiranya pendapat orang lain tidak diterima untuk mengatakan tentang agama saudari tu, saudari bebas untuk pergi ke forum Islam.
Sekian. |
Kaabah masih kukuh dan suci
Thank you Allah for protecting the Holy Land
Allah Akbhar x3
Khar khar khar |
1612# kompia23
adakah forum interfaith membenarkan sesiapa pun menghina agama lain, kompia? |
#1605 gunblade712
adakah forum interfaith membenarkan sesiapa pun menghina agama lain, kompia?
Bukan menghina, tetapi membahaskannya. Sama seperti yang banyak lakukan di sini - menanyakan soalan seperti Yesus bukan Tuhan, sunday itu hari sembah tuhan matahari dan sebagainya... pada pendapat saudara, persoalan sedemikian tu bukan menghina Kristian ke?
Tetapi untuk diri saya, saya masih menerimanya kerana ini adalah untuk pengetahuan semua dan cuma menjelaskannya. Jadi biar kita bertolak ansur supaya semua akan mendapat kepuasan yang sama rata. Itu saja yang dikehendaki.
Sekian. |
1. kaabah cuma tanda arah atau kiblat sembahyang. Supaya orang Islam sembahyang ke satu arah sahaja. tanda perpaduan.
2. kalau batu kaabah tu atau batu hajar aswad ditiup angin sampai ke malaysia pun, arah atau kiblat tetap kat situ jugak(mekah) takkan berubah pun.
3. air zam zam memg suci bagi kami, tak bagi bukan islam, begitu dengan holy water untuk org kristian.
http://www.iluvislam.com/v1/readarticle.php?article_id=1660 |
1615# kompia23
jadi kamu menganggap orang2 di sini "berbahas" apabila mereka mengatakan bahawa Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. adalah orang gila, begitu? |
jadi kamu menganggap orang2 di sini "berbahas" apabila mereka mengatakan bahawa Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. adalah orang gila, begitu?
Ada orang cakap sedemikian? Hmm..... mungkin saudara boleh tegah mereka daripada mengatakan demikian dengan cara yang baik. Beritahu mereka itu bukan cara Tuhan inginkan dan juga adalah satu dosa.
Saudara, bukan saya nak merungut tetapi hakikat ada segelintir yang memang cepat panas baran dan seterusnya melepaskan kegeraman mereka dalam apa yang mereka tulis. Sekiranya saudara ada perasan, terdapat golongan yang memberikan komen cuma untuk mengherdik sahaja dan kebanyakannya bukan terhadap umat saudara.
Sekian. |
1. kaabah cuma tanda arah atau kiblat sembahyang. Supaya orang Islam sembahyang ke satu arah sahaja. tanda perpaduan.
2. kalau batu kaabah tu atau batu hajar aswad ditiup angin sampai ke malaysia pun ...
Bapa Post at 28-8-2009 12:00
yes, thats what muslims claimed. ...but seeing the ritual ....it speak the truth |
1612# kompia23
adakah forum interfaith membenarkan sesiapa pun menghina agama lain, kompia?
gunblade712 Post at 28-8-2009 10:31
apakah orang2 muslims jadi macam burung kakak tua dan dengar segala sampah sarap dari deedat combat kit dan hentam kepercayaan kristian? kan elok dpt pandangan dari kristian yg mempunyai pengetahuan dlm bible . contohnya, professor dan scholar?? |
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