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1MDB Selar The Edge Siarkan Dakwaan Tidak Berasas!

21-7-2015 10:52 AM| Diterbitkan: CARI-LTS| Dilihat: 4926| Komen: 15

Description: 1MDB meminta mana-mana pihak yang mempunyai maklumat supaya tampil membantu siasatan mengikut peruntukan undang-undang, tanpa perlu membuat laporan tidak bertanggungjawab dan mensensasikannya.

sumber foto :

1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) membidas akhbar The Edge Financial Daily kerana menyiarkan pelbagai dakwaan dan kenyataan tidak berasas berkaitan syarikat itu. 

Syarikat pelaburan strategik milik kerajaan dalam satu kenyataan semalam, menyifatkan ia sebagai laporan tidak bertanggungjawab. 

"Kami tidak menyangka dakwaan lapuk dan belum dibuktikan kesahihannya digunakan sekali lagi, sedangkan beberapa siasatan serentak kini sedang dijalankan pihak berkuasa berkenaan pelbagai tuduhan yang ditimbulkan sebelum ini," 

1MDB meminta mana-mana pihak yang mempunyai maklumat supaya tampil membantu siasatan mengikut peruntukan undang-undang, tanpa perlu membuat laporan tidak bertanggungjawab dan mensensasikannya. 

1MDB turut mengulangi keyakinannya terhadap siasatan dijalankan Pasukan Petugas Khas dan pihak berkuasa yang berkaitan dalam mengendalikan siasatan secara telus serta bebas. 

Semalam laporan terbaru The Edge Financial Daily mendakwa ahli perniagaan, Low Taek Jho atau Jho Low dan PetroSaudi International Ltd merancang penipuan menjangkau berbilion-bilion ringgit daripada Malaysia. 

Akhbar perniagaan tempatan itu menerbitkan laporan empat muka surat berhubung isu berkenaan, selain mempamerkan carta aliran keluar wang berdasarkan penyata bank penerima dan pengirim.

sumber :








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Quote ss24 21-7-2015 01:21 AM
Adik saya kerja kat The Edge, tadi tanya dia, dia kata The Edge Boss pergi lain negara cuti already
Quote Nokiaman 21-7-2015 07:00 AM
EDGE mana mari banggg
Quote rogayahtop 21-7-2015 07:03 AM
Tahniah la kalau berani kerana benar. Kalau berani kerana dadah pun nanti open house pergi makan kat lowyat jugak.
Quote milot 21-7-2015 07:43 AM
pepatah baru...
Quote bluehedgehog 21-7-2015 07:47 AM
menteri2 meleis umno takat tipu pprt bole la...nk tipu level otak x smpai tahap gitu lagi...
Quote flying_cow 21-7-2015 08:19 AM
Pening tengok gambarajah tu
Quote kecimpret 21-7-2015 08:26 AM
konspirasi nak jatuhkan njib katanya..aku mampu gelak je la tgk lim kok wing gigih spin nak tipu macai
Quote bluehedgehog 21-7-2015 08:41 AM
di mesia, semua media x bole dipercayai,


Quote scorpionkiki 21-7-2015 09:57 AM
Ambik duit kita belanja kawin anak dia berani pulak kata orang nak konapirasi jatuhkan dia.:
Quote kecimpret 21-7-2015 02:20 PM
tp nak saman x berani plak..nak nafi duit masuk akaun pun tak..ujung2 gi konar konspirasi laa guling laaa...dah tersepit sgt dorang ni
Quote ss24 21-7-2015 08:57 PM
Statements terbaru dari The Edge...

We could not walk away on finding out about the scheme to cheat Malaysia of billions of ringgit
http://www.themalaysianinsider.c ... o-cheat-malaysia-of

The Edge had reported extensively on 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) in 2013 and 2014 as it emerged that the government-owned entity had run into financial difficulties.

Information was, however, scarce and limited because its annual audited financial reports were consistently late.

Our journalists have met various contacts and pored through whatever available information they could get hold of in search of the truth.

Early this year, we were told someone was willing to share information that will shed light on 1MDB’s joint venture with PetroSaudi International. We were not told who he was before we met him.
This person, whom we shall not name, showed us thousands and thousands of emails and document attachments.

We read scores of them and were convinced of their authenticity because of the sheer volume and the email trails.

We subsequently had an IT forensic expert confirm that there was no reason to worry that they were fakes.

What we read shocked us. What was supposed to be a joint venture that will bring economic benefits to the country was nothing more than a scheme to scam billions of ringgit from Malaysia by a small group of Malaysians and their foreign partners.

At that point, we could do one of two things:

1) Drop the matter like a hot potato and walk away, or

2) Get hold of everything so that the truth can be uncovered.

We decided we had to pursue the truth.

As Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Tun Musa Hitam and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said recently, those who have information that can lead to the truth must speak out and not look the other way. Not reporting a wrong doing is a crime.

Even Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin have said they want to get to the truth.

As a media group, we believe we have a public duty to do, no matter how difficult and dangerous it may be for us.

Meeting contacts to gather information is what media professionals do all the time in pursuit of a story. There is nothing wrong or sinister.

We were not involved in any theft, we did not pay anyone, and we did not tamper any of the emails and documents we were given.

In fact, we have secured the data so that no one can tamper with them. This can be independently verified by the authorities.

Some of the information have been used in articles we have published in the last few months. Some were just too sensitive to be used. None of the articles have been challenged by anyone named in these stories.

Indeed, we believe our articles have been of help to the various government agencies looking at 1MDB.

There is no political agenda or conspiracy in what we have done. In fact, we have engaged with various politicians and government officials who have sought our help to get a better understanding of what had happened and the situation 1MDB is in today.

The easiest thing we could have done after coming across what we found, was to walk away. Why look for trouble? But we could not do that.

We chose to take the difficult path, one that we knew will be fraught with risks to ourselves personally and to our organisation, which now faces the possibility of action by the Home Ministry.

On Monday, we handed documents, printed emails and a hard disc to Bank Negara. Today, the same set was given to the Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) of the Police. I also gave a statement to CCID.

We are comforted that the various investigators, the Auditor-General, the Public Accounts Committee, Bank Negara, the police, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and the Attorney-General have given their commitment to uncover the truth without fear or favour.

It is, indeed, their responsibility and their duty to the people of Malaysia to do just that. Just as it was our duty to pursue the story.

Ho Kay Tat

Publisher & Group CEO

The Edge Media Group – July 21, 2015.

- See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.c ... thash.QdyzFLJK.dpuf
Quote Tok_Batin 21-7-2015 09:01 PM
Saya rasa Malaysians dah saturated / tepu / muak kot.

Tak ada kesan apa-apa pun aku tengok.

Pendedahan begini punya besar semua orang buat derk jer

Kalau kat oversea sure meletup sana-sini kalau berita besar mcm ni.  
Quote Limao 21-7-2015 09:05 PM
On Monday, we handed documents, printed emails and a hard disc to Bank Negara. Today, the same set was given to the Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) of the Police. I also gave a statement to CCID

Hah tu dia! Bukti dihulur bersusun-susun.
Quote taikor 21-7-2015 09:22 PM
Tok_Batin replied at 21-7-2015 09:01 PM
Saya rasa Malaysians dah saturated / tepu / muak kot.

Tak ada kesan apa-apa pun aku tengok.

tak ade demo, tak ade protes. aman2 ajah. padahal, yg tidak menyebelahi bijan dan konco2 nya adalah majoriti dinegara ini
Quote dodolgemok 22-7-2015 03:42 AM
kecimpret replied at 21-7-2015 08:26 AM
konspirasi nak jatuhkan njib katanya..aku mampu gelak je la tgk lim kok wing gigih spin nak tipu mac ...

Lim cock wing dah resign dah sis, xtahan cercaan ummah barangkali. Ataupon tuannya mmg busuk amat cam bangkai tapir, selori perfume nekmah pon tak mampu tutup baunya.kahkahkah...

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