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Rumah Sembelih Lembu Di Argentina

19-5-2014 12:24 PM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 10414| Komen: 10

SlaughterhouseIMPORTANT! I warn you, this report from the slaughterhouse. Inside - photos slaughtering and butchering cows. If you think that meat grows on trees, you do not want to look at the blood and internal organs of animals, please do not come under the cut. I'm not kidding, there is a pleasant enough.

More than anything, I love steaks. I'm ready to have meat every day in large quantities, I can not help myself. I respect the rights vegateriantsev, so these lines say goodbye to them: go! You do not need a cat! Do not read on this post. Thank you.

So it was that the steaks are made of meat, and the meat does not grow on a tree, so you need to grow a good steak and score bull. Ladybugs are luckier, they live up to all the chances of a happy cow age, as they can produce milk. Almost all steers slaughtered at a young age when they are the most tender meat.

Steaks are made from the highest quality beef. In Russia, good beef is not made, so if you order a steak at a restaurant, it is almost certain it will be of foreign beef. We used to get the import of beef from the United States, then it was banned, then began to be imported from Australia, but was soon banned and its. Will now be imported from New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina. Steak is usually grown cows Angus and Hereford.

Now about fattening: is the most important story. When you buy good meat in a store is likely to see it there is an inscription: herbal or grain-fed beef. But not all so simple. Grass fed cow, of course, profitable. Too much land is lost, it is easier to plant soy field than grass for ladybugs.Grass is usually in New Zealand fed them a lot of places. But this is not the main problem. If you feed cows grass in the vast green meadows, it is impossible to control the degree of marbling (fat) beef. Therefore, in the 60-ies of the last century, Americans began to feed cows grain (corn, barley, etc.). It is more expensive but better quality meat is obtained, and can control the outcome. Japanese beer so all cows watered. Walking cow meat generally contraindicated, since meat from physical exertion will be tough. Each country comes up with their diets for cows.Americans for it a few years ago was banned in Russia, say, found in meat growth stimulator - ractopamine. Of course, banned for political reasons, not because of additives. Since March of this year, Russia banned the import of beef from Australia.

Bad news. High-quality beef in Russia was never made and not made. Bummer (((. Heard Agribusiness bought calves and began to produce, but the result of their work until the meat-eaters is not known. Once in the store will have a good domestic beef, I'll write you immediately.

So, before the beef was brought from the United States and Avtralii now switched to South America. There meat worse as fattening mostly grassy. Meat from Japan do not carry. All these Japanese marble steaks "vagyu" have always been from Australia. Good Japanese beef in Japan costs about 10 000 - 13 000 rubles per kilogram, now imagine how much would it cost us. In Russia, a premium beef - an average of 2000 to 5000 rubles per kilogram.

In Argentina meat make a long and successful. Near Buenos Aires is a slaughterhouse SUBPGA, where slaughter and butchering of cows. Meat from this ship worldwide, including in Russia.

Interesting business model slaughterhouse. In fact, this co-op. People from taking power after the owners went bankrupt. According to Argentine law, workers can seize the enterprise and create a cooperative, if the owner's financial difficulties arise.

Cows at the slaughterhouse supplies the farmer. Farmer give the carcass itself slaughterhouse reserve the entrails and skin. It is quite profitable, since the meat is only 60% of the cows. 15% of the cost - it is leather, 19% - internal organs (liver, tongue, tail, brain, etc.), and another 6 percent - the bones and blood. That is for butchering a cow slaughterhouse remains with 40% of the cows. If suddenly the cow particularly valuable, it is possible to negotiate individually.

In this day and 1500 abattoir slaughter cattle. This is not a record, in the U.S. there are slaughterhouses that can score and carve up to 30 000 head of cattle.

Incidentally, the Russian slaughterhouse appeared under Peter I, before the animals were killed in the markets in vacant lots, in the hall or in special houses "meat huts." Peter I ordered to build a slaughterhouse and issued decrees regulating the meat trade.

So, how everything happens.

01. Ladybirds delivered from the farm to the slaughterhouse

02. Here they are vet checks.




06. All right, it's time ...

07. The animals are washed under the shower

08. The narrow corridor they go to slaughter.

09. Next stun the animal, in this case - air gun, sometimes shock or stun gas mixture.

10. The animal loses consciousness immediately.

11. Immobilized animals raised by its hind legs hanging on the way


13. Next knife reveal the arteries and veins in the neck for the purpose of bleeding. Everything happens very quickly, within seconds the blood pours from the carcass. This is the most unpleasant process, I will not show it to you in detail.

14. See the left stick? She energized. Carcass receives discharge current to finally be fixed. Although the cow is already dead, the muscles can contract.

15. Next cow skinned.

16. The process is long, about 10 people on the line are cut skin.



19. Each performs an operation, gradually skinned carcasses.

20. All sterile






26. Almost Done


28. At the end of the robot removes the skin from the carcass.



31. Next carcasses retrieved from internal organs - evisceration.

32. Then sawn carcass into sides along the spine


34. Right anatomy textbook

35. Heart


37. Pork sides mopped

38. Then stigmatized

39. Pork sides give the owner or, if he wants, is cut further.

40. My favorite part - "Skert" or "butcher's steak", it is called a Bison steak "Machete", the steak from the diaphragm, a very unusual and bright flavor.

41. Meat packaged in vacuum and sent to customers worldwide. There are documents, regulating the process of butchering and describe in detail how to cut the fat and should look like one piece. In the U.S., standards relating to cutting, registered in the directory, which is called the Meat Buyer's Guide. Australians have a similar Australian Beef Product Guide, Canada - Meat Cuts Manual. Russia does not know what a steak, so our manufacturers can not offer anything.




45. Some of the meat is frozen. The temperature drops to minus 30 in minutes. Thus the cell walls do not have time to collapse the ice crystals.Subsequently, during defrosting loss juiciness minimal. Such meat is usually supplied to Russia by sea: the cheapest way. With frozen meat to work with. Moreover, you can buy a large piece of chilled beef, cut it into steaks, and then freeze in the freezer, and nothing bad will happen if the freezer is good.

46. ​​The way to sell meat in Russia, it is necessary to buy a license, it costs 60,000 dollars.

47. Insides Next go to shops and the skin over here. Here make shoes.

48. Finest Argentine shoes to order.

49. The quality of these store dog (3 of them here!)

50. Since customers are measures

51. Booked myself shoes, suddenly invited to a celebration in the Kremlin, and I have nothing to wear.

Shoes make a month, just enough meat sailing from Argentina to Russia.








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Quote pakwetizzaqyah 18-5-2014 11:55 AM
pakai stun gun dulu
Quote Nape?Tak caye? 18-5-2014 03:00 PM
halal ka ?
Quote AHMADVW 18-5-2014 06:25 PM
tak halal sbb dia stunning pkai gun,
Quote anees~nuhara 19-5-2014 08:21 AM
ya allah...terseksa lembu tuu
Quote taji2906 19-5-2014 11:05 AM
tengok otak2 lembu tu semua ada luka lebam... kena stun gun...
Quote pedet 19-5-2014 11:19 AM
mesti x halal
Quote shiraloveyou 19-5-2014 03:21 PM
ngeri menengoknyer
Quote miss_qasehs 19-5-2014 03:32 PM
tak halal kan...
Quote ice98 19-5-2014 03:56 PM
kesian tgk lembu tu macam tu diperlakukan.
die redha jd makanan manusia, tp manusia kejam je buat cara mcm tu....
Quote Artemesiaa 19-5-2014 05:06 PM
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