The real-life Legally Blonde: Law student who spent thousands on becoming a living Barbie doll hits back at bullies who called her an airhead by gaining TWO degrees
Charlotte Poole, 22, obtained a distinction in her Masters
- She bought 34F breast implants within weeks of starting university - FAKE gitu... tp pandai..
- Paid for her studies with a job at Hooters in Nottingham
- Boyfriend says he prefers her dressed down and make-up free
Model pupil: Charlotte Poole, 22, has a law degree and a first-class Masters in fashion marketing.. ko hado?? huhu aku pon xhado..
She started modelling her look on Barbie when she was 15.
Charlotte Poole became so obsessed, she dressed herself in figure-hugging corsets, dyed her hair platinum blonde and even enhanced her breasts to a curvy 34F. The style prompted a string of cruel comments from women who saw her as nothing more than a ‘brainless bimbo’. But Miss Poole is living proof that appearances can be very deceptive.
Rather than being the ‘stupid airhead’ she is often labelled, she has a law degree and masters with distinction. The 22-year-old, who has spent thousands on her looks over the years, said: ‘If I’m out with a corset on I will get attention from people saying horrible things to me as you would expect, saying I’m stupid or a slag. But because I know I’m not it makes me laugh. People are pretty surprised when they find out that I have a masters degree.
don’t make a point in telling people but if they find out it’s so funny to see their reaction.’ The graduate actually had her breast implants within two weeks of beginning her BA in law and psychology. Since then she has gone on to attain a masters in fashion marketing, also from Nottingham University, and secure a high-flying job as a social media coordinator for a fashion company. Miss Poole, who also boasts 12 GCSEs and 3 A Levels on her CV, began modelling herself on Barbie because she was insecure about her own looks.
She went on to dye her hair and now refers to the stylised Barbie alter ego she adopts on nights out as ‘Charlotte Elizabeth’. ‘I loved Barbie dolls and I loved the Barbie look after watching Melinda Messenger and Pamela Anderson on TV,’ she said. ‘I worried about the way I looked so I started wearing make-up and dressing up. I couldn’t even go to the corner shop without wearing full make-up and it just went on from there.
dengan patung kegemaran nya iaitu barbie..
gambar masa umur 16 tahun.... huhu dah macam beso aje... sbb dah mula mem-fake kan diri
dgn balaknya yang bangga sbb awek CUN (even tho fake) and pandai sgt.\
tp dia prefer awweknya dressing normal tanpa make up.. awww.. harus la lawa.. sbb plastik ko..
Last edited by cikatilia on 2-1-2013 02:43 PM