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[Idea] Teknik Alami Mengembangkan Kecerdasan Anak

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Post time 29-11-2016 01:16 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Otak kita ialah anggota tubuh paling sempurna yang pernah dikagumi di dunia ini. Ia merupakan satu-satunya anggota tubuh yang memiliki kemampuan bertumbuh secara menakjubkan, sehingga dapat meneliti dirinya sendiri.

Para pakar memperkirakan, bahwa apabila organ ini memperoleh suplai energi dengan pas, udara segar yang baik, serta lingkungan yang memancing rangsangan yang sempurna, maka bagian ini akan bisa tetap bertahan secara aktif dan reactive selama lebih dari satu abad.

Di dalam otak kita tertanam kehebatan yang sangat luar biasa. Otak manusia menyembunyikan potensi yang selevel dengan otak Einstein. Perbedaan antara setiap orang adalah pada kadar penggunaannya, apakah seutuhnya atau belum cukup.

Semua orang pasti mampu menjadi cerdas. Realitanya, terkecuali bila terjangkit kerusakan, otak manusia nyaris selevel kemampuannya kala terlahir. Tetapi berbagai hal setelahnya menjadikan otak setiap orang berkembang dan memiliki tingkat kepandaian yang berbeda-beda.

Lalu, apa saja poin yang mempengaruhi kecerdasan otak kita? Para pakar menyatakan bahwa kurang lebih terdapat tiga hal yang paling berpengaruh terhadap sistem kerja otak. Tiga hal tadi antara lain ialah rangsangan, oksigen, dan energi (nutrisi).

1. Rangsangan

Rangsangan menjadi poin yang paling diperhatikan oleh kebanyakan orang demi memaksimalkan kinerja organ penting ini. Itu memang bagus, hanya saja jika diutamakan hingga sangat berlebih dan tidak mempedulikan faktor lainnya, tentu hanya akan menjadikan anak semakin depresi semata.

Pendapat yang menyebutkan "Rajin Belajar Pangkal Pandai" begitu diutamakan masyarakat di sini untuk terus mengembangkan otaknya. Karenanya, kebanyakan anak Indonesia dihantui dengan kadar pelajaran yang berlebih.

Dengan asumsi pentingnya menyiapkan anak-anak untuk berkompetisi di masa yang akan datang, kini orang tua berlomba-lomba menyerahkan putra mereka di sekolah full day, di mana anak belajar dari pukul tujuh pagi hingga sore hari, lalu kembali ke rumah dengan beroleh-olehkan PR.

Sayang, banyak orang tua tidak mempertimbangkan sebuah kenyataan, bahwa berfungsi optimalnya otak anak tak semata karena banyaknya materi pelajaran yang diberikan saja. Pada nyatanya, tak sedikit siswa yang tetap saja tak sanggup mengangkat prestasinya, sekalipun sudah diberi berbagai materi pelajaran tambahan.

2. Asupan Oksigen (O2)

Setelah rangsangan, faktor selanjutnya yang berperan tinggi dalam mempengaruhi kinerja otak kita ialah oksigen. Suplai oksigen yang terpenuhi ke arah saraf otak akan sangat membantu bagi perkembangan otak manusia. Sebaliknya, apabila asupan udara segar ke otak tidak tercukupi, kemungkinan besar otak akan mengalami gangguan.

3. Nutrisi dan Energi

Salah satu poin yang sering dilupakan ialah bahwa otak butuh nutrisi. Faktanya, saraf otak ialah pemakan nutrisi paling banyak di badan setiap orang. Pada anak kecil, 30% nutrisi dalam tubuhnya dipakai oleh otak.

Otak kita tersusun dari milyaran sel saraf yang disebut neuron. Ketika kita berfikir, neuron-neuron ini akan berinteraksi dengan sel-sel sarah lain melalui vibrasi di dekat cabangnya (dendrit). Keadaan inilah yang akan menentukan keahlian seseorang untuk berpikir dan mempelajari suatu hal.

Untuk itu, sekarang mari kita bayangkan, apabila terdapat jutaan sel saraf di otak ini, lalu setiap neuron mampu berinteraksi dengan seluruh neuron lainnya. Pakar-pakar memperkirakan, peluang hubungan yang terjadi pada otak kita, bahkan melewati banyaknya atom di dunia ini. Luar biasa bukan?

Permasalahannya, setiap interaksi saraf otak ini perlu energi yang banyak pula. Makin banyak hubungan yang terjalin antar sel otak, bertambah banyak juga nutrisi yang dibutuhkan. Boleh dibayangkan, ketika asupan nutrisi ini tidak memenuhi takarannya, otak akan tidak mendapat cukup energi, melemah, dan sebagian akan rusak. Itulah sebabnya, banyak anak yang diberikan materi tambahan, prestasinya bukannya bertambah, tetapi menjadi makin berkurang.

Brainking Plus, produk satu-satunya yang berfungsi mencukupi energi terhadap otak anak. Dengan konsumsi Brainking Plus, kebutuhan nutrisi untuk otak kita akan tercukupi. Tapi wajib dipahami, agar selalu beli herbal ini di penjual Brainking Plus asli demi berhati-hati dari Brainking Plus palsu.



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Post time 2-1-2017 08:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Saya makan pistachio je

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Post time 3-1-2017 05:37 AM | Show all posts

mahal la..
sy cuba mkn kismis
slalu cepat je abis

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Post time 3-1-2017 08:46 AM | Show all posts
Muak lelama makan kismis.
makan kacang bendi rebus pon boleh.

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Post time 11-1-2017 11:38 PM | Show all posts
selain pemakanan (mcm produk indon yg tt iklankan),

try attend kursus2 berkaitan. cer gugel 'mid brain' atau 'mid brain activation'.  
dlm kursus tu, tenaga pengajar akan ajar kita tentang aura. minda separa
sedar, teknik pernafasan dan pengaktifan otak tengah.
lebih tinggi daya imaginasi, lebih tinggi kemungkinan kita miliki
kelebihan 'extra-ordinary power'.
bg yg terlalu berpikiran logik, terlalu rasional (otak kiri), bukan
takbleh, cuma lambat sket kot?



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Post time 12-1-2017 08:36 AM | Show all posts
bangcak replied at 11-1-2017 10:38 PM
selain pemakanan (mcm produk indon yg tt iklankan),

try attend kursus2 berkaitan. cer gugel 'mid ...

Menarik midbrain ni. Bukak la satu thread boleh kongsi maklumat

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Post time 20-1-2017 05:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Menarik topik ni.. ibu boleh share any tips utk ransang minda anak yg berkesan? Kanak2 ni mcm sponge cepat serap dan faham.

Antara yg sy pernah dgr talk, dedahkn anak2 dgn permainan yg dia boleh guna pancaindera, deria rasa, sentuh...
Galakkan penggunaan tgn kiri dan kanan yg boleh ransang penggunaan otak kiri dan kanan.



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Post time 20-1-2017 05:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Limitkan penggunaan alat elektronik dan gadjet spt tv dan handphone

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Post time 20-1-2017 05:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 20-1-2017 05:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
seribulan replied at 3-1-2017 08:46 AM
Muak lelama makan kismis.
makan kacang bendi rebus pon boleh.

Samalah dgn anak. Kecik2 dulu selalu jugak makan kismis. Tp skrg nampak kismis langsung tak nak makab

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Post time 20-1-2017 05:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mungkin boleh cuba kacang badam. Ok jugak kan?



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Post time 20-1-2017 08:55 PM | Show all posts
caramel_cloud9 replied at 20-1-2017 04:52 PM
Mungkin boleh cuba kacang badam. Ok jugak kan?

Yup. Ikan tongkol @ kayu bagus utk otak.

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Post time 24-1-2017 03:44 PM | Show all posts
Anak bongsu umur 2 tahun. Sebelum ni suka main gadget. Risau takut addicted. Jadi saya ubah tempat toys dia di ruang tamu, di mana kami selalu duduk santai. Nampak bersepah, tapi dia dah tak attach dengan gadget, dan lebih banyak bermain "physical" toys.



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Post time 24-1-2017 04:03 PM | Show all posts

6 Herbs to Help Boost Your Brain Power The natural way

Christina Sarich

by Christina Sarich
Posted on December 2, 2014

If you want to join the ranks of the smartest people alive today, you might be able to get a little edge from taking some natural brain power-boosting herbs. Only .05% of people have recorded IQs of over 140. If you want to have the brilliance of Stephen Hawking or the intellectual gusto of Kim Ung-Yong who was auditing college courses at the ripe old age of 4, you can try these 6 plants to get those brain cells charged up and ready to fire:

1. & 2. Periwinkle & Ginseng

Both of these herbs improve cognitive function. They have both been studied by researchers at the University of Northumbria in Tyne, England, and can be used together to boost cognitive abilities. Ginseng is great as an alternative to synthetic medications (like those prescribed for ADHD or ADD). It is also known to possess compounds that help protect us from radiation.

3. Vincristine

Extracted from Periwinkle as a natural constituent,vincristine is one of the most powerful anticancer drugs in the world. In fact, it has significantly increased the survival rate for acute childhood leukemia; however, periwinkle’s vincsristine also offers huge positive neuro-cognitive effects, and even reduces brain tumors.

4. Gotu Kola

While this herb is said to boost brain power in general, gotu kola is also considered to be an adaptogen, which means it lowers stress. Stress has an incredibly abhorrent affect on our brain’s ability to process information and to see things clearly –acting rapidly via catecholamines and more slowly via glucocorticoids. Catecholamine actions involve beta adrenergic receptors and also availability of glucose, whereas glucocorticoids biphasically modulate synaptic plasticity over hours and also produce longer-term changes in dendritic structure that last for weeks – dumbing us down, essentially, with every shallow breath and wrinkled eye-brow. Gotu Kola can help to minimize this reaction and

5. Smelling Rosemary

A team of scientists from the University of Northumbria, UK, has discovered that one of the active essential oils which gives rosemary its favorable scent improves speed and accuracy when performing certain mental tasks. Thanks to 8-cineole, the main chemical constituent in the plant, we can score higher on tests and just function better mentally on a daily basis from smelling the herb. In fact, the higher the levels of 8-cineole in the Rosemary bush, the higher the test scores as evidenced in the journal Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology. Needless to say, boosting the brain is just one of many rosemary benefits.

6. Ginkgo Biloba

This herb actually helps to regenerate brain cells. While the research isn’t conclusive, numerous studies have found this herb to be beneficial for improving memory and adding intellectual zeal. If you are taking blood thinning medications; however, you should check with your doctor before ingesting since the herb can cause brain bleeding if used in connection with blood thinners. Otherwise, the herb is perfectly safe and has been used for millennia. It is at least 250 million years old. Now, that’s a smart tree!

(Yes, we know simply consuming these herbs won’t literally make you a genius).

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Post time 24-1-2017 04:28 PM | Show all posts

Top 10 Brain Food for Children

Want your child to do better in school? Take a close look at diet. Certain "brain foods" may help boost a child's brain growth -- plus improve brain function, memory, and concentration.

In fact, the brain is a very hungry organ -- the first of the body's organs to absorb nutrients from the food we eat, explains Bethany Thayer, MS, RD, a Detroit nutritionist and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association (ADA).

"Give the body junk food, and the brain is certainly going to suffer," she tells WebMD.

Growing bodies need many types of nutrients -- but these 10 superfoods will help kids get the most from school.

1. Brain Food: Salmon
2. Brain Food: Eggs
3. Brain Food: Peanut Butter
4. Brain Food: Whole Grains
5. Brain Food: Oats/Oatmeal
6. Brain Food: Berries
7. Brain Food: Beans
8. Brain Food: Colorful Veggies
9. Brain Food: Milk & Yogurt
10. Brain Food: Lean Beef (or Meat Alternative)

sumber: ... oods-for-children#1

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Post time 24-1-2017 04:32 PM | Show all posts
20 Ways to Boost Your Baby's Brain Power

by Jimmie Davis

At birth, your baby's brain contains 100 billion neurons (as many as there are stars in the Milky Way)! During his first years, he will grow trillions of brain-cell connections, called neural synapses.

The rule for brain wiring is "use it or lose it." Synapses that are not "wired together" through stimulation are pruned and lost during a child's school years. Although an infant's brain does have some neurological hard wiring (such as the ability to learn any language), it is more pliable and more vulnerable than an adult's brain. And, amazingly, a toddler's brain has twice as many neural connections as an adult's.

When you provide loving, language-enriched experiences for your baby, you are giving his brain's neural connections and pathways more chances to become wired together. In turn, he will acquire rich language, reasoning, and planning skills.
1. Give your baby a physically healthy start before he is born. Stay healthy while you are pregnant, and be aware that certain drugs can be destructive to your baby's brain in utero. Many children who were drug-abused in the womb struggle with severe learning problems and suddenly act with unprovoked aggressive behaviors. Studies have also revealed that cigarette smoking during pregnancy causes lower fourth-grade reading scores.
2. Have meaningful conversations. Respond to infant coos with delighted vocalizations. Slowly draw out your syllables in a high-pitched voice as you exclaim, "Pretty baby!" This talk is called "parentese." The areas in the brain for understanding speech and producing language need your rich input.
3. Play games that involve the hands (patty-cake, peekaboo, this little piggy). Babies respond well to learning simple sequential games.
4. Be attentive. When your baby points, be sure to follow with your gaze and remark on items or events of interest to her. This "joint attention" confirms for your baby how important her interests and observations are to you.
5. Foster an early passion for books. Choose books with large and colorful pictures, and share your baby's delight in pointing and making noises — say, the animal sounds to go along with farm pictures. Modulate the tone of your voice; simplify or elaborate on story lines; encourage toddlers to talk about books. Remember that building your baby's receptive language (understanding spoken words) is more important than developing his expressive language (speaking) in infancy.
6. Use diaper time to build your baby's emotional feelings of having a "lovable body." Stroke your baby's tummy and hair. Studies have shown that babies who are not often touched have brains that are smaller than normal for their age. Also, when diapering your baby, you are at the ideal 12 to 18 inches from her eyes to attract attention to your speech.
7. Choose developmentally appropriate toys that allow babies to explore and interact. Toys such as a windup jack-in-the-box or stackable blocks help your baby learn cause-and-effect relationships and "if-then" reasoning. If a baby stacks a big block on a smaller one, the top block falls off. If he successfully stacks a small block on a bigger one, he "wires in" the information.
8. Respond promptly when your baby cries. Soothe, nurture, cuddle, and reassure him so that you build positive brain circuitry in the limbic area of the brain, which relates to emotions. Your calm holding and cuddling, and your day-to-day intimate engagement with your baby, signal emotional security to the brain.
9. Build trust by being attentive and focused. Babies who are securely attached to you emotionally will be able to invest more life energy in the pleasures of exploration, learning, and discovery.
10. Use body massage to decrease your infant's stress and enhance her feelings of well-being and emotional security. Loving touches promote growth in young babies. Research has shown that premature babies who are massaged three times daily are ready to leave the hospital days earlier than babies who do not receive massages.
11. Enlist help from your toddler at clean-up times — a good way to practice categorization. Toddlers learn that stuffed animals have one place to go for "night-night" time; cars, trucks, and other vehicles also have their special storage place. Children need to learn about sorting into categories and seriation (placing things in order; for example, from littlest to biggest) as part of their cognitive advancement in preschool.
12. Set up a safe environment for your crawling baby or toddler. Spatial learning is important, and your mobile child will begin to understand parameters such as under, over, near, and far. He will be able to establish mental maps of his environment and a comfortable relationship with the world in which he lives.
13. Sing songs such as "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Ring-Around-the-Rosy." The body motions and finger play will help your baby integrate sounds with large and small motor actions. Songs also enhance your child's learning of rhythms, rhymes, and language patterns.
14. Match your tempo to your child's temperament. Some children adjust easily to strange situations, some are bold and impulsive, and some are quite shy. Go with the flow as you try to increase a shy child's courage and comfort level. Help a highly active child safely use his wonderful energy while learning impulse control. Your acceptance will give him the comfort he needs to experiment and learn freely.
15. Make meals and rest times positive. Say the names of foods out loud as your baby eats. Express pleasure as she learns to feed herself, no matter how messy the initial attempts may be. This will wire in good associations with mealtime and eating. Battles and nagging about food can lead to negative emotional brain patterns.
16. Provide clear responses to your baby's actions. A young, developing brain learns to make sense of the world if you respond to your child's behavior in predictable, reassuring, and appropriate ways. Be consistent.
17. Use positive discipline. Create clear consequences without frightening or causing shame to your child. If your toddler acts inappropriately, such as by hitting another child, get down to his eye level, use a low, serious tone of voice, and clearly restate the rule. Keep rules simple, consistent, and reasonable for your child's age. Expecting a toddling baby not to touch a glass vase on a coffee table is not reasonable. Expecting a toddler to keep sand in the sandbox and not throw it is reasonable.
18. Model empathic feelings for others. Use "teachable moments" when someone seems sad or upset to help your toddler learn about feelings, caring, sharing, and kindness. The more brain connections you create for empathic responses and gentle courtesies, the more these brain circuits will be wired in. This helps not only with language and cognitive learning, but with positive emotional skills, too!
19. Arrange supervised play with messy materials, such as water, sand, and even mud. This will teach your toddler about the physics and properties of mixtures and textures, liquids and solids. During bath time, the brain wires in knowledge about water, slippery soap, and terry towel textures. Sensory experiences are grist for the learning brain.
20. Express joy and interest in your baby. Let your body language, your shining eyes, your attentiveness to babbling and baby activities, and your gentle caresses and smiles validate the deeply lovable nature of your little one.



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Post time 25-1-2017 04:08 PM | Show all posts
any tips utk kurangkan anak dengan phone? lately ni asyik nak handphone wlwpun tv kat depan tu upin ipin.

sorry if OT.

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Post time 25-1-2017 07:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Acikayumii replied at 25-1-2017 03:08 PM
any tips utk kurangkan anak dengan phone? lately ni asyik nak handphone wlwpun tv kat depan tu upin  ...

Yg ni iceman ada post atas tu...

Anak bongsu umur 2 tahun. Sebelum ni suka main gadget. Risau takut addicted. Jadi saya ubah tempat toys dia di ruang tamu, di mana kami selalu duduk santai. Nampak bersepah, tapi dia dah tak attach dengan gadget, dan lebih banyak bermain "physical" toys

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