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Author: cajAzhari

2PM : 1:59 heartbeat~♥ *can u feel my heartbeat??

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Post time 10-9-2009 08:45 AM | Show all posts
aku tak tau plak pasal nie...
mmg bz sikit kebelakangan nie...
tue yg tak sempat masuk forum...
bila masuk forum....
kenapa leh mcm nie....

nie dh nk berderai air mata nie...
ada gak takleh buat keje...

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Post time 10-9-2009 08:58 AM | Show all posts
Moogadang's Phryme(?) expresses his sorrow for Jaebum, stating that this was a witch hunt with no witch.

Hebasically yells at the netizens for acting so shamelessly, "...askingthem to think back to the times they said 'I'm so hungry I could die.'Everyone makes statements and actions that they cannot uphold. Do notbe hypocrites and point the arrow at Jaebum. There are far harshercelebrities that still appear on TV, who have committed crimes fargreater than Jaebum's."


2PM의 리더 박재범의 탈퇴와 미국행에 대한 팬들의 슬픔이 JYP 프로듀서 박진영에 대한 분노로 변해가고 있다.

Afterthe leave of Jaebum, 150,000 fans are now turning their sadness intoanger towards JYP for his failure to protect 2PM. They are expressingtheir frustration and anger at his silence and are painstakinglywaiting for a response.

cr soompi

jyp senyap lg

There are far harsher celebrities that still appear on TV, who have committed crimes far greater than Jaebum's.

couldnt agree more

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Post time 10-9-2009 09:02 AM | Show all posts
kak ben...
waaaa... ak terpkse banned jap 2pm.. kalo x ak nanes...
nk jay...
aima87 Post at 10-9-2009 00:53

maser seben tempeks gifs nih pon tetiber mengalir ayer mater... mmg sadis sesgt...ottoke?

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Post time 10-9-2009 09:02 AM | Show all posts
aku tak tau plak pasal nie...
mmg bz sikit kebelakangan nie...
tue yg tak sempat masuk forum...
bila masuk forum....
kenapa leh mcm nie....
IenaJb Post at 10-9-2009 08:45

ktorg dh puas nanes ingtkan jay...
ari 2, dlm kls pn nanes...
sme keje x leh wt...

i just want jay...
please come back

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Post time 10-9-2009 09:07 AM | Show all posts
Jay's Picture Removed From 2pm's Group Picture, in the 2009 Dream Concert poster >:O

                                the title speaks for itself.





credits: naver.

honestly,out of common courtesy for his devastated fans, the least they could'vedone was wait a little. the fact that they deliberately ps-ed hispicture out of a picture we know jaebum was in ..

i don't think they realize what they just did. this is asking for war. hottests are upset. people are starting to call it "싸우자 드림콘서트". you can only imagine what's going to happen.

'09 dream concert's going to be a mess.                                                                                               

cr soompi
kijam tol

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Post time 10-9-2009 09:10 AM | Show all posts
ktorg dh puas nanes ingtkan jay...
ari 2, dlm kls pn nanes...
sme keje x leh wt...

i just want jay...
please come back
aima87 Post at 10-9-2009 09:02

takpe ar...
terpaksalah nanes sorang2...
nk buat mcm mana...ari nie leh teringat masuk forum...
ingat nk berkongsi kegembiraan tgk drg kat SBGC...

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Post time 10-9-2009 09:12 AM | Show all posts
lg news psl dream concert

[NEWS] Dream Concert Poster Published without 2PM's Jaebum

The staff of the dream concert revealed that 'Despite 2PM's problems wehave no recieved anything about their abscence in the concert' also 'Itlooks like 2PM will be on stage with no problem'.

Also on adifferent Concerts homepage it shows 2PM's poster without Jaebeum 'JYPentertainment has not requested this' also 'This was made by thehomepage techincian'

JYP entertainment has not yet given a statement about 2PM's comeback.

Alsothis Dream concert 2PM's and also DBSK's participation has attractedmany fans. In April DBSK made a contract with dream concert howeverrecently there were rumours that they were not attending. Recently withall the problems Dream Concerts line up has been the center ofattention recently.

Credit: Star today + ♥2pm♥@2ONEDAY.COM (Trans)


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Post time 10-9-2009 09:33 AM | Show all posts
suke bace LJ-ers ni nye komen

Fellow K-Pop stars show support for Jaebeom  
                                       I'msure that it's very comforting (yet probably burdening) to Jaebeom toknow that his friends are still his friends even if this has allhappened. Celebrities such as BaekGa of Koyote, Boom, and even fellow One Day members express their remorse for their friend Jaebeom.

Also,the third song from 2PM's single album "Again & Again" has reachednumber one in the charts, followed by "Only You." This song, translatedto "You Might Come Back", probably held some meaning for Hottests, as it's about a man waiting for his lover who has left.In my own strange interpretation, I think they're using this song toreach out to Jaebeom and say, "hey, we're all waiting for you, we'retreasuring the time you gave us, please come back soon" but I don'tknow, it could be just me, lol. As for "Only You", I think they'retrying to say that only Jaebeom could ever fill the empty spot in 2PMand he's the only person they want back. But hey, take it however youwant to, but I know one thing's for sure: I have both of these songs onrepeat, and I can't help but tear a little everytime I hear them.

One more thing before I give you the main piece of news: 2PM (and DBSK, but this is a 2PM site!) may not be performing at the Dream Concert that's coming up this October. Nothing'sassumed, but for right now, I don't think they are without a leader.(Plus, if you look at the Dream Concert poster, Jaebeom's beencompletely cut out -___-)

br tau u might come back tu lagu AAA

BaekGa of Koyote
The people who almost drove me insane with the pervert accusations about two months ago have done it again. They have sacrificed a co worker, and a good friend. You kill with your fingers where no one can see you, and they have made sad, unnecessary sacrifices, but you say it doesn't even affect you in the heart. All I can say is that I am truly scared. People make mistakes. He was a young kid going through a tough time and yet they made it seem like he still had bad thoughts in his mind...The entertainment business to the naked eye can be joyful and satisfying, but the mental and the physical pain we have to go through before we get to that point is indescribable. I wish you guys can stop...If he made the same mistakes twice, then he is to blame, but if you give him enough time to elaborate on his actions, he will become a better person. Finally, I know you all might think that I am writing with no credibility, but this is solely my opinion and I stand by it. But before you curse or judge me, look into yourself and see how clean of a person you are first.

BaekGa of Koyote

For those of you who aren't into old school k-pop, Baekga was accusedof being a pervert after some perverted picture appeared on theinternet (GO FIGURE) but in the end, the person in the picture wasn'treally him (WOW, ISN'T THAT IRONIC).

I like what he says here.It's basically what I really want the netizens to realize. They're notmessing around with some toy - they're messing with a real person withreal feelings. I sometimes don't think they understand that; justbecause someone's a celebrity doesn't mean they're made up of freakingrock. GAWD, EVERYBODY HAS FEELINGS, OKAY? Think twice before you kill with your fingers(love this line!) because everyone knows that even if you act all hardon the internet, it's like (sorry if this is offensive to anyone!)winning the special olympics for the retarded because in the end, you're still special.I hope this teaches a good kungfu queen lesson to all the netizens outthere. Even the Japanese netizens are afraid of Korean netizens - they're amazed by how extreme K-netizens can make of the situation that really shouldn't be blown this much out of proportion.And they're right, it's damn scary. It's unbelieveable how easily oneperson can ruin another person's life. Think twice before you postsomething on the internet, dumbasses. The world does not revolve aroundyou. -__-

The last line is gold.
He's exactly right.

btol2...tgk diri senirik dlu sblom tuduh2 org len...ala2 saint sgt ke

Boom's Cyworld entry:

My heart is hurting very much
My heart feels like it’s being torn apart because he is a dongseng that I love
Because I believe and love my dongseng I believe that he will return with a better appearance
Today my heart is hurting very much
Jaebeom, hyung will work harder so that when you return I can protect and hug you with a warmer embrace
Please return healthy………
I love you……………

Boom made me tear up again. T_T He and 2PM have always had such a greatrelationship, especially throughout Idol World and all the othervariety shows they were on together. It saddens me to see him so upsetas well. YOU SEE, NETIZENS? BY HURTING ONE PERSON, YOU CAN HURT THE ENTIRE WORLD.

Jokwon's Cyworld entry:

The first song we practiced together..
We felt nervous and excited..

I always pray.
That it won't be such a hard journey..

I believe you will get stronger
because you're my brother.

When Kwon says that Jaebeom was his brother, my heart broke again. Andwhen he mentioned the first song they practiced together, my heartbroke once again! It's so heartbreaking, how the One Day boys are soupset by this. It's not 2PM, it's also 2AM. They all trained togetherand now... the brother they love has left.

Junsu's Cyworld entry:

Through the wind, fall came.
Out of nowhere, the fall scent has arrived....
The bright blue sky
It keeps making me cry.
Even the sky is making me cry
in the fall of 2009.

As expected, Junsu is so poetic. This is so sweet and it just makes mewant to cry even more to know that Junsu is also crying. Imagine howupset the 2PM members are - and we think we're really upset! Losing a hyung, a brother, a leader, it must be terrible.

Chansung's Cyworld entry:

Let's walk together.

AW, CHANSUNGIE T___T I teared up when I saw this. Maknae, you know howto make my heart hurt ); Through this one line, you can definitely seehow Chansung still supports Jaebeom and how he still wants to be withhim. 7-1=0, and it's a fact.

Wooyoung had posted his support earlier than Junsu and Chansung did by posting the famous line: "2PM, we are not seven, we are one" onhis Cyworld account. But those damn netizens (big surprise) bombardedhis minihompy with statements saying that he was only covering for hisfellow member. You dumbasses, Jaebeom wasn't only a member, he was also his brother. Have some consideration please. Chansung's one-lined entry was also taken down for the same reason.I can't believe that 2PM can't even express their love and support fortheir leader (Park Jaebeom will always be 2PM's leader in my world)without getting flamed. (Sorry to all underage kids) kungfu you,netizens, kungfu YOU. I just want karma to be a really big bitch rightnow.

Long post, but I ramble.

All translation credit to: allkpop

cr hottest2pm LJ

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Post time 10-9-2009 10:03 AM | Show all posts
mak ai tak patot betol buang JBum dari poster adoi.. gila btoi depa ni

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Post time 10-9-2009 10:13 AM | Show all posts
drastiknye....dan dan terus remove gamba jay! mcm die yg salah je plak! tak paham aku motip disebalik kes neh!:geram:

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Post time 10-9-2009 10:15 AM | Show all posts
saje nak menjatuhkan orang time da na naik.. biasala tu.. DENGKI SOKMO!!

sapelah yg dok tepek comment mespes tu.. tah2 kawan bek dia sendiri cheist x pon stalker yg mmg hebak gila! bodo la!

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Post time 10-9-2009 10:43 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by se7enstarz at 10-9-2009 00:05

rmbr this hottest?  dr ep 2 arnab lior...jay... bogoshippoyo...

http://i297.photobucket.c ...
se7enstarz Post at 9-9-2009 23:58

skang ni biler tgk wajah jay automatik rasa nk nangis

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Post time 10-9-2009 10:47 AM | Show all posts

biniwills Post at 10-9-2009 07:23

sedih tul baca artikel nih
jay please comeback again...

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Post time 10-9-2009 11:25 AM | Show all posts
yang paling sakit hati skrg, no offence laaa, yg byk show support kat jay sume sunbae2 dlm industry...mana kawan2 idol groups yg seangkatan?!sume senyap sunyi support in silence sbb takut kena bashing!takpon kena warned ngn management freedom of expression at all kat korea nieyh...kalo cenggini, i totally give up ngn ridiculous!

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Post time 10-9-2009 11:29 AM | Show all posts
jgn gitu aaa... tp mmg aaa bila jadik mende2 gini susah nk reda... dak2 idol ni lak ikat contract keje ala2 maut ajew satu hal.. mgnt strict pun satu hal.... eekssss mmg mengerikan...

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Post time 10-9-2009 11:31 AM | Show all posts
jyp had come out with a statement...truly heartbreaking and devastated...

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Post time 10-9-2009 11:36 AM | Show all posts

details psl jay nyer situation dari A-Z....great writing...nangis baca...

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Post time 10-9-2009 11:36 AM | Show all posts
jyp senyap msti ade sbb
i still trust him
die xkan nk buang jay cam tu aje
die yg bwk blk jay dr us ke korea
msti die tgh pikir jln nih
jyp hwaiting

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Post time 10-9-2009 11:37 AM | Show all posts
makin berderai air mata nie baca statement2 nie...

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Post time 10-9-2009 11:40 AM | Show all posts

The reason why we debuted Jaebum

Many people were shocked of what our friend Jaebum wrote four years ago as it was released. Of course, these were very shocking words. If another celebrity were to have written the same note, I would feel angry and betrayed also. But for those of us who have known Jaebum for a while, we are not surprised by it. Why we are not surprised is that we knew Jaebum was that kind of child before.

When he came to Korea four years ago, he was an edgy, inferior kid. He looked at Korea foolishly, his fellow trainees foolishly, the staff foolishly, and I even thought he looked at me foolishly. I thought he looked at the career of being a celebrity foolishly. He was a kid who would rather have b-boyed in the streets rather than become a celebrity. Fighting with the staff and trainers were innumerable and he would sometimes even say things such as “we’ll see who gets the best of it” after fighting with one of the staff. He even didn’t like our company and would name another company and asked us to send him to them.

What surprised us more than anything is that when he was asked the question of him being confident in succeeding, he replied saying, “I’m confident in succeeding as long as I do not receive music of Park Jin Young.” From time on the staff asked me why I was keeping this inferior, messed up child. Due to the situation for him being like this then, he was just writing to his dearest friend and hearing him of these words doesn’t surprise me.

Why did I keep this child?

I like kids who are inferior. I don’t like kids who act nice on the exterior and calculate every one of their thoughts but if they are bad and they show it, I like it. If their emotions come out naturally, I have hopes for them. Jaebum outwardly showed us by looking at me including the staff foolishly. I liked that. In our company, our artists or even trainees, who has the courage to outwardly say “I am confident in succeeding as long I don’t receive music from Park Jin Young”? I found the situation all too fun. Most inferior kids have a lot of energy but most don’t get a chance to show the energy openly. Also many are unable to meet trustworthy people who can help them release their energy. So I believed there would be hope if I could help him feel the excitement of being on stage and help him trust the company staff, and me because I could see so much potential in him.

In this world, to Jaebum, there were only two types of people, his family and strangers. From the people I know, he cared for his family the most. In interviews he would talk about not because he wanted a cool car and clothes but because he wanted to help his hard-working parents and give them a break. This was the biggest motivation that led Jaebum to becoming a singer. Because of this reason he work harder than anyone else. His attitude was negative but his practice was the best.

Seeing those images of him I thought, ‘If he went out and thought of these company people, and the colleague trainees and our nation’s people has his family then this kid can be and outstanding kid.’ So one day I said to him, “Jaebum-ah, we don't need to be blood-related to be family. Please open your heart first. Then others can also be your family.” Stacking these kinds of efforts bit by bit he slowly began to change. He began to embrace the colleagues he used to tease and look down on saying they were picked because they were good looking, he began to share personal conversations with the company staff and started to like standing on stage. His crooked expression became brighter and his dance and song began to shine. He met music, and met good colleagues so his energy finally began to spill out on the stage. I finally decided their debut and selected him to be the team’s leader. The other 6 people trusted his honesty and followed him. After debut no matter how last things finished he brought his dongsengs to practice, and always thought of his dongsengs before he thought of himself. After that as the promotions began he was moved by the entertainment people who treated him warmly, and was moved by the hot blooded love he received from the Korean fans. Through meeting good people, good colleagues, good fans, and more than anything meeting music he eventually changed.

Though it was miserable, now when he was just beginning to be happy like a scene in a movie those words from his crooked times 4 years ago were revealed. He was very sorry. To his 2PM dongsengs, to me, to the company workers, to the fans, and more than anything to those Korean people who warmly welcomed and valued him. He said that if he hesitated here any longer he felt that he would be hated by his 2PM dongsengs. And more than anything he said he had no confidence to stand on stage in this kind of state. I knew what words those were so I couldn’t grab him. This is because if I were him I think I would have made the same decision. And so he left. In the last email he sent he said ‘I’VE BEEN A LITTLE PUNK IN THE PAST. I JUST WANT TO LET YOU KNOW THAT IT WAS A LIFE CHANGING ECPERIENCE. IT MAFE ME A MUCH BETTER MUCH STRONGER PERSON AND I’M THANKFUL FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME. REAL TALK.’ My heart hurt like it was ripping. But because of the great big betrayal that the general public was feeling after receiving Jaebum’s words, I couldn’t recklessly say anything.

But the thing that I can say with confidence is that Jaebum’s image you saw on TV was not fake. Though Jaebum might have been off at times he was never wicked. Even when he was off, and again when he was bright he wasn’t a kid who hid his true feelings. When he was off he openly was off and when he was warm he treated everyone well honestly. The reason I’m writing this is not to change everyone’s anger. I know well that this isn’t something to be changed easily. Simply with the heart that if Jaebum possibly is seen that he does not receive any cold glares.

I know well of the thought of the fans who are no less than the general public’s anger, I am listening to everyone’s words. But what’s important now is not 2PM’s Park Jaebum but the young man Park Jaebum. I think it’s very important that Jaebum now looks back at himself and reflects. So as I have I would like it if everyone respected Jaebum’s decision

Lastly I want to say sorry to everyone once again.


cdt 2oneday

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