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Korean Entertainment News 2012 - 2013

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2013 01:08 PM | Show all posts

March 29, 2013

'New World' Gets High Praise in U.S.

The ChosunIlbo

"New World" has received rave reviews in the United States since its release in North America on March 22.

The New York Times said "'New World' is both less bloody and more thoughtful than most of its genre, the shifting-alliances plot becoming more engrossing as it progresses."

And the Los Angeles Times wrote that "writer-director Park Hoon-jung tells this twisty story of internecine warfare within a Korean corporate crime syndicate with patience, elegance and no small amount of bloodshed."

Another critic said that no one has made a gangster movie like "New World" in the United States for the past few years.

The film is soon expected to top 4.5 million viewers in Korea.

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2013 01:09 PM | Show all posts

March 29, 2013

Teen Idols 'Dating'

The ChosunIlbo

Jung Yong-hwa (left) and Seo-hyun

Seo-hyun of girl band Girls' Generation and Jung Yong-hwa of boy band CN Blue may be dating, TV Chosun reported on Thursday.

The two pop stars were spotted wearing the same T-shirts, scarves and sneakers, and ardent fans suspect that means they are an item.

But their agents, SM Entertainment and FNC Entertainment, flatly denied the rumor.

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2013 01:10 PM | Show all posts

March 29, 2013

Stars Make Surprise Appearances at Seoul Motor Show

The ChosunIlbo

Actor Ha Jung-woo stole the spotlight when he made a surprise appearance at the opening of the Seoul Motor Show at KINTEX in Ilsan, Gyeonggi Province on Thursday.

As promotional ambassador for German luxury carmaker Audi, he posed next to the New Audi R8 sports car.

Choi Si-won, a member of boy band Super Junior, also visited the venue.

Actress Kim Tae-hee, who models for Toyota, will meet visitors at the carmaker's booth on April 6.

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2013 11:55 PM | Show all posts

March 29, 2013

Han Hye-jin explains her relationship with the footballer

By Lee Sun-min Korea JoongAng Daily

Actress Han Hye-jin clarified the rumors regarding her relationship with footballer Ki Sung-yeung yesterday as many questioned when the two started dating after Han announced her breakup with her boyfriend of nine years.

She did not say much in details but denied the charge that the two relationships might have been overlapped.

“I’ve never made any decision that may hurt anyone,” said Han on her twitter yesterday.

“However, it is true that [some] may feel the term between the breakup and the new relationship was short, so I’ll take blame for that.”

She also clarified that she and Ki never arranged any formal meeting of their parents to discuss their marriage.

“We are serious about our relationship, but we have not discussed anything in detail,” said Han.

“If the wedding announcement was on the way, we would want to announce by ourselves, and I think that’s the right thing.”

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2013 11:58 PM | Show all posts

March 29, 2013

Psy nominated for Time's top list

By Lee Sun-min Korea JoongAng Daily

World star Psy has been nominated as one of 153 candidates for Time Magazine’s 2013 Person of the Year on the magazine’s online edition.

It is the second time for a Korean celebrity to make the list after Rain was included twice in 2006 and 2011.

Internet users can cast their vote for the finalists they think are the most influential people in the world.

The ongoing poll will be open until April 12, and the magazine will release the final TIME 100 list on April 18.

“The sharp-dressed Korean pop star whose ‘Gangnam Style’ sparked a worldwide phenomenon,” is how the magazine described Psy.

Among the other candidates, CEO Kwon Oh-hyun of Samsung Electronics is the only Korean.

Earlier this week, Psy released a poster that has him wearing all types of white clothing, including a wedding dress. For his first solo concert named “Happening” this year on April 13 at the Seoul World Cup Stadium in northwestern Seoul, Psy set the dress code as white.

Psy tweeted that he wanted to see a total white-out at the concert.

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 Author| Post time 1-4-2013 06:49 PM | Show all posts

April 1, 2013

Horan Marries College Sweetheart

The ChosunIlbo

Horan of the trio band Clazziquai married her college sweetheart at a hotel in Seoul on Saturday.

The couple first met in 1999 and dated for two years.

They then split up before rekindling the romance last June.

"As the band recently released a new album after a four-year break, I thought about getting married after the scheduled activities. But I wanted to become his wife as soon as possible," Horan said.

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 Author| Post time 1-4-2013 06:51 PM | Show all posts

Mac 30, 2013

Semakin popular di Hollywood

Utusan Online

Bersama Bruce Willis yang rapat dengannya di lokasi Red 2.

AKTOR Lee Byung-Hun, 43, baru-baru ini menerusi program bual bicara Healing Camp bercerita tentang kisah cintanya dengan aktres Lee Min-jung.

Menurut pelakon filem G.I. Joe 2 itu, dia mula menjalin hubungan dengan heroin drama Big dan Boys Over Flowers sejak April tahun lalu dan empat bulan selepas itu, baru pihak media dapat menghidu percintaan mereka.

“Sebenarnya, kami diperkenalkan oleh seorang kenalan sewaktu dia mula terbabit dalam bidang seni iaitu pada 2006. Waktu itu, saya takut juga kalau saya menjadi penghalang kerjayanya.

“Namun, hubungan kami terputus apabila saya terpaksa menjalani penggambaran setahun di luar negara. Semasa berjauhan itu, kami jarang berhubung dan apabila bertemu semula, dia sering mengelak untuk bertentang mata dengan saya," cerita Lee Byung-Hun.

Katanya, pada satu malam sewaktu di Amerika Syarikat, dia menelefon Lee Min-jung selepas wanita itu muncul dalam mimpinya sebelum itu.

“Dia terus meluahkan isi hatinya dengan berkata yang dia benci pada saya kerana saya berlagak seolah-olah tiada apa yang berlaku di antara kami berdua," tambahnya.

Menurut pelakon drama Iris (2009) itu, dia terpaksa merahsiakan hubungannya dengan Lee Min-jung selama ini demi kepentingan kedua-dua belah pihak.

“Saya tidak terkejut apabila kisah percintaan kami didedahkan kepada umum. Memandangkan kami artis, banyak pihak yang terbabit.

“Dia ada agensi pengurusan sendiri dan saya juga terpaksa mengikut arahan pihak pengurusan. Saya tahu tidak elok untuk saya menafikan pada peringkat awal dan kemudian mengakui yang kami sedang bercinta. Memang memalukan, tetapi saya tiada pilihan," ujarnya yang selesa dengan sikap Lee Min-jung yang ceria dan lucu.

Sementara itu, dalam satu temu ramah dengan sebuah majalah, Lee Byung-Hun berkata, sewaktu penggambaran filem Red 2, dia terasa dirinya seperti peminat.

Dalam filem arahan Dean Parisot itu, dia bergandingan dengan nama tersohor Hollywood seperti Bruce Willis, Catherine Zeta-Jones, John Malkovich, Anthony Hopkins dan Helen Mirren.

“Siapa yang tidak teruja berlakon dengan bintang ternama. Saya menjadi seperti peminat dan sentiasa berfikir untuk merakamkan foto bersama mereka sebagai kenangan.

“Bruce Willis selalu mengambil berat terhadap saya. Setiap kali bertemu, dia akan salam dan tunduk kepada saya kerana dia tahu itu etika orang Korea apabila bertemu. Kami amat rapat dan sering makan Bibimbap bersama sambil bercerita tentang dunia perfileman," ceritanya.

Tegasnya, Hollywood bukanlah destinasi terakhirnya dalam mengejar kerjaya. Sebaliknya, ia hanyalah satu kesempatan untuknya melebarkan sayap di sana.

“Walaupun saya gembira kerana berpeluang berlakon dengan nama-nama ternama Hollywood, namun saya masih merasakan filem Korea lebih menyeronokkan dan bertenaga," akuinya.

Filem lakonannya, G.I.Joe - Retaliation baharu sahaja ditayangkan di Korea dan Red 2 pula bakal menyusul tayangan pada bulan Ogos ini.

Bercerita tentang pemilihannya dalam filem Red 2, Lee Byung-Hun berkata, dia banyak melobi pengarah sebelum terpilih untuk berlakon dalam filem tersebut.

“Saya tidak tahu tentang pelakon lain, tapi untuk mendapat watak dalam filem itu, memang saya ada mainkan peranan. Salah seorang produser filem G.I.Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009), Lorenzo Di Bonaventure juga bertindak sebagai produser Red 2.

“Bila saya tanya perkembangan Red 2, dia cakap nama saya tersenarai, tetapi selain saya ada nama Jackie Chan, Jet Li dan Chow Yun Fatt. Bila mendengar nama-nama itu, saya hampir putus asa.

“Bonaventure nasihatkan saya supaya bersabar. Lalu saya pun menjemputnya untuk makan malam sambil menghidangkan wain merah sebagai simbolik yang saya benar-benar mahu terlibat dalam filem itu. Akhirnya, saya terpilih," katanya tersenyum.

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2013 12:34 AM | Show all posts

April 1, 2013

Jung Joon, Yang Dong-guen sign with Polaris

By Lee Sun-min Korea JoongAng Daily

Actor Jung Joon signed with Polaris Entertainment, according to local media reports yesterday, along with actor and singer Yang Dong-guen. The two are known for their tight friendship in the entertainment industry.

Yang was looking for an agency that could help him sing and act, and he evidently decided that Polaris was the right choice.

Jung also expects to diversify his portfolio with the new management company.

“The two are known for being diligent and reliable over a long time,” said an official at the agency, according to reports.

Jung left Korea yesterday as a member of the new SBS show “The Law of Jungle.” Its cast will travel around Nepal and climb the Himalayas.

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2013 12:36 AM | Show all posts

April 1, 2013

'G.I. Joe' sequel tops box office charts

Korea JoongAng Daily

LOS ANGELES - After a nine-month delay, “G.I. Joe: Retaliation’’ deployed to the top spot at the box office.

The action film starring Dwayne “The Rock’’ Johnson, Bruce Willis, Channing Tatum and Korean star Lee Byung-hun as the gun-toting military toys brought to life marched into the No. 1 position at the weekend box office, earning $41.2 million, according to studio estimates Sunday. “Retaliation’’ opened Wednesday at midnight, which helped bring its domestic total to $51.7 million.

Paramount postponed the sequel to 2009’s “G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra’’ last May from its original June opening date to convert the film to 3-D. The last-minute change came just weeks after “Battleship,’’ another movie based on a Hasbro toy, sank at the box office. At that time, Paramount had already begun its advertising campaign for “Retaliation.’’

“It certainly vindicates the decision,’’ said Don Harris, the studio’s head of distribution. “Any time you make those sorts of moves, people always assume the worst. The truth is I’d seen this movie a long time ago in 2-D, and the movie worked in 2-D. It’s not trying to be ‘Schindler’s List.’ This movie is intended to be enjoyed as a big, action spectacle.’’

Internationally, Harris said “Retaliation’’ earned $80.3 million, making it the biggest international opening of the year. The film opened in 53 markets outside of the U.S. and Canada, including Russia, Korea and Mexico.

After debuting in the top spot last weekend, the 3-D animated prehistoric comedy “The Croods’’ from DreamWorks Animation and 20th Century Fox slipped to the No. 2 spot with $26.5 million in its second weekend.

Among the other new films this weekend, “Tyler Perry’s Temptation’’ starring Jurnee Smollett-Bell and Lance Gross opened above expectations at No. 3 with $22.3 million.

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2013 12:38 AM | Show all posts

April 1, 2013

Jonghyun breaks his nose in car crash

By Lee Sun-min Korea JoongAng Daily

Jonghyun of boy band SHINee broke his nose after crashing into a guardrail on Dongho Bride early yesterday morning, according to local media reports.

He was driving to the group’s dormitory in his personal car after visiting family at home, the group’s agency said.

The star was transported to the emergency room after the crash and had a thorough check-up at the time. He will remain hospitalized while he undergoes treatment for the injury.

SM Entertainment has not decided how to handle booked events. The five-member group has a busy schedule as it released a new song called “Dream Girl” in February. It has taken the No. 1 spot on many local music charts and television programs.

Before Jonghyun’s accident, the group planned on releasing more songs for its third regular album. The first release two months ago was subtitled “The Misconceptions of You”, while the second release this month is named “The Misconceptions of Me”.

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2013 12:40 AM | Show all posts

April 1, 2013

Kim Hee-ae will return to big screen

By Lee Sun-min Korea JoongAng Daily

Kim Hee-ae will return to the big screen for the first time in two decades, according to Ilgan Sports, an affiliate of the Korea JoongAng Daily, yesterday.

She will take a leading role in “Elegant Lie,” for which filming will start in June.

Although Kim has made frequent appearances in television dramas including JTBC’s “A Wife’s Credential”, her last role in a movie was in “101th Propose” (1993).

In her newest flick, she will play the mother of a 14-year-old girl who commits suicide. The film will follow her struggles about her daughter’s death.

“Because the piece takes on a serious issue in teenage suicide, [Kim] has decided to take the role,” said an official close to Kim in other media reports.

The story is originally from a novel of the same title by author Kim Ryeo-ryoung. Kim’s book was also the inspiration for “Wandeugi” (2011), a story of a high school student with a disabled Korean father and an immigrant Filipino mother.

Director Lee Han, who produced “Wandeugi,” will also work on the new film.

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2013 01:00 AM | Show all posts

April 1, 2013

Girls' Generation's 'Gee' breaks 100 mil. YouTube views


SEOUL, April 1 (Yonhap) -- "Gee" by South Korean K-pop group, "Girls' Generation" passed 100 million hits on YouTube Monday, according to the global online video website.

   The video reached the milestone three years and 10 months after it was released on June 8, 2009, becoming the second video by a Korean singer or group to hit the record following rapper Psy's "Gangnam Style."

   "Gee" was the most-viewed Korean music video on YouTube with about 80 million clicks before the arrival of "Gangnam Style" in July, last year.

   The video by Girls' Generation has attracted 100.03 million views by 5 p.m. Monday.

   Meanwhile, "Gangnam Style" is expected to soon top the 1.5 billion mark, with about 1.48 billion hits as of the same time.


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 Author| Post time 2-4-2013 03:31 PM | Show all posts
April 2, 2013

Actor-singer Ryu Si-won sued by wife for blackmail


SEOUL, April 2 (Yonhap) -- South Korean actor-singer Ryu Si-won has been sued by his wife for blackmail charges in the midst of divorce, police said Tuesday.

   Ryu's 32-year-old wife, only known by her surname Cho, filed a complaint with the police in February claiming that the 41-year-old Ryu threatened her.

   The wife filed for divorce last year and the couple is currently undergoing trials.

   "The suit is not about money or a child custody issue," a police officer said, but refused to disclose further details.

   Ryu's management agency, however, released a statement saying that the complaint is a malicious move to gain an advantage in the divorce suit.

   Ryu, who enjoys immense popularity in Japan, tied the knot with his wife in October 2010 after a year of dating. The couple has one daughter.

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2013 03:32 PM | Show all posts
April 2, 2013

'Unlimited Challenge,' Koreans' favorite TV show: survey


SEOUL, April 2 (Yonhap) -- "Unlimited Challenge," a weekly comedy show on MBC TV, was chosen by local viewers as their favorite television program, a survey showed Tuesday.

   The reality show starring seven comedians, including Yoo Jae-seok, Park Myeong-soo, Jeong Jun-ha and No Hong-chul, gained an 11.7 percent support in a telephone survey conducted on 1,218 adults across the country last month, Gallup Korea said.

   MBC's other entertainment show, "Sunday, Sunday Night: Dad, Where Are You Going?" garnered the second most supporters with 7.3 percent and SBS TV's soap drama "Queen of Ambition" was at No. 3 with 7 percent.

   SBS's "I like Sundays: Running Man" came fourth with 6.9 percent followed by MBC's costume drama "King's Doctor" (6.1 percent), "Cheer Up, Mr. Kim" (5.3 percent), "Happy Sunday: One Night Two Days" (4.5 percent) and "Gag Concert" -- the last three of which are all KBS shows.


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 Author| Post time 2-4-2013 04:25 PM | Show all posts

April 2, 2013

Park Si-hoo's case sent to prosecution

From news reports The Korea Herald

Actor Park Si-hoo (Yonhap News)

Actor Park Si-hoo’s case over allegations that he sexually assaulted a 22-year-old woman was handed over to the prosecutor’s office Tuesday.

The hallyu star is accused of raping the woman, whose identify is withheld, on Feb. 15. The alleged victim said the 35-year-old actor raped her while she was unconscious after drinking.

“Putting together the evidence including the two parties’ statements, CCTV images, mobile text messages and the drug test results of the alleged victim, Park will be charged for quasi-rape, and his friend, identified by his surname Kim who was with Park on the day, for indecent sexual assault,” Seoul Seobu Police Station said in an official statement.

Quasi-rape is defined as a sexual assault that occurs when the victim is unconscious and neither able to resist nor consent.

Park and the woman underwent lie detector tests on March 13, which determined that the actor and his friend’s testimonies were false.

“Park will be indicted without detention, as there is the least possibility for evidences to be destroyed or the alleged assailant to run away,” said Yoon Tae-bong, director of Seobu Police Station’s Criminal Division.

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2013 11:39 PM | Show all posts

April 2, 2013

Ryu Si-won's wife files suit

By Lee Sun-min Korea JoongAng Daily

Actor Ryu Si-won is being sued by his wife, who is currently in the middle of divorce mediation, according to local media reports yesterday.

The wife, surnamed Cho, filed a suit against Ryu on charges of blackmail in February. Ryu’s agency explained details on the new lawsuit as saying that Cho alleged Ryu threatened her during their fight during marriage.

“Their fight was recorded two or three years ago and it is a malicious act to have advantage over the ongoing divorce,” said the agency yesterday.

The two are scheduled to have a mediation process at a family court in Yangjae, southern Seoul on April 23.

Cho filed a petition for divorce mediation in March last year. The two got married in October 2010 and have a daughter.

Ryu has said that he would refrain from detailed comments on divorce to protect his daughter from any harm.

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2013 11:41 PM | Show all posts

April 2, 2013

Kim Tae-hee has high hopes for new drama

By Lee Sun-min Korea JoongAng Daily

Actress Kim Tae-hee promised that she will dance or sing when the new periodic drama she is starring in receives a high audience viewership rate.

However, she did not mention the specific number.

Kim plays a leading role in new SBS drama “Jang Ok Jung, Live for Love,” which is scheduled to go on air Monday.

“I can’t tell you the exact number, and I don’t know what to promise, but if the outcome is satisfying, I will show some personal talents, maybe sing a song or dance,” said Kim at a press conference for the drama on Monday.

She also shared that the reason why she decided to do periodic drama.

“I think fans would love to see me being fascinated by new characters and playing them,” said Kim.

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2013 11:45 PM | Show all posts

April 2, 2013

Hong Soo-ah apologizes for Western wedding dress

By Lee Sun-min Korea JoongAng Daily

Hong Soo-ah of the KBS drama “The Great King’s Dream” apologized yesterday for the wedding garment she wore in a show that aired on Saturday.

In the period drama set in the Silla Dynasty, Yeonghwa, a character played by Hong, wore a Western-style white wedding gown with a veil.

“[The wedding] was in Yeonhwa’s imagination and fantasy. Me and my personal stylist are to be blamed as we went overboard,” Hong said on Twitter.

“It’s not any of the staff’s fault, so please don’t denounce the entire team who were just tired from filming in the early morning. I should be the one to be blamed, and I’m regretful.”

As she was dying in the drama, Hong’s character imagined her wedding to the character who later becomes King Munmu.

Many fans were upset about the use of modern clothing in the period piece.

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2013 11:49 PM | Show all posts
April 2, 2013

Song Hye-gyo thanks staff for hard work in SBS drama

By Lee Sun-min Korea JoongAng Daily

Song Hye-gyo of ongoing SBS drama “That Winter, the Wind Blows” wrote a short letter to each of the staff to show her gratitude for their efforts, according to local media reports.

One of the netizens posted a photo of the letter with her handwriting.

In a card with a photo of herself, she included her own signature on top and finished the letter with her character’s name Oh Young in the drama.

“Because it was a hard character to play, I barely had any time to relax. I’m regretful that we didn’t spend too much time together,” she said in the letter.

The last episode of the drama finished filming last Saturday. The famed drama will end its two-month run this week.

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2013 11:51 PM | Show all posts

April 2, 2013

KBS viewers love sassy office worker

By Lee Sun-min Korea JoongAng Daily

The new KBS drama “God of the Workplace” took a promising first step by attracting a 8.2 percent viewership during its first episode on Monday.

The figure, reported by Nielsen Korea, is higher than the 6.3 percent for the final episode of “Advertising Genius Lee Tae-baek,” which preceded the new show in its time slot.

The drama is adapted from the Japanese drama “Pride of the Temp” and follows a temporary employee named Miss Kim (played by Kim Hye-soo) who refuses to do work outside of her job description.

She never misses her lunch break and leaves as soon as her working hours end. The company wouldn’t dare think about asking her to come in on weekends.

Instead, Kim insists that if the company doesn’t approve of her actions, it should hire three more regular workers since she does three people’s work in a limited period of time.

Needless to say, Miss Kim’s atypical approach to her working life rubs her colleagues the wrong way, leaving to even more tension.

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