adess lawak khun cari direction...
haha masa dak tu pnggil die daddy... muka terkejut gile... tp kiut sgt..
rajin tul melyn dak tu.. suh spit seed... skali die spit smua keke.. comei jek khun suh vic lapkn tgn die...
part yg dorg men air tu x menahan... smua mc pakat dok menganalisa pe yg diorg nmpak
jongshin jeles ngan arm khun keke.... seulong dok jeles psl vic... elok arr jinwoon dok jeles ngan yonghwa psl seohyun
smpat lg tu dok kaitkn adam kapel ehehe...
masa dorg g blk semak tu.... wakka penat me gelak skali ngan mc.... menjerit pn de.. ekke scene blk semak
khun tipu psl photo diary... skali kene ketuk kpale keke..
nxt wik pnye pview ntah pe lak yg khun wat tu... vic naik angin lg hehe
waa..vic mom mmg sorng wife yg caring n responsible...untung khunnie
happy tol vic ni jenjln smbil tgk pmandangan
no.11 bus.WTH...lawakla vic ni
khun nmpk cam tol2 foreigner ngn backpack dia 2...
reaksi khun tyme dak 2 pnggil dia daddy"appa?"...nmpk cam happy fmly tol diorang tyme 2
adeila dak 2 tgk keromantikan hsband & wife 2
jinwoon pnya reaction tyme vickhun men splash2 2
adeila tyme kat forest 2....*smua da yellow brain*
tgk kat IY...vic ni mmg pndai bab2 msk ni..untung tul hsband dia 2
finally...ada gak photo diary khun...siap ngn pukul brpa amik pic lg
photo diary 2 wat vic touching..khun is so sweet
*cam sinopsis la plk*
huhu...baru tengok Khuntoria Ep5.....Jahat sungguh Khunnie tipu Vic mommy....Ep4 dulu mesti ramai gila marah2 kat Khunnie pasal lupa bawa diari, rupanya semua tu rancangan jahat Khunnie...saja nak bagi Vic mommy marah...(* sambil ketawa evil* ^_^)
Vic mommy memang caring habis...untung sapa dapat...anyway, me rasa Vic mommy macam betul2 jatuh cinta kat Khunnie.....Khunnie pun sama2....hope they turn into real life couple...
Jung YOnghwa reveals his true feelings for Seohyun
CN Blue’s Jung Yonghwa showed his affection for “wife” Seohyun on the recent SBS maternity incentive program ‘Happy Birthday.’
Yonghwa came on the show with member Lee Jung Shin and discussed about childbirth and parenting. During a segment of the show, the MC’s asked Yonghwa, “Even though it’s a fake marriage, does looking at Seohyun make your heart flutter?”
All Yonghwa could do was smile. Later, on a question on one’s ideal type, Yonghwa confessed he didn’t have an ideal girl in mind. “However, even though Seohyun is younger than me, her thinking is very deep and she is a very caring person,” hinting his affection for Seohyun.
Jung Yonghwa continues to talk about birth after marriage and shares many stores about Seohyun. Catch the show to hear more stories!
Victoria shares a phone call with Nichkhun’s sister
On the upcoming episode of We Got Married, f(x)’s Victoria shared a phone call with 2PM Nichkhun’s younger sister.
Nichkhun suggested this idea because his sister is a fan of f(x). Victoria seemed a bit nervous and Nichkhun was worried as well.
Victoria showed off her English skills while talking to the sister. Since Nichkhun is so close to his sister, if she likes Victoria, they’re all set.
Meanwhile, Jo Kwon and Ga-In arrives in Bali for their wedding photoshoot, only to be greeted by bad weather once again. Elsewhere, Yonghwa and Seohyun will be seen going through their practical component of their driving test. Stay tuned on the 31st for this latest episode.
saya ni peminat WGM YongSeo.....sweet gile diorg kapel....
tp kat sini ada x sape2 leh share link download utk WGM Vickhun?dari awal sampai yg latest..
dgr criter diorg pun bleh thn gak....huhuhu
Baru tengok EP6...huhu, rupanya Khun tersilap sebut nama Kristal..pastu cover kata joke..huhu...Khun try too hard to be perfect, tu pasal asyik buat mistake jer...just chill dan jadi diri sendiri..nobody is perfect...
and kesian Vic mommy kena buli ngan Khun, di suruhnya speaking English..hihi.....
During a recent filming for MBC’s We Got Married, fans were able to snap some shots of Nichkhun and Victoria, as well as their ‘family’ which consists of Sulli, Luna, Amber, and Krystal.
All of the idols visited a local water park where they got relax and enjoy the summer weather while it lasts.
The fan who uploaded these photos also stated, “Seeing Nichkhun and f(x) together is heartwarming, just as long as they don’t get too close.”
This episode will be aired in the near future. Stay tuned!