Isu: Pencemaran Alam Sekitar - Raise Awareness To Save Environment -
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kiranya paling cokia pun
asingkan sampah?
masalah perbandaran yang angkut tu..
kaut seme sekali..
tak macam kat jepun...
hari plastik..angkut plastikkk
hari kaca ...angkut kaca...
kat sini aku rasa humban seme sekali belakang lori.. |
Kat M'sia ni susah sket sebab perkara yang paling asas - jangan buang sampah merata2 pun majoriti takleh nak ikot.. Ni lagi la nak jaga sungai alam sekitar bagai. Sepatutnya dari sekolah rendah, takpun tadika lagi budak2 diajar supaya menjaga kebersihan dan sayang pada alam sekitar. Pasti tak 100% akan ikut, tapi baik ada daripada takde langsung kan? |
So maknanya kat sini PBT pun kena ada inisiatif jugak la utk sediakan tempat utk kitar semula etc. Biar sumer orang boleh mula pengasingan tu dari rumah.
Guna la konsep 3R tu - Reuse, Reduce, Recycle. |
Malaysia nie pakar berkempen jer... tapi tindakannyer tidak. Kalau aku, mmg sampah yg selalu aku buang dalam tong tu mmg plastik & makanan jer. Tapi kalau kotak kertas atau tin, mmg aku asingkan. Tapi ntah sampai bila dapat bertahan aku nyer sampah tu, tak tau nak campak kat mana sbb takder pon tong kitar semula. Last2 aku terpaksa gak buang dalam tong sampah dgn berat hati.  |
How we fare
The 2005 Malaysia environmental quality report, the latest available, reveals some interesting figures about the state of our environment and who exactly is spoiling it.

The polluted Sungai Pinang, in George
Town, Penang.
Here are some figures to crunch on:
- In 2005, 15 river basins were polluted, 51 slightly polluted and 80, clean. In 2003, nine river basins were polluted, 52 slightly polluted and 59 clean.
- The 15 polluted river basins were: Merbok in Kedah; Pinang, Bayan Lepas, Juru and Jejawi in Penang; Buloh in Selangor; Klang in Selangor/Federal Territory; Merlimau in Malacca; Air Baloi, Kempas Danga, Segget, Tebrau and Pasir Gudang in Johor; and Sembulan in Sabah.
- Sewage from households and livestock farms polluted 43 river basins and slightly polluted another 54. This showed up in high ammoniacal nitrogen levels in rivers. Elevated ammonium levels were recorded frequently in the Putat, Klang and Linggi rivers.
- Sewage and discharges from agro-based and manufacturing industries polluted 28 river basins and slightly polluted another 42. Low dissolved oxygen levels were most frequent in the Peria, Klang and Putat rivers
- Silt from earthworks and land-clearing polluted 34 river basins and slightly polluted another 22, as shown by high levels of suspended solids. The Selangor, Langat and Klang rivers frequently recorded high turbidity.
- The water quality in three rivers previously categorised as slightly polluted, deteriorated so much that they joined the polluted category in 2005. These rivers are the Merbok in Kedah, and Air Baloi and Tebrau in Johor. Also joining the polluted list were three rivers previously not monitored: Bayan Lepas in Penang, Merlimau in Malacca and Sembulan in Sabah.
- All 11 tributaries of Sungai Klang were ranked as polluted except for two, Sungai Gombak and Sungai Keroh, which were slightly polluted.
- Selangor had the highest number of water pollution sources, 20% of the total of over 9,000 sources. The culprits were mainly sewage treatment plants and agro-based and manufacturing industries.
Our foul air
WE are poisoning the air we breathe, with our reluctance to leave our cars at home and our ceaseless demand for electricity.
Emisssions from vehicles and power generation plants were the main sources of noxious gases in 2005, pretty much like in previous years. Other sources include industries and open burning.
- Vehicles emitted 67% of the 346,037 tonnes of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and 98% of the 1.3 million tonnes of carbon monoxide (CO) spewed into the air. NOx lead to respiratory infections, are harmful to vegetation and are precursors to the formation of smog. CO reduces the flow of oxygen in the bloodstream and is particularly dangerous to persons with heart disease.
- Power generation plants discharged 57% of the 169,796 tonnes of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and 44% of the 30,000 tonnes of particulate matter. SO2 is a pungent gas that irritates the respiratory system and the functions of the lung. It also combines with water to form sulphuric acid, which is the main component of acid rain.
- Vans and lorries were the most polluting vehicles, releasing the bulk of the NOx, SO2 and fine particulate matter (PM10).
- Motorcycles were the main source of hydrocarbon emissions. Hydrocarbons react in the presence of nitrogen oxides and sunlight to form ground-level ozone, a major component of smog.
- Annual average levels of SO2, NOx, CO, ozone and lead in the ambient air were well below guidelines, but there is still concern over the effects of chronic, long-term exposure to these air pollutants. Ozone irritates the eyes, aggravates respiratory problems and is harmful to vegetation.

Department of Environment officers
inspecting drums believed to contain
toxic waste at a scrap dealer抯 yard in
Bukit Kemuning, Shah Alam, in 2005.
Hazardous discards
Based on what is reported to the DOE, industries generated 548,916 tonnes of hazardous waste in 2005, an increase of 14% from the previous year.
Oil and hydrocarbon, mineral sludge and dross form the bulk of the waste.
The main sources were the electronic sector (23.7%), chemicals (22.6%), automobiles and workshops (12.2%), metals (9.9%), industrial gas (7.7%), pharmaceutical (6.1%) and petroleum (4.2%). |
Reply #145 dexa's post
thats why i've been fighting my case for petrol price to be hiked to RM 32.99 per liter; but then i'm sure most marhaein would be demonstrating in front of klcc lar laik dat |
Originally posted by kabukiman at 7-6-2007 08:21 AM
thats why i've been fighting my case for petrol price to be hiked to RM 32.99 per liter; but then i'm sure most marhaein would be demonstrating in front of klcc lar laik dat
before we do that, govt should improve (big) on public transport system. as of now, car is a necessity. |
Reply #147 truly's post
true enough -
if the transportation system is smooth -
then even if the cost of petrol is high
it ain't effect much as most people gonna
use public transportation system and rely
on them more --
save on fuel - reduce pollution
lots of positive things can be achieved - |
Small act to get message across
PETALING JAYA: It really does take only a little effort to spread the message.
A young lass who pledged to bring her own food container to 搕a pau |
keptenmarbel This user has been deleted
Originally posted by kabukiman at 7-6-2007 08:21 AM
thats why i've been fighting my case for petrol price to be hiked to RM 32.99 per liter; but then i'm sure most marhaein would be demonstrating in front of klcc lar laik dat
cadangan yang terbaek!!...mai secawan... pastu rega roti canai pun naik 30 rgt sekeping... |
Kedai makan digesa pasang perangkap Fog
KUALA LUMPUR: Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran (JPS) mahu semua gerai makan dan restoran di negara ini dilengkapi perangkap sisa makanan, minyak dan lemak (Fog) bagi mengelakkan sisa organik itu daripada terus mencemari sungai.
Perangkap berkenaan yang perlu dipasang di setiap saluran bahan buangan dari premis terbabit akan menapis sisa makanan daripada terus dilepaskan ke longkang dan seterusnya ke sungai.
Perangkap yang perlu dipasang di setiap saluran bahan buangan itu juga akan bertindak memisahkan sisa pepejal daripada lemak dan minyak agar boleh dihapuskan mengikut cara yang betul.
Ketua Pengarah JPS Datuk Paduka Keizrul Abdullah memberitahu Star, pengeluar tempatan telahpun mengeluarkan perangkap berkenaan yang berharga antara RM500 dan RM1000 setiap satu dan ia tidaklah mahal jika dibandingkan dengan kos membersihkan sungai yang boleh mencapai sehingga berbilion ringgit.
"Majlis Kerajaan Tempatan telah pun bersetuju dengan cadangan itu yang akan dimasukkan ke dalam Manual Saliran Mesra Alam (Masma), tetapi meminta agar ia dilaksanakan secara berperingkat-peringkat kerana ia membabitkan kos tambahan kepada golongan yang terlibat.
"Kita bukannya hendak menyusahkan sesiapa, tetapi sudah sampai masanya orang ramai turut diminta mengambil bahagian secara terus dalam melindungai sungai kita daripada terus tercemar," katanya.
Sistem yang serupa telah lama dilaksanakan di Singapura dan menjadi sebahagian daripada undang-undang ketat mengawal pencemaran di republik itu, katanya.
Selain itu, katanya, JPS juga sedang memperkenalkan sistem baru bagi mengawal sungai daripada dicemari sampah sarap dengan membina perangkap sampah dihujung setiap sistem peparitan dan anak sungai, supaya bahan buangan tidak lepas ke sungai.
Sistem ini, katanya berlainan dengan sistem lama yang menggunakan perangkap sampah yang dipanggil "boom" yang dipasang di kuala sungai yang boleh menyebabkan sampah terkumpul dan menghalang perjalanan dan arus sungai.
"Perangkap sampah jenis baru ini mempunyai sistem berputar yang membolehkan sampah yang lebih berat terperangkap dan air terus mengalir dari parit ke sungai.
"Sampah yang ditolak ke tepi oleh pusaran air itu akan tersangkut di jaring yang disediakan. Jaring yang dipenuhi sampah itu kemudian akan diangkut oleh kren untuk dihapuskan di tempat buangan sampah pepejal," katanya.
Keizrul berkata jabatannya sentiasa bekerjasama rapat dengan kerajaan-kerajaan tempatan bagi mengurangkan pencemaran sungai daripada bahan buangan domestik, termasuk dengan menaja tong-tong sampah di kawasan-kawasan setinggan, terutama yang terletak berhampiran sungai.
i think that's one way untuk mengatasi masalah pencemaran ini -
bila tak ada perangkang fog tu -- banyak sampah tersangkut and
whenever it's raining - no doubt akan naik air di tempat tersebut
and it is so filthy cuz it is full of garbage and waste --
i hope using this gonna be compulsory for all the stall and
gerai makanan - thus - the water pollution can be reduced and
river will be cleaner - |
Reply #152 dexa's post
i think gov patut bantu peniaga dgn beri pinjaman 50% terhadap harga alat tersebut, RM1000 is kinda too much though. plus, kenapa buat air sisa dlm sungai? knape x disalurkan terus ke longkang utk further treatment? |
Reply #153 calmille's post
i think to give an even 50% subsidy
for them to buy the fog is unnecessary though
especially if there're lots of them -
besides for rm500 for cleaner environment ain't costly
at all -
btw sisa TIDAK dibuang disungai -
in fact the fog will act as a filter and
will prevent the waste from going into
the ditch and subsequently towards the river -
Perangkap berkenaan yang perlu dipasang di setiap saluran bahan
buangan dari premis terbabit akan menapis sisa makanan daripada
terus dilepaskan ke longkang dan seterusnya ke sungai |
Reply #154 dexa's post
what i meant is AIR SISA, kalau sisa tu aku faham diorg tapis, ni air tu yg kotor, penuh minyak n all. kenapa buang dlm sungai?
for RM500 is quite ok, yg aku tekan kan tu RM1000, thats kinda mahal gak for a simple system. |
kalau kat france ni, sume air sisa disalurkan guna sistem perparitan bawah tanah, n air2 ni disalurkan ke treatment centre utk dibaik pulih kan. air sungai langsung diorg tak sentuh.
adakah msia guna sistem mcm ni?:hmm: |
Reply #155 calmille's post
in my pov -
come to think of it -
air dari sisa is gonna flow thru the river -
it is not gonna be polluted in a sense
the river will often rained and as well
the volume of water will help to neutralized it -
it is like if you go to the river and have
a nice swim etc
most people do pee pee in the river
but the urine not gonna stay there and pollute
the river cuz of the amount of water
as well as the water flowing thru, i reckon
ah - untuk yang rm1000 tu memang a bit expensive -
kemungkinana peniaga boleh buat request untuk dapat
subsidi 50% -- |
Originally posted by dexa at 7-6-2007 10:15 PM
in my pov -
come to think of it -
air dari sisa is gonna flow thru the river -
it is not gonna be polluted in a sense
the river will often rained and as well
the volume of water will hel ...
urinate and sisa air is two diff things. pee is some sort of non-chemically dengerous for the environment, whereas air sisa is absolutely not a healthy element in nature surrounding.
minyak2 tak boleh hilang begitu saja(in a sense of rain or volume water). if there's too much lapisan minyak kat sungai, kandungan oksigen dlm air akn berkurangan, the water heat is increasing due to the thick layer(plus cuaca panas matahari n all). once ratio oksigen berubah, sistem ekologi turut terganggu.
ive seen sungai kat msia yg penuh dgn air sisa, its hideously annoying! nak amek gamba pemandangan pon terganggu. and yet, i thought sungai la punca air bersih(zaman dulu laaa).
hopefully jabatan berkenaan dpt perketatkan sistem aliran sungai. |
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Reply #159 calmille's post
i think when it is flowing -
the volume of water will mix in the
some of the oil waste and it won't make
the river too polluted after the fog is used -
there's some rivers in malaysia that are
quite clean - no river is totally clean
but mediocre enough to have a dip in it -
i think after using this system
the river is in much better condition and not gonna
be polluted as much -
unless the source is water from the mountain
such as most of the waterfall or pool that
it creates - rivers cannot be 100% clean
but good enough for fish to live and for people
to swim in it -- (which they hafta rinse after) |
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