snazzydaisy replied at 14-8-2019 01:21 PM
other alleged "Clinton's dead bodies" re pedo ring, same MO, suicide by hanging:- Chris Cornell ...
Betul eh..
Chris cornell sober kot..
Then tetiba bunuh diri kan org kata..
Cam chester gak kan..
Lupa lak sapa mati dulu..
But seriously makin baca makin... Seriau.. |
DandelionW replied at 14-8-2019 07:25 PM
Tapi klu betul,test DNA takkan tipu kan eva...
oh ye dah buat dna test ye? Sian la kat Carole kalau betul ada.. Or maybe anak dgn gf dulu sebelum jumpa Carole kot..
snazzydaisy replied at 14-8-2019 09:25 PM
Haz looks like an emu!

siann |
aireen24 replied at 14-8-2019 11:53 PM
Betul eh..
Chris cornell sober kot..
ada lagi ka yg meninggal?
alahai Clinton napa x berani hadap tuduhan? berani buat berani tanggung kan |
Sis eva,
Isabel Maxwell lahir in 1950 (Aug 16). Ghislaine lak lahir in 1961 (Dec 26).
Isabel ni twinning dgn Christine ekceli 
any receipt on this statement sis?
Illuminati wise, D was "chosen" becoz of her V card... spill the tea, spill, spill 
one way ticket to hell... la la la la la la 
takda ehem2 kot... just let's his imagination runs wild gituhh. dia kan byk guna otak 
stripper selera nampak duit jah, sis eva. entah2 dia org lg suka kot, Hawking bukan bole buat apa pun kat dia org. 
snazzydaisy replied at 14-8-2019 05:46 PM
This is a very interesting read incl. re kidnapping of childs & genetics experiment back in the 60s/ ...
its impossible la anak harom bapa c kate. Ada agenda tu memburuk nama keluarga middleton. Cish... |
eva replied at 14-8-2019 11:59 PM
oh ye dah buat dna test ye? Sian la kat Carole kalau betul ada.. Or maybe anak dgn gf dulu sebelum ...
Don’t worry, mama Middleton will be okay..
There are reasons why that bish punya daughters, one married to future king, one to billionaire..
One tough cookie!  |
snazzydaisy replied at 15-8-2019 12:55 AM
Sis eva,
Isabel Maxwell lahir in 1950 (Aug 16). Ghislaine lak lahir in 1961 (Dec 26).
oh ok..saya ingat twin dia.. tq tq...
betul ke dia nak minta Roman Abramovic utk support dia buat plastic surgery? muka ilang maybe ok.. tp darah, cap jari dan dna tetap GM kan..  |
snazzydaisy replied at 15-8-2019 01:06 AM
any receipt on this statement sis?
Illuminati wise, D was "chosen" becoz of her V card... spill t ...
takder receipt..nnt I beklog.. ada yg antara kita yg tulis... |
snazzydaisy replied at 15-8-2019 01:08 AM
one way ticket to hell... la la la la la la
ni sbb Sarah Ferguson.. if you read kes terbaru dia.. konon tycoon Hong Kong bagi duit 200k pound kat dia utk dealing business.. yg terpalit seluruh BRF. Mmg dia ni x serik kan. Sian Eugenie dan Beatrice. |
dani-rox replied at 15-8-2019 01:44 AM
stripper selera nampak duit jah, sis eva. entah2 dia org lg suka kot, Hawking bukan bole buat apa ...
stim sampai terbeliak mata agaknya kot dani stripper boleh dance sesuka ati dan dibg duit melimpah2 hehehe |
Farnor replied at 15-8-2019 02:29 AM
its impossible la anak harom bapa c kate. Ada agenda tu memburuk nama keluarga middleton. Cish...
I bc somewhere mmg tujuan dia utk memburukkan keluarga middleton.. masalahnya mcmana dia tau dia ada DNA Michael Middleton?dia swap mulut Michael atau kutip rambut dia illegally ke?
Russians ni ramai bots upahan meggot so x pyh percaya.. Michael tu I x rasa terlibat dgn Cold War sbb dia Commercial Pilot.
Yg ada surname sama ngaku anak Steven Seagal juga .. they are craaazyy hahha |

bergambar ngn magazine cover kate,
tp x kenal sapa haz the dimwit

i xpernah rasa haz the dimwit ni hensem, kalau heols bukan prince mmg almost all pandang sebelah mata pun x nih
| |