hemcemnyer laki ak y bdiri sblh ledo nehhhh  |
Originally posted by hadiff05 at 10/4/2009 08:24 AM 
cute naw senyuman KJ.. yg sebelah tu lak pehal.... tegak semacam jek |
Reply #1322 nzhass79's post
dia condition jap memikirkan me yg dah lama tak jumpa.. bz benor dia skang lepas kembali semula dlm group...  |
terserlah kejelitaan..KHj...kekekekke ctk sungguh...
cr to soompi..
Balas #1326 hadiff05\ catat
kdg2 kita pun naik jealous bila tgk kulit muka drg ni..
licin+mulus+putih+gebu... |
Balas #1327 derose83\ catat
deorg makeup la...
kalo x makeup..
pnuh bks jerawat...
x pn dh pakai botox....
or plstik segeri |
SS501 - (I won't be a Coward)
Reply #1331 derose83's post
anyeongg rose..awai masok..brekfest ke nih |
Reply #1332 momoko's post
awai bangun... ada klas ka??  |
Balas #1333 nzhass79\ catat
Balas #1332 momoko\ catat
annyeong momoko..
a'ah breakfast utk ari ni...
sementara hadif blum muncul... |
SS501 to Wow Japanese Fans
Hot male quintet SS501 isgoing to Japan to reignite their career there. This time all fivemembers of the team will be present to wow Japanese fans. SS501 hasbeen working as a trio called Triple S for the past few months, whileKim Hyun-joong was starring in the drama 揃oys over Flowers |
Reply #1334 nzhass79's post
anyeongg kak zuu.......saje taw suke tol ngusik org kalo bgun awalll...waaaaa
mane ade klass dh skang...sume nak exam week...klas dh xde....weeeeeeeeee~
emm..bgun awal nak study...mgu dpn dh final exam...(~_~)
nae..slalu2 la moyan kat sinie eik.....nie mesti addict kat ledo nih |
Reply #1330 skymania's post
both lagu ni sedap.....terutama lagu i wont be coward tu....
cantik disc dia... kreatif... |
Balas #1333 nzhass79\ catat
baek kaka momod...
ngntuk la... |
| |