aku baru lps tgk diroang nyanyi lagu stupid ngan dejavu kat MBank 27.2.09
yang aku perasan, aku terdengar sore solo.. sore sape??
biasanya kalo camni, diaorang nyanyi live ke?? sbb sore yang aku dengar tu cam kureng je...
masa nyanyi stupid tu ok je.... tp masa nyanyi dejavu tu yang aku pasan aku terdengar sore neh...
Originally posted by nzhass79 at 9-4-2009 22:31
aku baru lps tgk diroang nyanyi lagu stupid ngan dejavu kat MBank 27.2.09
yang aku perasan, aku terdengar sore solo.. sore sape??
biasanya kalo camni, diaorang nyanyi live ke?? sbb sore yang ak ...
tu sore my sobang ni.. JH oppa.. dia exhausted sgt balik shooting BOF, seb bek ler menari still vass
SS501 will leave for USA again for 10 days from 06-May for the preparation of their official 2nd album.
For their official album set to be released in July, SS501 had already went to USA some time in March and met with famous producer Andrew Lane and Steven Lee to work on their new album.
SS501 will meet with composers and producers during this upcoming trip and will start working on their songs. During their visit to the USA, they will also have a promotional activity there. Henceforth, they have planned to gauge if it is possible for them to break into USA music scene. However, the company said regarding to enter into the USA music scene during this 2nd album activities 揥e do not have any definite confirmation. We are only at the stage of planning and preparing for it.