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Author: skymania


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Post time 23-6-2011 06:19 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1236# luvsushi

a' gambar choi daniel...tgh minat gila ngan mamat ni sekarang..


jeles tgk lelain idol masuk gag concert..

tu yg cuba carik kalau BB ada g gag concert ke apa kan...tup tup jumpa yg tu..kelakar gila video tu..

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Post time 23-6-2011 07:02 PM | Show all posts
btul btul btul.... nafsu kite kat bb xsama mcm nafsu kite kt yg lenlain...
even tgk teaser top 3s ...
ako_chan Post at 23-6-2011 09:20

   oh yeah....time teaser love song aritu,mmg moyan hari2 la dpt tgk 5sec jerk...smpaikan mash up teaser pn AM donlod padahal esoknye nk kuar da lagu tuh...gile smgt
klau SS,AM kenal hyunjoong ngan hyungjoon...aaaa konpius tp maknaenye sangat comel...muke internasionale sgt lagu love like this tu kira baru ke?coz i like that song..catchy ;)

seungri mana2 pegi semua org suke tgk dia...
sbb dr mulut dia lah kite dpt tahu segala rahsia BB...

ngahahahaha...sokong2...mulut xde insuran die tuh..tingat time show taxi,sume pulun bebel kat die,sbb asek wat cite nasi tambah jer..
pluz die da ada bisnes sndiri skarang..mmg bagus r maknae nih..pndai bwk diri spaya xkalah ngan hyung die..

pasal company lagi satu tu...AM suke grup yg da otai je (read:dbsk) tp tu pon da bpecah... yg grup pmpuan nye AM xsuke sgt...hampunn yer karatz sekalian tp xleh elak dari suke lagu2 diorang la...nk wat cmne,lagu catchy.. nk x nk lama2 melekat gak kt dlm kepala nih..ngan radio asek putar lagu diorang xde grup len

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Post time 23-6-2011 07:04 PM | Show all posts
Reply  luvsushi

a' gambar choi daniel...tgh minat gila ngan mamat ni sekarang..

ses ...
aLiN_82 Post at 23-6-2011 18:19

   penah tgk skali je bideo nih...thx alin tepekkan lagi time ni sorang2 muke inesen...

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Post time 24-6-2011 12:16 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1241# aLiN_82

i pon ske tgk dia dlm Babyfaced Beauty. dia ni takde le handsome sgt tapi adorable and sweet
hehehe...sorry ek VIP, masuk cite lain sat

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Post time 24-6-2011 10:00 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by luvsushi at 24-6-2011 10:01

Reply 1244# luvsushi

update! nak nahnges mengenangkan daedae. poor him. he must be sooo devastated rite now. Bigbang members and YG Fam must be worried sick about him. i kat sini pun dah bergenang air mata...i was all hyped up for 2ne1's comeback and now, this!cane nak buat keje nih?

Police confirm that motorcyclist Hyun died from his collision with Daesung

by VITALSIGN on June 23, 2011 at 9:37 pm

On June 24th, the Seoul, Youngdeungpo police revealed, “Hyun, the deceased motorcyclist involved in Daesung’s car accident, died from Daesung’s collision.  As a result, the police will be making a dispatch to charge him without detention.”

On this day, the Youngdeungpo police held a press conference revealing their investigations and confirmed that there was only a 132-second window between the first accident and the collision with Daesung’s car.  They revealed, “There was only about two minutes between his motorcycle accident and Daesung’s accident, so we have determined that Hyun did not die in that time frame.  There were not a lot of cars on the road and the speed limit was 60 km/h, but we discovered through the taxi’s video that he was speeding at 70 to 80 km/h.”

When asked to confirm whether there was a previous hit-and-run accident, police stated, “It has nothing to do with the case. There weren’t a lot of cars on the road at the time, and his alcohol level was 0.186 (this one merujuk kepada mr hyun, bukan daedae).  It has nothing to do with a hit-and-run.”
With confirmation that Hyun was killed by Daesung’s car, what Daesung will be charged for is currently unknown. The law states that he could be jailed for under five years, or pay a penalty of $20,000 USD.

Source + Photos: Donga Journal, Sports Kyunghyang, Everyday Economy, Daily Sports


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Post time 24-6-2011 12:37 PM | Show all posts
Reply  luvsushi

update! nak nahnges mengenangkan daedae. poor him. he must be sooo devastated  ...
luvsushi Post at 24-6-2011 10:00


tadi g klas,kekwn da bising da kata diorang bc kat akp...AM xbaca lagi time tuh...mmg xnk cayer la tp skrang kene trima hakikat atas sume yg blaku...hrp2 dae da cool down n trima apa je sentence..i know dae depressed bcoz of the death,bukan sbb takut kene hukum..n dgn reality skrg ni,i can't imagine his feeling right now..waaa...i dont even want to imagine it.
but AM harap sangat3 dae xkene pnjara..die xsengaja hoccay

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Post time 24-6-2011 12:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1245# luvsushi

5 years jail?? I didnn't study law, but that's really a no brainer! I'm  soo gonna boycott AllKpop rite now..So inaccurate, and lots of speculations! They are full of antis @ Big Bang haters there..

Anywho, someone posted this on soompi..I strongly believe that the most Dae Dae will get is community service and fines..(yeahh...must be a hefty sum of money coz he's a celebrity). I just hope Dae will take some time off to gain back his self confidence..Whenever he comes back, true VIP will always be by his side..Keep on supporting our smiling angle!

credit: soompi

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Post time 24-6-2011 01:03 PM | Show all posts
Reply  luvsushi

5 years jail?? I didnn't study law, but that's really a no brainer! I'm  soo go ...
stanum123 Post at 24-6-2011 12:56

   thx for tepeking sis...lega skt... allkpop mmg xleh caye sangat.. klau btul pon,AM xnak cayer

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Post time 24-6-2011 03:21 PM | Show all posts
Reply  luvsushi

5 years jail?? I didnn't study law, but that's really a no brainer! I'm  soo go ...
stanum123 Post at 24-6-2011 12:56

tq stan...
rasa cam nak buat banner je excerpt alida tu

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 Author| Post time 24-6-2011 03:24 PM | Show all posts
so skunk neh apa yg sebenarnyer?? mmg artikel neh official ker?? about denda ngan jail tuh?? OMG!!~ praying hard for daesung..sure tertekan gler die skunk neh...yg komen2 haters tak guna kat allkpop tuh rasa nak bunuh2 jeh!! memekak tak kene tmpt!!

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Post time 24-6-2011 04:28 PM | Show all posts
so skunk neh apa yg sebenarnyer?? mmg artikel neh official ker?? about denda ngan jail tuh?? OMG! ...
skymania Post at 24-6-2011 15:24

Wow! takut aku sky dh mengamuk..hehehe... mmg sengal haters tuh semua..hmm, so far mmg ini le news yg di tepek di merata2 web..more to on the autopsi kematian Mr. Hyun tuh...maknanya skang, diorg akan jalankan siasatan menentukan dae sung guilty or not pulak..I mmg ssh sket nk digest post2 kat web semua ni..sbb speku byk sgt...kalau YG sendiri yg kuarkan statement is shut the dangg hater's mouth!

akak tggu YG kuar statement..baru betoi2 yakin..     

hehe..alida ni rajin gak tepek kat dia post tu kat via twiter dia kalau x silap..i like her post..

p/s: don't forget our date tomorrow! esok kita meroyan sesama okeh...

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Post time 24-6-2011 04:50 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1250# skymania

hi sky...
i tak berani nak ckp official. tapi rasanya ya. kena tunggu lagi kenyataan rasmi keluar from YGE sendiri.
apa2 pun kat soompi papa YG ada kuarkan kenyataan tadi. katanya daedae is still in a astate of shock. so activity BB as a team of 5 pun kena hold on dulu. daedae akan stop all his activities for the time being. nak nahngesss!!!!!

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Post time 24-6-2011 04:53 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1251# stanum123

ha'ah. wajib esok kita meroyan sesama. happy, sedey sume bercampur sekali...

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Post time 25-6-2011 11:00 AM | Show all posts
wow...suda lame x jengah umh nomor 1 ak nih..
seb de kowang yg memeriahkn umh BB nih.*tetibe emot sopan*

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Post time 25-6-2011 02:13 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1243# adikmanis

   Muka malu2 pun ada... XD

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Post time 25-6-2011 02:45 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1250# skymania

   Statement tu mmg official..cuma denda tu tertera di bawah akta apa ntah..MUNGKIN Dae akan dikenakan hukuman keputusan akhir bergantung kpd hakim...
Yg aku geram kat AKP tu, byk commenter semangat sgt nak jadi hakim.

Walaupun dlm undang2 Korea mengatakan yg dia boleh dipenjara 5 tahun atau denda 20k won, tu cuma guideline utk hakim beri hukuman. Dia boleh tetapkan lebih tahun dan lebih wang denda. Ramai yg anggap 20k tu tetap.

Kebanyakan VIP menerima hakikat yg Dae menyebabkan kematian Hyun, dan kita pun terima seadanya denda yang ditetapkan oleh hakim. Cuma ada sebilangannya masih nk mempertahankan Dae.

Bg aku Dae & Hyun sama2 salah dlm hal ni. Cuma disebabkan Hyun dh tak ada kat dunia ni, maka mata secara automatiknya tertumpu kpd Dae.

Pd pandangan aku, Dae tak kan mungkin dipersalahkan 100% dlm hal ni. Mmg salah dia bawak kereta melebihi had kelajuan yg ditetapkan. Aku harap mahkamah akan mengadili dia seadilnya..melalui bukti dan keterangan saksi. Aku pun berharap Dae x pendam segala emosinya tu sorang2. Harap2 dia dpt luahkan isi hati sebenar kat hyung2 dia tu. Kalau dia pendam je, boleh jadi gila dia nanti.

Dae, kuatkan semangat. Kita org masih lagi menyokong.

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Post time 25-6-2011 08:35 PM | Show all posts
dae b'sabar la dae....
noona ada kat sini...
noona pon sedih gak...
noona xdpt nk gi pujuk2 dae... noona ada exam ni....
o dae ku syang.....

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Post time 26-6-2011 11:47 AM | Show all posts
wow...suda lame x jengah umh nomor 1 ak nih..
seb de kowang yg memeriahkn umh BB nih.*te ...
chibi_mawad Post at 25-6-2011 11:00

   mawad? {:1_126:} mana korang menghilang slama nih?


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Post time 26-6-2011 11:50 AM | Show all posts
yesterday was a very wonderfulllll day! thx to kak stenem,kak sushi n kak zai cz bwk AM jejalan cari makan merchandise bigbang smlm.. rasa mcm baru smlm jadi VIP..ari ni nk pasang lagu bigbang sehari suntuk..biar rumet pengsan dgr luv u all...muahhh {:1_147:} lenkali kite jejalan lagi eh...

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Post time 26-6-2011 01:29 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by luvsushi at 26-6-2011 13:38

Reply 1259# adikmanis

ha'ah AM... best kan! sayang tak sempat tgk dance competition tu. ni sume mkn punya pasal. lambat sangat! ches!
btw, glad u and stanum had fun semalam. nanti i check out kat uniqlo klcc bila dah bukak dlm next month. kalo ada BB nye tshirts lagi i bgtau. hopefully diorang restock la yang kat klcc tu. pastu korang bole turun lagi and kita meroyan ngan VIP yg lain pulak


Big Bang hopes to perform as 5 next time

Big Bang shared their heartfelt thoughts on fellow member Daesung, who was involved in a traffic accident on May 31st.

On the evening of June 25th at Non Hyun Dong Concert Hall in Gangnam, Seoul the boys of Big Bang held a “Big Bang Mini Concert” sponsored by LG Optimus.

As member Daesung isn’t participating with any of Big Bang activities, his portion of the performances were conducted by backup dancers.

During the final performance of the show, member Taeyang stated, “Currently, Big Bang is going through a rough period but we promise to continue with great performances for all of you in the future.” Leader G-Dragon also declared, “Next time we will give you a performance with all 5 of us.

Some media reports also stated that G-Dragon teared up during some moments when he thought of Daesung stopping his activities.

Hopefully they continue to stay strong. You can check out some of the images and fancams from the event below!

Source: TvReport | TvDaily via Nate

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