Assalamualaikum...dah lama tak masuk thread ni...dah lama ada bm Tesco brand tu...tapi tak guna2 ...
shiina Post at 8-12-2011 12:34 PM 
Pedal dia suppose duk dlm plastik together-gether ngan measuring spoon dan cup (eh ada ke cup? lupa).
kalau takde pedal takleh menguli la camni. dah lama beli? agak2 dah abis warranty? masa beli dulu ada test tak?
saya pun lupa ada ke tak manual book dia. saya tak pakai la manual dia sbb dah pernah pakai BM cosway, paham la bila tgk memu dia . |
Reply 1239# shiina
Shiina, napa awak tk dpt yekk manual tu? Sb sy pun pakai BM Tesco, ada jer dpt manual tu.
Paddle utk uli tu kt tgh2 dlm tin penguli tu... |
Reply 1248# lwyl
Memang takde langsung other gadget than the measuring cup & spoon...so memang tak boleh gunalah bread machine tu...sia2 je beli...menyesal tak check masa mula2 dapat tu...is there any way i could get the paddle?...or could paddle of any other bread machine brand fit the tesco bread machine?... |
I don't have a Tesco BM so I can't say whether other BM's paddle is compatible with your BM. Maybe you can return it to the store where you bought it from and explain your situation to them.
How much is the BM anyway? |
hi..tesco bm sekarang ni RM198.88. baru jer sambar minggu lepas. tapi bila balik baru perasan takde crust color indicator, kat light, medium dark tu takde arrow langsung.susah jugak kalau color indicator takde.....tawakal je guna, alhamdulillah bakar dlm bm ok je naiknya..tp, paddle cam senang jer tercabut bila nak pasang balik.. |
Reply 1249# shiina
walaupun dah lama beli, complain je kat tesco...... |
Reply 1253# sitipayung
inti apa tu siti payung |
inti sardin blackpepper |
Reply 1253# sitipayung
wahh cantiknya heart shape bun, bole sitipayung ajarkan macamana nak bentukkan x..tq |
Reply 1251# ojieshoppe
paddle die mmg boleh cabut...me slalu cabut paddle tu utk basuh...sb adunan roti tu kekadang melekat... |
Reply 1250# lwyl
The Tesco bread maker was a gift from my sister...she bought it for RM199 if i got it right...it was purchased i think more than a year ago...most probably...the warranty is over now...so i don't think Tesco would entertain to my problem even if i go complain to them about it...
When i first opened the box...even the warranty card wasn't there...when i asked my sister about this...she says...she didn't even open the box after purchasing it...so i just don't know what more to say...but it's weird when i think again...how come the Tesco staff didn't take out the bread maker to examine if it works well or otherwise...like it used to when we bought any electrical appliances...cos if they did...then there's a chance that they might take the accessories out and forgot to put the paddle back into the box...hmmm...i may have to ask my sister again regarding this... |
Reply 1252# mieabu
Masalahnya mieabu...i kat terengganu...my sister beli bread maker tu kat Tesco Ampang...Selangor...so trouble lah pulak nak angkut bread maker tu ke Ampang... |
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