[Negeri Sembilan]
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Post time 9-11-2024 06:50 PM
From the mobile phone
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Benang quote tu max 5 post, tunggu org lain sambung dulu. |
“But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads?” - Albert Camus |

Page 61 |
“We should respect all religions and just believe in peace, kindness and harmony.” - Ananya Panday |
“Only by learning to live in harmony with your contradictions can you keep it all afloat.” - Audre Lorde |

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Post time 9-11-2024 06:51 PM
From the mobile phone
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Sbl mod nampak saya bgtau |
Tahun ini dijangka menjadi antara tahun yang paling panas pernah direkodkan di Austria, Jerman dan Switzerland. - Kajian
???? Sertai Telegram Sinar Harian. https://t.me/SinarHarianOfficial |
Sini dah azan, Noni solat dulu ye |

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Post time 9-11-2024 06:52 PM
From the mobile phone
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yangsemb replied at 9-11-2024 06:49 PM
Nempeks tempat tunggi pinutsss
Tapi benang quote limitnya 5 then tunggu org lain sambung. |
Mohd Nazifuddin berkata, penarikan diri kontinjen negara daripada Sukan Komanwel 2026 bukanlah tindakan bijak, sebaliknya menjangkakan Malaysia mempertaruhkan bilangan atlet yang lebih kecil untuk berjuang di Glasgow.
????Sertai Telegram Sinar Harian. https://t.me/SinarHarianOfficial |
Adoiii, baru tau...

"The audacity of people, to blame you for how you reacted, but never recognized what they did to make you react that way." |
"Lífe gets better when you let people lose you, instead of begging them to choose you." |
"Never assume that loud is strong and quiet is weak. It's the lion's silence that signals dánger, not his roar." |
"I'll say it again unháppy people start drama for no reason." |
"They think you trynna win arguments, whole time you just want them to understand you." |
"It's funny how people think your lífe is easy, just because you don't talk about the things you go through." |

Author |
Post time 9-11-2024 06:55 PM
From the mobile phone
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mamanoni replied at 9-11-2024 06:53 PM
Semua bod sama je peraturan walaupun x dimention.
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Category: Negeri & Negara