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Author: skymania


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Post time 22-6-2011 02:03 PM | Show all posts
Sushi.. sweat bebeh...tepek jgn tak tepek dek nun! tugas wajib VIP tuh..teruja tgk gambar BB ni khenn???

Aiyyo! ko kantoikan ahkak kat sini yer?? kwang3x..hihihi..dh nk give up dh semlm.. tp berjaya gak akhirnya..dongseng2 Big Bang sumer musti bangga dgn ahkak kan??

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Post time 22-6-2011 04:49 PM | Show all posts
Sushi.. sweat bebeh...tepek jgn tak tepek dek nun! tugas wajib VIP tuh..teruja tgk gamba ...
stanum123 Post at 22-6-2011 14:03

   motip muntah ngan ayat sndirik? mstila ktorang sume bangge ngan kegigihan hakak nak menepek artikel nih btw,tgk nih! {:2_70:}
[NEWS] Sean hints a possible YG Family World Tour!

Sean Ro
YG Family shoul hold a World Tour right? All the fans from different countries Holla!
about 23 hours ago via Twitter for iPhoneReplyRetweetFavorite

Sean Ro
Thanks for all the love! Can't promise u guys anything yet but let's see what I can do about #ygfamilyworldtour. one love!
about 6 hours ago via Twitter for iPhoneReplyRetweetFavorite

source: @jinusean3000

hope malaysia masuk dalam list world tour nih...klau btol la jadik

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Post time 22-6-2011 05:08 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1182# adikmanis

halamak...i takde acc twitter la. so ketinggalan zaman korang rajin2 la tweet #YGFAMILYWORLDTOUR tu ek... kasi malaysia up sket

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Post time 22-6-2011 05:19 PM | Show all posts
Reply  adikmanis

halamak...i takde acc twitter la. so ketinggalan zaman  korang rajin2 la twee ...
luvsushi Post at 22-6-2011 17:08

   AM pon xde twitter... nseb bek pandai lagi nk baca tweet retweet nih

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Post time 22-6-2011 06:47 PM | Show all posts
petang2 cenggini, jom kita menari sama2 Bigbang and 2ne1...

sangat2 suka 2ne1 bawak lagu Last Farewell. suits them really, really well! two thumbs up!
and paling suka rambut TOP time ni. hawt tak hengat dek.....!!!!


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Post time 22-6-2011 07:20 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1154# luvsushi

hehe... nk cpt sgt. tu yg taip lelaju tu...
btul r mcm si AM ckp... ku sayang r...
sorry2 ye...

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Post time 22-6-2011 07:30 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1176# stanum123

  Masa dpt baca kat The Star psl BB, memang happy gila, mcm dia org ada dtg Malaysia je.

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Post time 22-6-2011 07:35 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by aLiN_82 at 22-6-2011 19:38

Reply 1185# luvsushi

Masa ni lah sedih sikit tengok 4 org je. Dae x ada. Alahai..
Dae ni, kalau part-part menari kelakar, memang jadi..

Masa Dae & si Hyori nyanyi lagu Fire lah yang paling kelakar.. XD

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Post time 22-6-2011 07:37 PM | Show all posts
bile result autopsy nk kluar ni....
rasa sgt2 sedih bile skrg dok ulang2 tgk ctp BB, FO, battel brain, NAN top & gd, n segala benda yg ada muka daesung....oh sgt m'derita nye hati ako....
t'bayang2 muka dae dlm keta polis, kt tmpt funeral...trus ako

ako nk tanya la... ako xpandai bab2 law segala ni...
ape bentuk hukuman yg akan dae hadapi in case that person mati b'coz of him??
if org tu mati bukan sebab dae, ape pulak bentuk hukuman yg dae akan dpt ikut law kt korea ek?? i mean dae still akan dikenakan tindakan undang2 jugak kan sbb lebih had kelajuan kan??? ke ako salah info??

arghhhh.... advise dr ako to manager2 mereka:sila jadikan iktibar kes dae ni... sile lah drive  mereka2 ni kemana2... jgn biarkan diaorg drive sorng2... balik tgh2 mlm...kesian tau klu jadi kes mcm ni.... ako xsanggup nk pikir klu2 kes ni ulang balik kena pulak kat top... harus nangis 2-3 bulan...

sekarang ni ako tgh belajar2 tuk cuba redha incase dot dot dot... (xsanggup nk taip segala:cry:..)

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Post time 22-6-2011 08:01 PM | Show all posts
Reply  stanum123
  Masa dpt baca kat The Star psl BB, memang happy gila, mcm dia org ada dtg M ...
aLiN_82 Post at 22-6-2011 19:30

Alin!! welkam! dh jumpa pun umah Big Bang...hikhik...rajin2 la post kat sini ek.. Stanum masa beli The Star ni cepat2 masuk dlm kete cari section 2, nampak aje gambar BB menjerit x hengat nkau! sib baik x menjerit kat kedai nyonya jual paper tuh..hehehe...sah2 org cop meroyan..

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Post time 22-6-2011 08:15 PM | Show all posts
bile result autopsy nk kluar ni....
rasa sgt2 sedih bile skrg dok ulang2 tgk ctp BB, FO, battel bra ...
ako_chan Post at 22-6-2011 19:37

   ni jwpan utk soalan ako
[NEWS] Daesung won’t be imprisoned in the worst situation

After the vehicle incident, many people are curious about what punishment Daesung will be getting. A legal expert said, “Unintentional accident is likely to end up in probation or paying a fine.”

A legal expert said, “He won’t be imprisoned even in the worst situation.” If Mr. Hyun is killed because of the crash, Daesung will be accused of accidental homicide. Two years of imprisonment without forced labor, or a fine of $7000 will be the penalty of an accidental homicide. On the 19, Daesung lost his ground when a media said that the driver of the motorcycle Hyun, was probably alive before the crash. The policeman tried to straighten things out by saying, “The National Institute of Scientific Investigation still did not state its official position yet.”

This legal expert explained, “In this case there is no ‘intention to kill’ whatsoever. Moreover, the results of the sobriety test showed that he wasn’t drunk either, it was just an accident. Of course he is responsible for not being too careful, but looking at the previous precedent, it is unlikely to be imprisoned.”

Not only that, it is very hard for the National Institute of Scientific Investigation to figure out when exactly Mr. Hyun died. And if the NSI can’t figure that out, it will be harder to accuse Daesung for accidental homicide. A police officer said, “The autopsy result usually takes about half a month for the NSI, but in this case, it’s taking almost a month. It is that hard to find out when and how someone died. If there is any doubt about the time and the cause of the death, it will be hard to accuse Daesung for accidental homicide.”

Additionally, the CCTV, which seemed to be a vital key, was practically no use. The video captured in the CCTV lacks enough evidence to figure out the cause and time of death. The policemen say that all things considered, it is hard to say that Daesung caused his death. Daesung crashed into Mr. Hwang, who was fallen over the road of Seoul Namwha Bridge, with his car at dawn on May 31.

I think that’s enough for me to be relax a bit. I mean it is a good news for us, but still, the question is will Dae be able to take if it if ever he really was the cause of the death of Mr. Hwang. Don’t mind me. :|

Translated: hannacha3217 via ibgbang

most probably dae xkn masuk penjara tp kita wait n see je la apa result autopsy tu nanti

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Post time 22-6-2011 08:16 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1189# ako_chanAko dear..I've read somewhere (soompi ke mana ke ntah..) that the most Dae Dae will only have to do community service and pay the fine..takde la sampai imprisonment..hopefully this is true..byk sgt hear say skng ni especially kat ALLKPOP! benci!!! tp, ttp x beshh la kan..meninggalkan kenangan pahit sepjg hayat buat DaeDae..our smiling angle..sob..sob..

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Post time 22-6-2011 08:21 PM | Show all posts
tringat vdo kat balai pas eksiden tu.daesung nmpk sedihh...=(
(wpon xnmpk muke,tp nmpk ngn mati hatiku.ecehhh)

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Post time 22-6-2011 08:28 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1191# adikmanis

hua... lega sikit... nmpk gak lah cahaya p'cerahan itew...
tapi walau apa result sekalipun, for sure our dae still akan rasa sakit sgt2...
dae... b'tabah lah... noona akan still support you...even dr jauh...

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Post time 22-6-2011 08:37 PM | Show all posts
Ako dear..I've read somewhere (soompi ke mana ke ntah..) that the most Dae Dae will only have to do community service and pay the fine..takde la sampai imprisonment..hopefully this is true..byk sgt hear say skng ni especially kat ALLKPOP! benci!!! tp, ttp x beshh la kan..meninggalkan kenangan pahit sepjg hayat buat DaeDae..our smiling angle..sob..sob..
stanum123 Post at 22-6-2011 20:16

bayr fine kat keluarge simati ker??? lepas ni boleh la kluarge simati tutp mulut ek... ako xsuke dgr diaorg bg statement...
memula kata fham perasaan dae, but the end lain lak cite... even ako phm media yg lelbih suke dok cocok2 keluarga si mati...
anyway, dae langgar laki tu kat bahagian mana ek?? kepala?? dada terus??

ako xsanggup nk buka allkpop tue...
suka sgt buat cite gempak... padahal sgt2 bias ok especially tuk BB n YG family....
klu artis lain yg nyanyi ntah ape2, bagi review sikit punye melangit dipuji...
best la, sore bagus r, dance ok benci nk baca segala cite kt ALLKPOP tu...

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Post time 22-6-2011 08:38 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1190# stanum123


taklah susah sgt nk cari..bila masuk Asian Celebrities..BB punya thread paling atas..

suka gila...

oh..lupa nak kenalkan diri...

spt di nick, panggil kita alin..

spt jgk di nick, diri ni dh tua.....betol..x tipu..

mula minat BB bila tgk persembahan Sunset Glow kat MB tahun 2009 kalau x silap.

masa tu top pakai bousouzoku mask dgn rambut tinggi dia tu. hensem betul.

pastu, boleh plk minat ngan Taeyang. x ingat mcm mana leh terjatuh hati ngan mamat tu. tp senyumannya mmg sweet sgt.
pastu minat G, Dae & Ri. Pun x ingat mcm mana leh suka ngan bebudak 3 tu.

kalau ditanya mana paling diminati, rasanya x leh nk jwb, sbb suka semuanya.


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Post time 22-6-2011 08:39 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1193# AyaHikari

tau xpe... ako pon time tu dah leh meleleh air mata tgk dae...

o dae... t'lalu byk kesulitan yg ko kena lalui...
tp biasa nye artis yg mcm ni, yg ada jatuh bangun dia di waktu muda
akan b'jaya...harap2 begitu lah

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Post time 22-6-2011 08:42 PM | Show all posts
lisa....lama tak borak kan? last kita borak2 masa zaman Echo and Carmen dolu2
i nampak u pun ...
luvsushi Post at 22-6-2011 10:04 AM

    alahai....yaaa lama tak borak....lisa bz arrr sana sini

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Post time 22-6-2011 08:43 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1195# ako_chan

Fine standard mahkamah. Mungkin kena bg pampasan kt famili si mati.
Tp aku percaya dia tak bersalah.

Susah sbb byk bukti x memihak Daesung.

Tgklah statement yg polis akan bg Jumaat ni.

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Post time 22-6-2011 09:01 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1199# aLiN_82

xpe2... bab2 kena fine still ok lagi.... jgn smpi kena msuk prison dah lah...
lagi pun tgk ape yg AM tempek kan pasal yg sumone who is expert about dae case, rasanye xde la truk sgt pun....
hati ni dah lega... so boleh r nk fokus ngan final next wed...

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