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ciksurie posted on 13-8-2014 09:05 AM 
morning meksha...morning aqua..morning mira
morning meksu aka ciksu aka riri
Tashu posted on 13-8-2014 07:29 AM 
rangup kalo makan masa panas2 tp salunya sha beli yg dh sejuk tp still enjoy mknnya sambil wat kej ...
haaa versi ni baru enjoy makan nasi..ekekeke
ooo kira sha beli la..igtkan sha buat sendiri..
klau kt sini..yg ada cendawan goreng je..tak de lak org jual peria goreng
Tashu posted on 13-8-2014 09:08 AM 
mama giler moyan full setop, xde alasan lain dah
mmg pelik mama respon mcm tu tau, x pernah dib ...
kalau mama on9
kalau x on9
Tashu posted on 13-8-2014 09:10 AM 
kalo tertinggal satu dua xpe jgn xde satu reply langsung pun sudeh
ya sayang
just bgtahu kalau x de tau 
Tashu posted on 13-8-2014 09:10 AM 
boleh...sha mmg suka share2 ni, mkn nasi sebungkus berdua, minum pun
wah best la mcm tu
leh kita save budget sikit 
duniaku85 posted on 13-8-2014 09:14 AM 
haaa versi ni baru enjoy makan nasi..ekekeke
ooo kira sha beli la..igtkan sha buat sendiri..
kla ...
x pernah beli peria mentah, slalu beli goreng celup tepung n goreng telur aje
Tashu posted on 13-8-2014 09:21 AM 
mama kan online sokmo?
x jugak
bila ade masa mama on9 la
kalau x de...langsung x de kn
Tashu posted on 13-8-2014 09:12 AM 
kuiz2 lain rajin gak menjawab ke?
kuiz soalan rajin gak..
kuiz kena pm2 ke..
asal ada tacang walaupun 5, aqua rembat je...
even kat n9 tu, reward 1 pun aqua amik gak..
1 tu kalau kumpul byk2, untung.. 
Tashu posted on 13-8-2014 09:05 AM 
cantik medal
bagus aqua masih bertahan as mod, ai loike
tarik diri sbb komitmen keje atau bisnes..
kena pecat biasa sbb mod tdo..
dah tak mau jaga bod tp dok stay pgg title mod..
ni pun ada je admin dok simpan, sbb co-mod tak suruh buang..
tp aqua tengok semak je la sha, bukan jaga bod pun..
ada la beberapa org, tp bukan kat negeri la..
bod lain..
Tashu posted on 13-8-2014 09:13 AM 
morning meksu aka ciksu aka riri
hhahha..banyoknyor nama iols 
acok mana @kerasuk
iols nak paw duwit raya nie |
Tashu posted on 13-8-2014 09:19 AM 
x pernah beli peria mentah, slalu beli goreng celup tepung n goreng telur aje
ooo try la beli peria mentah..
buat macam ni..sedap tau


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Post time 13-8-2014 09:37 AM
From the mobile phone
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amiraira posted on 13-8-2014 09:04 AM
boleh saja
tapi kuantiti yg sedikit ok
kalau sha ade sebelah
Boleh aje...sha minum dulu, mama minum bekas sha buleh? |
duniaku85 posted on 13-8-2014 09:36 AM 
ooo try la beli peria mentah..
buat macam ni..sedap tau
sedap peria goreng telur  |

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Post time 13-8-2014 09:39 AM
From the mobile phone
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amiraira posted on 13-8-2014 09:17 AM
ya sayang
just bgtahu kalau x de tau
Takpe ke beritahu kerap2? Mama x marah ke? |

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Post time 13-8-2014 09:40 AM
From the mobile phone
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amiraira posted on 13-8-2014 09:18 AM
wah best la mcm tu
leh kita save budget sikit
Kita share tp order 2 menu berlainan leh x? |

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Post time 13-8-2014 09:41 AM
From the mobile phone
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amiraira posted on 13-8-2014 09:24 AM
x jugak
bila ade masa mama on9 la
kalau x de...langsung x de kn
Takleh...mama mesti ada jugak. |

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Post time 13-8-2014 09:43 AM
From the mobile phone
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lavender_aqua posted on 13-8-2014 09:27 AM
kuiz soalan rajin gak..
kuiz kena pm2 ke..
asal ada tacang walaupun 5, aqua rembat je...
Bagussssss...aqua mmg rajin |
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Category: Negeri & Negara