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honeybee1802 posted on 23-3-2014 06:36 PM 
Nampak gayanya the plane crashed to the sea hek?but mcm mana boleh sampai ke indian ocean tu buat ...
ntah.. bnyk teori.. auto pilot la.. pilot yg bawak la.. ocean current membawak jauh ke selatan la.. hopefully jumpa dua2 black boxes la to tell the truth..
edee_91 posted on 23-3-2014 09:54 AM
youtube embeding failed.
aah tp da dihelp oleh momod..
lorelai posted on 23-3-2014 06:38 PM 
jadi betol la id kaka lanun mcm yg dispeku oleh forumer laen sebelom ni iaitu Dartina?
JaUh SekaLi dIk NoN.
scarflicious posted on 23-3-2014 04:08 PM 
Lu baca tak apa aku tulis dari atas.?? If tak jgn nyampok.
lu plak baca habis tak wa punya? kalu malas baca..si pi tenggek kat bod FD...
kazaraf posted on 23-3-2014 10:39 AM
kalau betul crash kt situ.. ko jgn anggap lokasi crash tu tmpat yg satelit nampak serpihan kt bara ...
dihanyutkan secara beperingkat2 dr diego garcia mungkin..
sbb tu konon2 nmpk je image semua lari2 anak ke situ.. sbb mcm nk jd no 1 smpi situ..
speku● |
@razhar , ada apa kat bod fameli diskasyen? |
dari blog cipan..kalu yang x nak baca..sila skip la pprt...
MH370 Update : Second Plane?
Dear All,
- Do anyone know what happen to another aircraft which being spotted right behind MH370 at South China Sea via ADS-B radar mapping.
- The second aircraft also missing from the radar too, exactly at the same time an the same location. Is't coincidently or orchestrated?
- Does this "second aircraft" is the one who actually make a sharp turn to the left and goes straight to Straits Of Malacca Vampi Waypoint.
- Do anyone have these "second aricraft" information regarding ADS-B, Flight Transponder Signature and it's approved flight plan?
- Why Malaysian Government via RMAF didn't gives any comment on this matter? Does this aircraft were not hostile? What really happen on that time in Malaysian airspace?
- Which country, organization or airline company that these "second aircraft" belongs? Do you know it??
Trully Your Friend, dari http://cipantapirtenuk.blogspot.com/ |
edee_91 posted on 23-3-2014 10:46 AM
@razhar , ada apa kat bod fameli diskasyen?
ada mcm2..
hal kekeluargaan yg pelik2 semua ad
mcm baru lps lawat2 bod tu smalam |
edee_91 posted on 23-3-2014 06:46 PM 
@razhar , ada apa kat bod fameli diskasyen?
sila utarakan soklan tu di FD section,troop...
lorelai posted on 23-3-2014 06:47 PM 
ada mcm2..
hal kekeluargaan yg pelik2 semua ad
mcm baru lps lawat2 bod tu smalam
oh, igtkan ade kaitan dengan MH370.
razhar posted on 23-3-2014 10:47 AM
dari blog cipan..kalu yang x nak baca..sila skip la pprt...
dari http://cipantapirtenuk.blog ...
aku pernah utarakan teori dua kapal masa dulu2..tp ditolak mesra oleh semua... |
sayawifenikmie posted on 23-3-2014 06:46 PM 
akak tina buat lah id sendiri .... e.g., SayaWifeLanun .. misalnya ...
TaKnaK la DiK LiD.AkaK pUn BusY daH nExt WeeK.JAdI SR ja.
edee_91 posted on 23-3-2014 06:45 PM 
@Presiden_Lanun ni @perang_sivil ka?
AkaK asIk keNa DeDucT kedIt jE dIk DgN dIa terMasUklaH Mod Mutz.TaPi MoMode CI OkeY baGi JuGak TacaNg.
Presiden_Lanun posted on 23-3-2014 10:51 AM
TaKnaK la DiK LiD.AkaK pUn BusY daH nExt WeeK.JAdI SR ja.
kaktina.. adakah dgn ini kaktina lg senior dari antilid? |
lorelai posted on 23-3-2014 06:53 PM 
kaktina.. adakah dgn ini kaktina lg senior dari antilid?
aKaK RaSa AkaK seNioR.AnaK aKak Kat USM sKrg,taK taHu anAk Dik @sayawifenikmie
razhar posted on 23-3-2014 06:45 PM
lu plak baca habis tak wa punya? kalu malas baca..si pi tenggek kat bod FD...
Ek eleh.. Mamat ni poyo nya.
ko lah semak gi komen balik pesal. Aku tak kacau ko pon.
k. Bai. |
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