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Author: twinkystar


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Post time 30-1-2010 12:06 AM | Show all posts
MUZIK dorg mmg me rasa ramai dak2 laki suka..
sebab different kan..suara yonghwa dgn jonghyun pun melerts..
me rasa dorg ramai fanboy kat korea..
twinkystar Post at 29-1-2010 21:09

huh? fanboy?

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 Author| Post time 30-1-2010 02:51 AM | Show all posts
huh? fanboy?

wordlife Post at 30-1-2010 00:06


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Post time 30-1-2010 03:09 AM | Show all posts
twinkystar Post at 30-1-2010 02:51

aku suka giler dorg menang coz next week susah skit nk mng, tahu kan npe?

yg best, ngam2 aku terjaga mase performance dorg

sblum tu baring2 jap, tup2 tertido

perf kureng skit coz xde fanchant, so aku xkn dload

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 Author| Post time 30-1-2010 06:33 AM | Show all posts
aku suka giler dorg menang coz next week susah skit nk mng, tahu kan npe?

yg best, ngam2 aku terjaga mase performance dorg

sblum tu baring2 jap, tup2 tertido

perf kureng ...
wordlife Post at 30-1-2010 03:09

next week dh susah dh..minggu ni jerla pun..
aku cuma aim minggu ni jer...dh menang ni pun dh impressive utk rookies..
x dengar plak fanchant dorg..selalu kuat gilerr..

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Post time 30-1-2010 12:33 PM | Show all posts
next week dh susah dh..minggu ni jerla pun..
aku cuma aim minggu ni jer...dh menang ni pun dh impressive utk rookies..
x dengar plak fanchant dorg..selalu kuat gilerr..
twinkystar Post at 30-1-2010 06:33

mggu ni mubank ny ep, ramai fc dtg
b2uty, i am, 4nia,

mane x tenggelam
kesian bile dorg menang, xde dgr fangirls jerit2 pn

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 Author| Post time 30-1-2010 04:36 PM | Show all posts
[EngSubbed] Nii PhotoShoot - Jung YongHwa & Yoon SiYoon


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 Author| Post time 30-1-2010 04:39 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 30-1-2010 08:05 PM | Show all posts

cr; sbs + blue [email protected]

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 Author| Post time 30-1-2010 08:47 PM | Show all posts
[size=+1]Heechul supports C.N Blue.
Super Junior's Heechul is known to like rock and support some rock bands..
So here is his new BGM .

pennylanechic@sjworld + heechulicious@WP + wwlyna@WP ♥

PS: i see the new friend Yonghwa in the Hongki/JGS/Heechul trio.. New F4, rock version lol.

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 Author| Post time 30-1-2010 09:30 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 31-1-2010 09:14 AM | Show all posts
CNBlue's ELLE Girl Interview

We will say the truth. The interest of on C.N Blue started from Jung YongHwa. The fantasy drama created by theHong Sisters, ‘You’re Beautiful’ didn’t get nearly close to the viewratings for IRIS, but still, in many ways; this drama had its ownspecialties. One of it being that the drama carried the face of the newstar, Jung YongHwa.

Jung YongHwa starred as the guitarist in thepopular band A.N.JELL. Whenever the female lead, MiNyu, was stuck in asituation, he played the role of the fantasy character that would comeand save her without any words, gaining the interest of many. But lateryou could find out that he was the leader for the soon to debut band,C.N Blue. The rumors that they were a band that already had 2 albumsout and also those they were highly skilled had interested many. What? They were going to stand as the band group in a place dominated by ‘entertaining’ idol groups? This was the reason that we invited these 4 guys despite of their practice for their upcoming showcase.

JungYongHwa, Lee JongHyun, Kang MinHyuk, Lee JungShin. The C.N Blue membersthat dominated the set were first of all, very tall. The long legs andarms and the good looking faces wasn’t a band, but more like flower boyidols. No, if you compared their faces to idols we met so far, theirvisual appearance belonged in a higher level. The members greet us in anervous and excited faces. The person leading the mood was oldest, andthe leader, Jung YongHwa.

The filming started first with hissolo cuts. As if acting helped him to get accustomed to the camera, hestated to pose very comfortably. He laughs and jokes around with thestaff members and smiles a lot because he doesn’t like awkward moods.He seems like the guy who loves people and let go of all the bad sidesto a person. (Idk what this means)

Next up to the camera was Lee JongHyun. He was the same BuSan person like YongHwa, and he even considers YongHwa as a brother. Whenhe smiles, he looks like ‘Matimoto Joon’. However, he had the manlyside that answered every question clean, and dry. With the face similarto a Japanese actor and the quietness of a man from Kyung SanDo, he wasinteresting. The 91-ers that entered together, Kang MinHyuk and LeeJungShin were still very shy. Being their first photo shoot, thenervousness was still there, but they focus hard on the words of thephotographer. From a glance you can tell that they were the kinddongsaengs that used formal tones to their hyungs. Kang MiHyuk had thesurprising formal adult side to him and the serious Lee JungShin turnsout to be the happy, fun kid that spreads happiness on to the set.

Dueto the serious and sincere models, the filming continued on without aproblem and the photographer finally showed the okay sign. Weren’t theytoo serious and quiet for new stars to be debuting soon? We evenquestioned if they were the same guys with so much charisma on the LiveJapan House shows. However these were the guys determined the let the public know of band music where everything is set on the idol music.If we borrowed the words of MiSil, they were the guys dreamed of an‘overly high blue’ dream. It could be their secret weapon that theywill show everything with their skills. Then the interview started withC.N Blue, who was waiting in the start line quietly in the midst of allthe screaming.

[EG] How did the four of you guys end up meeting each other?
YongHwa:We were all fans of music and interested in bands. In detail, we werechosen by the casting director and through an audition, we ended upgetting into FNC Music. I was first an internet ullzzang (laughs), andthe casting director came down to BuSan after seeing my picture in anullzzang site.
JongHyun: I found out about this later, butthat same casting director met with me after meeting with YongHwahyung. I liked singing since I was little, and since I was learningmusic then, I was really happy to get that chance.
YongHwa:The three of us without JungShin and a lot of other people went to thataudition. Since JongHyun was also from BuSan, we connected as soon aswe met, and MinHyuk caught my eyes because he was dressed in hisschool uniform. You know, because most of the people who come toauditions dressed really nicely.
MinHyuk: On that day thehyungs sang really well. I thought I was going to be eliminated. We gotto know each other then and even called each other. We asked eachother, “Did you get contacted?” But the funny thing is, the 3 of us gotin the audition.
JungShin: Because of my brother that was amusic mania, I always had an MP3 in my ears. In high school I fell inlove with photography, and when I was out in HongDae for a photo shoot,I was contacted by the casting director. In the beginning of C.N Blue,one first left because of personal issues so I just ended up joiningnaturally. I was really nervous, but the hyungs and the same ageMinHyuk took care of me well.

[EG] Unlike others, you guys start out as an indie band in Japan
YongHwa:It wasn’t something formal that we went to Japan to be in a band, butwe went to Japan to study where the idea of a band is more recognized.It was the idea of our company, but we were interested because it was achance for us to improve on our skills.
JongHyun: Skills are skills, but we saw and listened to a lot. And at first none of us could speak Japanese. But in order to survive out there we needed to learn Japanese. By the end, we ended up learning the simple conversations without a problem.

[EG] If you guys can choose any memorable episodes in Japan?
YongHwa: There are so many. At one point we even had a robber come into our place, but that person didn’t steal anything, but just took a shower there. We didn’t have anything he could take anyway.
MinHyuk:More than anything, out performances on the streets is memorable. Asmany of you know, in Tokyo, the transportation fees are expensive. Inthe summer we would have to carry our guitar, drums, and lamps all byourselves.
JongHyun: At one point we were taken to the policestation during our performance. As if we were the president, we wereguarded by the police on the way there. It was the biggest policestation in Harajuku, but the place was so nice like a café.
YongHwa: I was so serious, but these guys were taking pictures and joking around with the police officers.

[EG] Didn’t you guys ever think “Why are we doing this in Japan?”
JongHyun: Never. Since it was what we liked to do, we enjoyed it.
YongHwa: We thought that it was hard, but we never wanted to quit. We needed to put in our efforts to gain skills, and without the skills, we wouldn’t have even been recognized.

[EG] YongHwa first became an actor by participating in the drama, “You’re Beautiful”
YongHwa:I came on the plane to Korea and did the audition. I never had actedbefore, but the fact that I was an actual guitarist in a band earned mesome points. But the director or the writers never told me why theychose me.

[EG] It shouldn’t be easy acting for the first time.
YongHwa:Jang GeunSuk, Park ShinHye, Lee HongKi were all pros since they wereyoung, and I thought to myself, “Wasn’t I just a raw amateur?” I neverrested from the 1st to the 16th episodes. So aside from the sleeping Itook the scripts anywhere with me and memorized the lines. Because therole of Kang ShinWoo is already handsome, I think that is why thepublic view it so well.
MinHyuk: In real life, he is a really fun hyung, but I was surprised seeing him act on TV. Of course the funny hyung was nice too.
JungShin: We called him often monitoring his drama. “Hyung, we are enjoying this. But, for us to see it is a bit embarrassing.”

[EG] Since you already came in the entertainment world, you should have been less nervous
YongHwa:Drama or other programs, I’m nervous everyday about my schedule. Andsince I have my C.N Blue members with me, I’m really full. The solo actititives are what Jung YongHwa showed, but now I will put in my all to show C.N Blue.
JongHyun: Hyung tells us a lot of tips. Yesterday he told us what to do for today.
YongHwa:I’m a newbie too, but I started first. In order to show more of thatpro side, I told them let’s show our best. I’m the leader, but there isnothing I have to be mad about. We all match each other well.

[EG] JongHyun has an image that matches the band well
JongHyun:Like a guitar maniac? Haha. Before I used to listen to R&B andHipHop. Getting into a band made me research more about bands, and Istarted falling in love with band music. I really want to meet theJapanese band “Bump of Chicken”

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2010 09:14 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by twinkystar at 31-1-2010 09:15
[EG] In the teaser that was released, you had that tough image
JongHyun: I like that concept. Every day I try to act more manly. I need to focuson my manly side more if I want to appear that way.

YongHwa: JongHyun doesn’t have that fiery personality because he is a BuSan man, but he doesn’t get really mad.
JongHyun: I’m the only O type blood while the other members have A type blood.When the three of them get mad at each other, I’m the one who islaughing. Especially, YongHwa hyung is a Triple A blood type (meaningthat he gets mad often) (LOL)

[EG] MinHyuk looks like a naïve student. We can’t imagine him playing the drums.
MinHyuk:When people first see me, they could be awkward and bored. But since Iwas little I loved doing active sports. Sport like soccer, baseball,basketball I bet I could do better than my members. I’m pretty sure Icould show my powerful drummer sides.
YongHwa: MinHyuk has the clean personality so clean the room in Japan. He is nice to everyone around him and he didn’t change at all from the time I first met him. (Minhyuk's recognised as CNBlue's mother, btw)

[EG] He seems quiet, but very popular around girls
YongHwa: That is right. I always talk a lot around girls, but when MinHyuk is quiet; all the girls are like “he is so cute!” Are you guys that happy just looking at him? (YES YONGHWA, I AM! BD )

[EG] JungShin in the youngest in the team, but is the tallest
JungShin:When I was a freshman in high school I was stressed out because I wasso small. Going into high school, every year I grew 10cm and now, I got over 187cm. They say that my growth hormone is still active. The doctor told me that if I want to stop growing, stop playing sports and just play my bass. (laughs) (So tall ._.)

[EG] We also heard that you are very greedy when it comes to clothes
JungShin: It happens to me and YongHwa. When we get into our dorms and do onlineshopping, we ask each other, “How does this look?” When I lay down tosleep, I think of what shirts and pants to wear tomorrow.

[EG] You seemed really serious, but after talking for a while you seem a bit 4-D
JungShin:Since I tend to stay away from strangers, people tell me that I seemscary. But once I get to know someone, I’m really friendly and nice tothem.
YongHwa: JungShin’s world is really different. If arewith him then you end up feeling happy too. JungShin ended up coming inlate, but we were happy to have a skilled rapper and bass player.

[EG] On January 14th, the Bluetory album is released. What kind of songs are in it and which songs do you recommend?
YongHwa: If you say band in Korea, most people think of rock. We are putting thealternative rock feel, with ballad, hiphop, and rap. There are 5songs on our mini album. The title song, “I’m A Loner,” the song Icontributed on the lyrics, “Y, Why,” and songs like “Now or Never” thatwe translated into Korean. We think it is an album that anyone can enjoy without and heavy feelings.

[EG] The thing that you guys are focused on the most, is it the showcase?
YongHwa:We are practicing day and night. I think we don’t have enough songsthough. We are really nervous since this will be our first performance.I also went around telling everyone when I was in Korea first, so I’mfeeling anxious. But I know that we will do well.

[EG] Don’t you guys want to dance and show extravagant performance like the other guys around your age?
YongHwa: The songs aren’t songs that you can simply dance to and the bigger problem is that, dancing is like rat poison for us. (laughs) We will become the band that shines the most when we have our instruments. If we wanted to be dancers, we wouldn’t have gone to a band company in the first place.

[EG] The moment you guys have been dreaming of is in front of your eyes, what do you guys each want?
MinHyuk: I wish that our first step will be a good one. Too plain for you? That is all I can think of (I love him sfm)
JungShin: That our album will be widely known and loved by many. Being more greedy, I want win the newcomer award at the awards this year
JongHyun: It will be great to get C.N Blue loved, but I hope that people will enjoy rock music more. It will be better if Korean band industry can improve because of us and think comfortably of us. We will make stages so that all of us can jump around and play.
YongHwa:From the start we won’t be able to show all of our music, and all ofour sides. Step by step we will work on it. Until we become the grandpaband.

Source: ELLEgirl magazine
Translated by: CNBlueMoonlight @ CodeAzzurro

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2010 12:17 PM | Show all posts
fans summarize kan apa yg CN BLUE cerita psl pengalaman dorg

file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/USER/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot-1.pngfile:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/USER/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot-2.pngAs you know, CNBLUE did many radio shows. I can't even count how many they were.
I learned a lot about them. Let me summerize it.

Yong Hwa went to ski resort with parents and friends, took some pictures.
He posted some of them at his mini hompy. Some random people copied them to famous Uljjang(handsome face) cafe (=Best Nine)
He was chosen as Uljjang, became so famous with those ski photos.
Many casting managers and random visitors came to school to see him.
One day he saw audition ad of FNC, so he came to Seoul to take audition.
He has learned guitar for many years, and liked to sing, already skilled in singing and guitar.

Jong Hyun has similar experience, he took pictures with his friend's baby sister.
His friend posted it to Uljjang cafe (Best Nine too). He was selected as Uljjang.
One day, FNC casting manager left a message at his mini hompy saying to come to take audition.
He came to Seould to take audition, and met Yong Hwa at Seoul station for the first time.
He was learning guitar and vocal at pop music institute already, enough to take audition.

Myn Hyuk was learning piano and flute, he was much interested in music.
He once had received a namecard from FNC casting manager in front of his high school.
He didn't trust that person, just ignored it.
But some days later, he saw FTisland at TV and found their company FNC was the same company that gave him the namecard.
So he went to FNC and took audition.

These 3 people took audition on the same day. There were many many applicants, but only these 3 people passed.
That's how CNBLUE was made. It was early of year 2007.
Since that day, Yong Hwa and Jong Hyun have lived together. It's been 3 years already.

Jung Shin was studying photography, he went to Hongdae area to take picture on the street.
It was his first day there. FNC practice room was in Hongdae.
He was found by the casting manager of FNC, and was suggested to take audition.
He was not sure about the company. Then he accidently met Min Hyuk at English institute in Ilsan, near home.
He heard Min Hyuk was already the trainee of FNC, then Jung Shin could trust FNC and decided to take audition.

Yong Hwa and Jung Shin have elder brother, Jong Hyun and Min Hyuk have elder sister.
All are the youngest at their family.

They talked much about their Japan life.
Their company gave them the housing money only, so their daily allowence was to be made by themselves.
One day, after their evening live, they came back home, they found they have no key.
At that time they were so hungry and tired, had been starved for 2 days (because they don't have money for food)
just finished the concert. Since they had no car, they were bringing heavy instruments on their hands.
So brave Min Hyuk went up to the rooftop, then jumped into the balcony of their 5th floor house.
Min Hyuk said, at that time he was so hungry, couldn't think much.

When they had street live in Harajuku, they didn't take the subway, because the subway fee was too expensive for them.
They just moved by walking bringing all musical instuments and amp on the cart.
They said it was too hot, they were exhausted and almost fainted at one summer day.
On their first street live, 3 kids were their only audiance. They distributed the invitation to their live house performance.
But on their first live house concert, the audience was just 3.
Since they were teenagers, they couldn't perform after 8pm.
On their last club live in Japan on Dec.28.2009, the audiance was more than 300. They were so happy and felt fruitful.
Jong Hyun was Judo player, he had bigger body before. He lost 10 kg after 1 year Japan life.

Whenthey were asked what the biggest change after they made debut was, theyanswered that they have car, no need to bring musical instuments bywalking anymore.

It seems they go to Japan again.

It was impressive that they are so innocent.
Min Hyuk was surprised to be asked what his favorite liquor is, They have never drunk even these days, even Yong Hwa.
Min Hyuk loves fruits, while Jung Shin likes salad. Yong Hwa likes meat, Jong Hyun likes spicy food.
They have not had mobile phone for 1 year. Their only route to the outside world is computer.
Every night when they come home, each members go into their room and turn on their PC, visits all fan sites, read all posts.

They got number one at music bank. All said they couldn't feel anything, all were empty brained.
After they came down from stage, first they called to their parents. (Since they had no cell phone, they had to make calls)
Yong Hwa said that after he talked with his parents, he could feel that he did something great.
Min Hyuk's parents said to Min Hyuk, "You should have shown to fans that you were happy! You guys were too calm."
Jong Hyun said that his father cried to take his call. He was deeply moved but he didn't cry.

I am most happy that they have many songs prepared because they had more than 100 times live in Japan.

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2010 12:18 PM | Show all posts
sedey baca pengalaman dorg kat jepun..
berlapar dua hari sebab x de duit nak beli food
angkut instruments sendiri kesana kemari tgh2 terik panas..
minhyuk lompat dari balkoni masuk rumah dorg
the boys deserved apa yg dorg capai hari ni lps bersusah payah

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2010 12:20 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 31-1-2010 12:24 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by twinkystar at 31-1-2010 12:29


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 Author| Post time 31-1-2010 12:25 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2010 12:25 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by twinkystar at 31-1-2010 12:29


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 Author| Post time 31-1-2010 12:26 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by twinkystar at 31-1-2010 12:30


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 Author| Post time 31-1-2010 12:27 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by twinkystar at 31-1-2010 12:30


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