soalan sonang je..akak body mantap sblh umah aku pon mulih jwp lebih 70 pages...bulih wat tesis PHD gitu...dia ni la pencetus haku minat mu...lejen?senang cite dia la peneraju kejayaan MU masa zaman tu...skill, karekter, vision, popularity, legacy, huge contribution for the team..complete..apa lagi yg perlu utk jd lejen..nak cite mng euro? tim greece pon mulih mng..and yet sapa yg ko kenal player greece tu?
haa...pe lagi momod shadow..potong ka kredit sesapa yg kutuk lejen ko tu...haha.. |
Reply #65 toaster's post
cantona overrated.... one player doesn't make a team
ahkak shadow nak potong kredit haku ke neh |
kesimpulan yg dpt aku bwt.... sape2 yg x ske king eric nih either a stupid boboi or someone yg x ske MUFC (of coz ramai.....jelez la katekan....) |
Reply #67 maxomeara's post
hipotesis tak diterime.shadow pon leh minat king eric |
tak abis lg ke topik neh... |
Reply #69 Pak_Jen's post
topik ni besh haper..aku pon pasan die neh overrated..asik kuar kat iklan tb...
cantona ni yg meneja tim bolasepak pantai perancis tu kan |
Originally posted by <i>MetalFire</i> at 29-5-2009 11:11 <a href="http://forum.cari.com.my/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=31738445&ptid=420242" target="_blank"><img src="http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(this.src);}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></a><br />
topik ni besh haper..aku pon pasan die neh overrated..asik kuar kat iklan tb...<img src="images/smilies/lol.gif" smilieid="9" border="0" alt="" /> <br />
<br />
cantona ni yg meneja tim bolasepak pantai perancis tu kan <br />
laaa....dh sah2 skarang ni die mmg bnyk belakon....
nike joga bonito pon die belakon |
kalo cantona ni overrated, sape player yg x overrated? onri? messi? |
Balas #70 MetalFire\ catat
overrated pasal ko bukan fan man u..simple..mcm haku la..kalo ko kata lampard 1000x lg besh dr fletcher pun..aku tetap kata fletch 18 ribu kali lg best dr lampat.. |
Reply #73 Pak_Jen's post
bias... |
Reply #73 Pak_Jen's post
lampard pon overrated.. |
cantona is charismatic to players, team n MU fans... lebey kureng cam gerrard kat liverfool, henry kat arsengal dulu2 n terry at chelski |
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