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Author: rhoyo

[Lain-Lain] Spider-man 2 - SPIDEY & Queer as Folk (page 7)

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Post time 3-7-2004 09:36 AM | Show all posts
sambungan..(p/s spoiler ada sikit2 :bgrin: )

sam raimi , director


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Post time 3-7-2004 09:48 AM | Show all posts

bagi aku , scene ni yg paling aku suka dlm spiderman 1..

scene mana lak yg korang suka.. dlm spiderman 1 le..:hmm:

karang discuss yg spiderman 2 lak.. terbongkar spoiler..:lol
( mungkin lepas tayangan kat malaysia atau dah 2-3 minggu tayangan.. bagi ramai yg tengok , kita boleh discuss lak , part mana utk spidey 2 )

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Post time 3-7-2004 10:21 AM | Show all posts
huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...... kat tempat aku tak de wayang.... sedissss
terpaksa la tengok vcd pirate yg gelap gulita tu...

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Post time 4-7-2004 04:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dollah_bedwi at 3-7-2004 09:48:

bagi aku , scene ni yg paling aku suka dlm spiderman 1..

scene mana lak yg korang suka.. dlm spiderman 1 le..:hmm:

ako pun suka sangat part nie......dalam hujan pulak tuh...memang romatis habiss.....

satu lagi aku suka time dia selamatkan Mary Jane kat beranda tuh.....tapi scene selamatkan AUnt May dalam Spidey 2 lagi best dari yg tuh....

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Post time 4-7-2004 05:28 PM | Show all posts
aku tersentuhla masa dia selamatkan org kat keretapi tu.. huk..

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Post time 4-7-2004 08:26 PM | Show all posts
huiyooo spiderman 2 nie...buhsan sungguh ....rugii duit aku jerk!...tak best langsung!...apa lah!...tak abis

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Post time 4-7-2004 08:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by juanalisa81 at 3-7-2004 12:23 AM:
kowang rasa ader sambungan dia lg x?....hmmmm....rasanya cam ader

kalau nak sambung mesti kawan baik dia tu sambung kejahatan bapak dia. kan dia dah jumpa bilik rahsia bapak dia tu

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BuDAk^_^CuTE This user has been deleted
Post time 4-7-2004 10:10 PM | Show all posts
aku dah tgk...pirate jelah...nak berator pjg ngan tiket mahal lagik...tak larat aku...sequel yg baik...tak mcm sesetgh filem mcm matrix yg tak hape2 sambungannya.......ada lawak,sedih,aksi...lengkap lah 1 pakej.......aku suka part spidey naik lift ngan masa dia hantar piza pakai spidey outfit......part lwn ngan dr oct tu plak,laju sungguh...aku tak tau dia pukul ke tendang ke si dr oct........dr oct tu plak kesian aku nengok...dia tu adale jugak nak jadi baik tak mcm green goblin yg mmg gila....spidey 3 nanti harry plak jadi jahat...tak sabarnya nak tunggu summer 2007

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Post time 5-7-2004 01:11 AM | Show all posts
Spiderman 3 memang dah confirm nak buat ler.....2007 nanti tayangan dia.....


AKu tengok ending dia agak panjang selepas klimaks filem...sama macam yg berlaku dalam LOTR:ROTK.....tapi OK lah......aku sama sekali tak terduga bagaimana Harry Osborn tahu tentang rahsia mendiang bapak dia tuh.....bagaimanapun scene tuh seolah2 macam nak cakap yang Green Goblin bakal muncul kembali.....

Kesian pulak kat dia nie ditinggalkan oleh "Runaway Bride"......Tapi adegan itu memberikan asas yang kuat untuk menjadikan this guy sebagai Super Villain kepada Spidey untuk masa akan datang.....macam rumor yg diberi Pak lah tuh....James Jameson ini akan jadi half-man half wolf setelah menyerap kuasa dari kristal bulan.....

Tapi...tak sangka pula Professor kepada Peter Parker yg ada dalam Spidey 2 sekarang nieh juga akan jadi supervillain yg dikenali sebagai Lizard nanti....aku suka watak Prof tu even dia muncul sekejap saja......nampak macam kebanyakan SuperVillain kepada SPidey adalah mangsa kegagalan projek Sains ya.......BTW...Lizard tuh sama ngan Venom ker ?

Scene nie pun aku suka.....aksi dia merangkak kat web tuh memang kelass giler......masa nie, ada "longshot" yang kelihatan cantik sangat.....

Ok...selain tu aku suka scene SPidey selamatkan AUnt May dari Dr Oct....tak bernafas aku tengok yg tuh.....scenen katapi of coz lah best...dan 1 lagi scene MJ dapat tahu siapa SPidey masa last skali tuh.....

[ Last edited by GAIA on 5-7-2004 at 02:36 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 5-7-2004 01:14 AM | Show all posts
Wah Spoilers.. wah :bgrin: ...

Kalau kau nak tau Gaia.. Lizard tu adalah CIfu si Peter Parker dalam Nerogenics (lupa dah.. ) ....

Aku dah agak dah mesti mereka pilih Lizardman kerana kalau mereka nak Buat Venom dan Carnage lagi. mesti panjang nak mampus mereka nak buat.. kerana Venom tu terhasil dari meteor baju spiderman ... dan carnage tu pulak another story...

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Post time 5-7-2004 07:36 AM | Show all posts
ini sejarah asal venom mengikut komik spiderman.. kalau diaorg nak taruk dlm spiderman 3 , mesti kena ubah sikit utk sesuaikan.. eddie brock pernah di sebutkan dlm spiderman 1 jugak..oleh jj

Real Name: Edward 揈ddie

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Post time 5-7-2004 07:38 AM | Show all posts
sambunagn atas..:ah:

Height: 6 ft. 3 in.
Weight: 260 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Redish Blond

Strength Level: Venom possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) almost 11 tons.

Known Superhuman Powers: The alien costume, which has grafted itself to the nervous system of Eddie Brock, somehow absorbed the powers of Spider-Man during its brief symbiotic relationship with him. These powers have now been transferred to Brock, so long as he wears the costume. Brock had conditioned himself to lift (press) almost 700 lbs. Before he came into contact with the costume. Once they merged, the costume added Spider-Man抯 superhuman strength to Brock抯 vast human strength, making him more powerful than Spider-Man.

The alien costume also replicates Spider-Man抯 ability to cling to walls by controlling the flux of inter-atomic attraction between molecular boundary layers.

Venom can also shoot strands of the alien抯 substance in the form of 搘ebbing

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Post time 5-7-2004 07:43 AM | Show all posts

Real name: Cletus Kasady
Occupation: Convict
Group affiliation: None
Base of operations: New York City
First appearance: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #344 (as Cletus Kasady, 1991), Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #360 (as Carnage, 1992)

History: Homicidal maniac Cletus Kasady was serving 11 consecutive prison terms when an opportunity for early parole presented itself in the form of his new cellmate: Eddie Brock, human host to a symbiotic costume once worn by the wisecracking, wall-crawling super hero known as Spider-Man. Monster and man had merged to become the villainous Venom, but Brock was separated from the alien during a battle with the web-slinger. While Brock waited for the symbiote to spring him from prison, Kasady entertained him with his homicidal philosophy on life: Even the average person can commit murder, if only he has the courage.

As anticipated, the Venom symbiote attempted to free Brock by inciting a destructive jailbreak. Unknown to its human host, the alien was pregnant. It gave birth during the disastrous rescue. Left behind in the midst of the riot that ensued, the symbiote's spawn bonded with Kasady. Empowered far beyond the levels of Spider-Man and Venom, he made good his escape -- intent on using his newfound power to disseminate his lethal doctrine.

Embarking on a citywide killing spree, Carnage was confronted by Spider-Man. However, the wall-crawler's amazing arachnid-like abilities were insufficient to subdue the thrice-strong serial killer. Spider-Man was forced to enlist the aid of the Fantastic Four, the greatest team of superhuman adventurers ever assembled. He also sought the assistance of another, more dangerous ally: Venom, his hated foe. But the villain despised its offspring even more, and agreed to help. Facing the combined might of Spider-Man, Venom and the Fantastic Four, Carnage was captured and imprisoned at the Ravencroft Asylum.

Perhaps due in part to his insanity, Carnage's strength and abilities far exceed those of his predecessors, Venom and Spider-Man. Once, he even dispatched his symbiote through a phone line by reducing the alien to its cellular level. When an army of symbiotes invaded Earth, Carnage learned to feed on other aliens to increase his own mass. However formidable, almost all his bloodthirsty endeavors have culminated with his return to the Ravencroft Asylum, where the search continues for a cure to his homicidal tendencies.

Height: 6 ft. 1 in.
Weight: 190 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red

Known Superhuman Powers: Besides superhuman strength and agility, Carnage can adhere to most surfaces with his hands and feet, project a web-like substance, and mutate sections of his symbiotic costume into detachable weapons.

[ Last edited by dollah_bedwi on 5-7-2004 at 07:44 AM ]

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Post time 5-7-2004 07:48 AM | Show all posts

Real Name: Dr. Curtis Connors
Occupation: Research biologist
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: United States citizen with no criminal record
Former Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Coral Gables, Florida
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Martha (wife), William (son)
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: New York City and West Palm Beach, Florida
First Appearance: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #6

History: Dr. Curtis Connors was an Army surgeon whose right arm was amputated when it became gangrenous from a war wound. Unable to remain a surgeon, Connors undertook the scientific study of reptiles, soon becoming a leading authority. Reptiles still possess the ability to regenerate missing limbs whereas mammals have evolved away from that trait. Connors discovered the precise chemical substance that confers this ability, and administered it to himself. He succeeded in regenerating his missing arm but the mutagenic effects of the chemical did not end and caused a body wide transformation to a reptilian-humanoid form.

Possessed by a primitive but cunning reptilian mind, the Lizard intended to gather a reptile army that would supplant humanity as Earth's ruling species. But Spider-Man stopped the Lizard's schemes, using Connors' chemicals and scientific knowledge to create a serum that reversed the original formula's effects. However, the mutations the serum enacted remain part of Connors' genetic makeup. Though he has gone long periods without transforming into his reptilian alter ego, the scientist has never been able to fully free himself from the curse of the Lizard. In fact, the reptilian persona seems to be awake in Connors' subconscious, hinting at a larger agenda for the world and humanity than previously

At one point, the villain Calypso apparently put the Lizard under her control, but it was actually a clone of Connor's Lizard-form. He went on a killing spree in New York City, which ended only when he killed Calypso. Spider-Man and a bounty hunter named Warrant went looking for this Lizard and started a three-way battle. The Lizard jumped into quicksand and was thought dead. In reality, this Lizard in the quicksand mutated into a more reptilian monster. The first one destroyed the second Lizard when it tried to kill Curtis's son.

Height: 5 ft. 11 in.
Weight: 175 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown

Strength Level: The Lizard has superhuman strength, enabling him to lift (press) approximately 12 tons.

Known Superhuman Powers: The Lizard possesses a number of superhuman powers endowed by his reptilian form, including his superhuman strength. His powerful leg muscles enable him to clear 12 feet in a standing high jump and 18 feet in a standing broad jump. His alligator-like hide is tougher than human skin, and is capable of resisting the penetration of small caliber bullets. His reaction time is about twice that of the normal human being and he can run at speeds of up to 45 miles per hour.

The Lizard possesses a 6.5-foot tail, which he can whip at speeds up to 70 miles per hour. Like a gecko lizard, his hands and feet have retractable 1-inch hooks growing from the base of his palm and the ball of his foot, and his fingers and toes are covered with scores of tiny claws to create adhesive pads. As a result, the Lizard can support his weight climbing up and down normally intractable surfaces.

When the Lizard, the R-complex of Connors' brain (the most primitive region of the human brain containing the most bestial drives) takes over the cerebellum, causing Connors' mind to become progressively inhuman. The Lizard gains a quasi-telepathic ability to communicate with and command all reptiles within about a one-mile radius of himself.

Abilities: In his human form, Dr. Curtis Connors is a brilliant biologist and biochemist, and is a leading herpetologist (a scientist who studies reptiles).

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Post time 5-7-2004 07:58 AM | Show all posts

Real Name: John Jameson
Occupation: Former astronaut
Identity: Jameson's identity as the Man-Wolf is unknown by the general public of Earth
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record
Former Aliases: Man-Wolf, Stargod
Place of Birth: New York, New York
Known Relatives: J. Jonah (father), Joan (mother, deceased)
First Appearance: AMAZING SPIDERMAN #1, (as Man-Wolf) AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #124
Final Appearance: (as Man-Wolf) SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #2

History: John Jameson, son of newspaper mogul J. Jonah Jameson, was one of the youngest applicants to ever be accepted into NASA's astronaut program. During his first mission, in which he orbited Earth, Jameson's capsule developed a faulty guidance module which caused the craft to spin out of control. The fledgling adventurer, Spider-Man, who had just begun his career weeks earlier, managed to rescue Jameson by getting a replacement guidance module to the plummeting capsule. This incident, which Jameson's father construed as a publicity stunt to upstage his son's accomplishment, provoked the one of elder Jameson's first editorial denouncements of Spider-Man.

On a later space mission, Jameson somehow contracted an unknown virus presumably during a space walk. Upon his return to Earth, Jameson began to develop superhuman strength as a side effect of the virus. Jameson was given a special body suit designed to keep his strength in check by scientists at NASA. When it appeared that Spider-Man was involved in a bank robbery, J. Jonah Jameson persuaded his son to use his strength to subdue the web-slinger and thus become a public hero. John Jameson agreed but was bettered by Spider-Man in their first encounter. When the elder Jameson learned Spider-Man was innocent, he tried to stop his son from proceeding in his battle, but John Jameson sought a rematch after his earlier defeat. When the two clashed a second time, Spider-Man managed to neutralize the virus in Jameson's body by a high dosage of electricity. When Jameson recovered, his strength was no longer superhuman.

Some time later, Jameson was selected to go on a secret mission to the moon, the reason for which is still classified information. While collecting lunar rock samples, he came across a glittering red gemstone, unlike anything else he had seen there. At the successful completion of the mission, Jameson felt a strange compulsion to possess the unique gemstone, and with the assistance of a colleague, Jameson had it recovered from quarantine and made into a pendant. Jameson was wearing it around his throat on the first night of a full moon when lunar luminescence reacted with the pendant, causing him to transform into a wolf like humanoid creature.

For months, Jameson tried to find a way to fight the three nights of transformation; finally acquiring a radiation suit he hoped would screen out the moon's rays. It failed like all his other attempts. In his native New York City on the first night of his fifth month of his transformations, Jameson began to stalk his own father in an instinctive quest for help. The elder Jameson was shocked by the seeming attack of the Man-Wolf, and suspected the creature was in partnership with Spider-Man, who happened by in time to fight the werewolf. Then J. Jonah Jameson saw the pendant around the Man-Wolf's neck and recognized it as his son's. Confronting his son with his suspicions the next day, the elder Jameson learned of his son's strange plight, and discovered that his son could not end it by removing the pendant since it had somehow grafted itself to his skin. Soon, however, as the Man-Wolf grappled with Spider-Man, the costumed crimefighter tore the pendant from Man-Wolf's throat, unaware of its connection. Although it would take months before the injury to his throat would heal, John Jameson was cured of his lunar-triggered transformations. Spider-Man threw the pendant into the Hudson River.

Not long after his throat healed, John Jameson was again afflicted by the curse of the Man-Wolf when Michael Morbius, a scientist with a blood disease that gave him artificial vampiric powers, recovered the gemstone and exposed Jameson to it. Jameson reverted to his wolf like form, and in that state Morbius placed the gemstone around his neck once more. Morbius hoped to use the Man-Wolf as his pawn in a scheme to cure himself of his vampiric affliction, but that scheme was thwarted by Spider-Man. Both Morbius and the Man-Wolf managed to escape. Again afflicted by monthly transformations, the Man-Wolf's rampages attracted the attention of the police department, who assigned special investigator Simon Stroud to the case. Stroud suspected that the Man-Wolf was Jameson, but kept his suspicions to himself. Managing to escape from New York and the authorities, Jameson hitchhiked to Georgia where he became involved in a skirmish between SHIELD and the original Hate-Monger.

Height: 6 ft. 2 in.
Weight: 200 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Red-brown

Strength Level: John Jameson possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and weight who engages in extensive regular exercise.

Former Superhuman Powers: Man-Wolf possessed superhuman strength, agility, speed, and stamina, as well as the heightened senses of a true wolf. Although his level of strength varied according to the amount of moonlight that filtered through Earth's atmosphere, at prime conditions during the three nights of the full moon, Man-Wolf could lift (press) about 4 tons. His half-human half-wolf form possessed the agility, speed, and stamina of a full wolf. His eyes were able to see partially into the infrared range, enabling him to see in the dark. His olfactory centers enabled him to track the spoor of his quarry across any terrain. His teeth and claws were hard and sharp enough to rend a variety of substances, such as wood, soft metals, and even cinderblock. His whole body's musculature was so durable that he was able to survive great falls and concussive blows with minimal injury, and fully recover from gunshot wounds within a month. Man-Wolf had no control over his transformations, assuming his lupine form for 12 hours, each of the three nights of the full moon. Not a true supernatural werewolf, the Man-Wolf was not subject to the conventional limitations of lycanthropy, such as a weakness for silver

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Post time 5-7-2004 10:00 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dollah_bedwi at 3-7-2004 09:48 AM:

bagi aku , scene ni yg paling aku suka dlm spiderman 1..

scene mana lak yg korang suka.. dlm spiderman 1 le..:hmm:

aku pun suka gak...yang spoilnya scene nie anak dara aku hafal  dia kalau tengok org kissing siap ingat alah kiss macam spiderman tu....siap demo lagi...tensen tul...dlm spiderman 2 nie pun ade gak..nasib baik dia diam jer...bawa budak tgk wayang dia nak tgk action jer bila time bercakap mula dia boring...

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Post time 5-7-2004 11:13 AM | Show all posts
Trivia for
Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Sam Raimi officially signed on to direct on 1 April 2002, more than a month before the first film opened.

For a scene featuring fighting on the exterior of a subway train amidst a crowd of skyscrapers, portions of this film were filmed in Chicago, Illinois on the famous elevated "Loop" standing in for New York City's 9th St. El in Manhattan, torn down in 1940, with routes transferred to underground subway lines. Chicago 'el' trains were made up to appear as 'R'-train cars complete with MTA New York City Subway decals and 'Forest Hills' on their destination board.

Filming began before an official script was completed.

Sam Neill was considered to play Doc Ock, as was Robert De Niro

Tobey Maguire's participation was in doubt at one point because he was suffering severe back pains. Jake Gyllenhaal, was lined up to play Spider-Man and had already begun preparation, but Maguire decided to take part after all.

Filming was originally scheduled in February 2003, but Tobey Maguire injured his arm causing filming to be delayed two months.

Testing with focus groups was done to help determine the film's title, at one point the titles "Spider-Man: No More", "Spider-Man 2 Lives" and "Spider-Man: Unmasked".

Opening sequence features artwork by artist Alex Ross, which recaps the events in Spider-Man (2002).

The plot of the movie, involving Peter Parker quitting crime-fighting, is largely inspired by The Amazing Spider-Man #50, "Spider-Man No More". The shot of Peter dumping his Spider-Man costume in an alley trash can is identical to a famous panel from that issue.

According to an interview with Kirsten Dunst, early storylines included the Black Cat as a major character.

Approximately $54 million was spent on digital effects alone.

At one point in the promotional marketing of the film, bases featuring the Spider-Man 2 logo were to be used during Major League Baseball games. However, this plan was scrapped after intense negative reaction from baseball fans.

In Alfred Molina's first film, Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), he was required to let spiders crawl all over his body.

The film features two other villains from the comics. John Jameson (son of J. Jonah Jameson) is the Man-Wolf and Dr. Curt Connors (presumably the same 'Dr. Connors" mentioned in the first film that fired Peter for being late too often) is the Lizard. Coincidentally, both are "Jekyll and Hyde" type villains in that they are good people who are transformed periodically against their will into their vicious, animal-like alter-egos.

Although Spider-Man in the comics was supposed to fight the Chameleon first, Sam Raimi was so attached to the idea of Spider-Man fighting the Green Goblin in the first feature film, and wanted to bring the idea of Doc Ock in a sequel.

Michael Chabon worked on the screenplay at one point during pre-production.

Tobey Maguire's agent asked for $25 million or 10% of the gross, whichever was better, from Columbia Pictures and was denied.

Alfred Molina who plays Dr. Octopus actually gave names to his four mechanical tentacles (Larry, Harry, Flo, and Moe).

Ed Harris and Chris Cooper were among those considered for the role of Dr. Octopus

Christopher Walken was considered for Doctor Octopus.

When J. Jonah Jameson is creating a name for Doctor Octopus he suggests that the villain be named Doctor Strange but then realizes that the name has already been taken. This is referring to Spider-man's comic book ally of the same name.

In one of the scenes of the movie, we see Tobey Maguire complaining of a sore back after a fall. Prior to filming Maguire nearly quit the film because of a bad back.

The only time Dr. Otto Octavius is referred to as "Dr. Octopus" or "Doc Ock" in the movie is when Jameson is coming up with a name for him for the Daily Bugle.

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Post time 5-7-2004 11:17 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by PrincessFiona at 5-7-2004 10:00 AM:

aku pun suka gak...yang spoilnya scene nie anak dara aku hafal  dia kalau tengok org kissing siap ingat alah kiss macam spiderman tu....siap demo lagi...tensen tul...dlm spiderman 2 nie pun a ...

nasib baik masa 1 dulu aku gi sorang aje tengok wayang.. tapi bila tengok dvd cerita ni balik kat rumah , sampai ajer kat part ni aku forward tak bagi anak aku tengok:lol , nanti sibuk tanya diaorg buat aper tu..

yg 2 ni , jugak aksi 2 , mary jane sexy kena rendam air kat last2 , nampak kegebuan nya dan buahan2rf:..

masa aku tengok , bebudak2 depan aku siap menjerit2 lompat2 bila spidey lawan dgn dr oc kat keretapi tu..

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Post time 5-7-2004 05:52 PM | Show all posts
Venom kalau jd super villain seterusnya mmg sakit la sam raimi sbb citer dia panjang giler. Kalau ikut continuity, mmg Harry tu nampak cam calon seterusnya la dlm list dan tempelan Man-Wolf dan jugak Lizard tu sbg villain tambahan.

Kekuatan cerita Spider-Man ni pada elemen drama dan emosi dia, berbanding super-hero lain yg terlalu byk aksi. (satu lagi yg aku suke X-MEN). So harap2 takla jadik macam Batman yg main lama makin tak best.

Dari movie kedua ni macam Aunt May tu dah tau je Peter tu Spider-Man, cuma dia tak cakap je kat Peter. Kalau dlm komik, dah nak mati baru la dia bagi tau dia sepanjang peter jadi Spider-man tu dia dah tau. (huhu sedih lak ingat balik scene tu)

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Post time 6-7-2004 09:39 AM | Show all posts
cik bedah baru nengok spidey semalam. best giler tak macam citer super hero komik yg lain hehehe

-peminat setia smallville-

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