bahawasanya..pada hari ini saya bertekad, saya hanya akan menumpu sepenuh perhatian pada anda sahaja tahun ini..saye tidak mampu untuk menumpukan perhatian saye kpd dia..saye akan menyokong dia dari jauh saje..Goo PD-nim, hwaiting!!
bahawasanya..pada hari ini saya bertekad, saya hanya akan menumpu sepenuh perhatian pada anda sahaja tahun ini..saye tidak mampu untuk menumpukan perhatian saye kpd dia..saye akan menyok ...
wbsJUE Post at 11-1-2010 09:31
keke...angin kus2 tuh cam selow jek..
bio le cam angin ribut kencang..cepat sket kot..erk, bleh ke?
wbsJUE Post at 11-1-2010 13:46
setuju..mende2 cm nih ai setuju jer..cepatla ia berlalu dn biarla angin kencang+ribut topika ker hapa ker yg membawanyer berlalu pergi~~~di tambah ngan thunder/lightning..bia la hangus terbako..errkkk buleh dok
nk tempek mana..nk tempek sini..ai takut nk tempek umah si budak tinggi lampai itu..
analisis kaka pasu munge
cr:flowerpot from Joondi thread/soompi
Wow... so this is it... the end of an era... I know that this wascoming but this is how it feels once it's finally confirmed...
Iam sitting here dazed as i write this comment lost in the bittersweetemotions of this piece of news that seem to send everyone agog notknowing if i should be ecstatic or sentimental that finally Lee Minhois moving forward and taking on another project...
Ecstaticbecause i've truly miss seeing him onscreen and knowing that talentsuch as his deserves to be shared and enjoyed by everyone...
Thedrama seems interesting... I have no doubt that Lee Minho can play therole of JinHo to perfection... Just reading through the synopsis isenough to tickle my imagination and i am more than grateful that hechose a light drama to showcase the other sides of Minho that we havenot seen in BOF... Who knows? With Minho's charisma, he can make thischaracter a pop icon too the way that he did with Goo Junpyo...
However, i Am a MinSun shipper first before a Minho lover and that makes me feel sentimental...
Twomonths from now, Lee Minho would not just be known as the man who wasGu Junpyo... the other half of the MinSun ship... The leader of theF3... he will be playing opposite a new lead female in an altogetherdifferent role and no doubt another ship will emerge which will payhomage and reverence to their pairing and he'd also be known as JeonJin Ho... and yes i admit, there's a pinch in my heart just thinkingabout it...
I guess, i've just been quite comfortable having Minho all to Hyesun's for the longest time...
Fairlyunderstandable, since he became well known through their pairing andthere was no other actresses before Hyesun which he is considered to bereally a half of...
Having said that, there is of course, somesort of sentimental feeling in letting him go, knowing that from nowon, he'd also be paired with other actresses ... his name attached tothat of anothers... playing scenes that we've only seen him play withHyesun...
I guess being a rookie when he started, this is theplague that shipping for them carries...At least if it was another moreseasoned actor there would be other ships before us and so moving onmight seem like a natural process but in this case, it's like lettinggo of a baby that you've raised and then seeing him call another person"mother"... hehehe!
But more than that, i think what i'm moresad about is with Minho being busy with this new project and Hyesunbeing busy with her directorial debut, i'm sure their time togetherwould become less frequent and far between...In the event that indeedthey do get together, i doubt if if they'd still share it in public, soi guess, i'm more sad about not seeing them together for a long timemore than anything... (However, as we love to say... they love tosurprise us so who knows?)
At the end of it all, i guess duty calls and one does what one must...
Thoseworries aside, i lie content in the fact that the MinSun and F3friendship is really the kind that goes way beyond what goes on infront of the cameras... They might move on to other roles and into abigger ocean, and both Minho and Hyesun might be paired with tons ofother actors and actresses but i'm sure that the bonds that they haveformed offcamera and in their personal lives will remain strong...
Afterall, Lee Minho said it himself... The role of Goo Junpyo will alwayshave a soft spot in his heart and no matter what he will always beJunpyo to Hyesun's Geum Jandi...
He may be playing Jinho fornow and ironing and putting on make up for the girl who plays oppositehim while the cameras are rolling... but he will always be Minho toHyesun... the one who looks back to check if she's okay, pours herdrink for her, unwraps her gum for her, plays doggie and master withher WHEN THEY ARE OFF CHARACTER AND JUST BEING THEMSELVES and i guessthat is what matters most...
I believe that they have been through so much to just let lack of time waste their closeness away...
Ibet Hyesun is happy that Minho has found another project that he likesso like her, let's all support him in this new endeavor and here'shoping that it will be as successful as BOF...
I am crossingmy fingers that Hyesun come back in front of the cameras too andhopefully not in a saeguk project... I really want to see her in acontemporary role that fits her beauty and her age and her talent... Asa female romantic lead who will make us fall in love again just as hardas Geum Jandi did...
Whether together or apart, i will still forever adore the both of them...
GooJunpyo said at the end of BOF episode 12 "Wait for me Geum Jandi, i'dcome back for you" and like Jandi, i'd wait with bated breath untilsuch time when the heavens hear our prayers and they'd be pairedtogether once again...
sedih ..... sakit paler ... migrain jap bila baca
soebyuk Post at 11-1-2010 23:36
hai soe~~minat MinSun jugak ker~~minum ubat..bia migrain cepat ilang...
besela dunia artis cm tuh..malas nk pk la..bia la~~sedey mmg sedey nk buat cm ner..cuma tuh la..satu jer arapan..arap2 dpt tengok minSun belakon bersama..w/pn muskil...teringat ai abe bae ngan ji woo..still sampai skang tk dapek belakon bersama..adekah MinSun pon cm tuh..adeyyyyy dh mula...bia la... bia la ia berlalu pergi ngan secepatnyer
hai soe~~minat MinSun jugak ker~~minum ubat..bia migrain cepat ilang...
besela dunia artis cm tuh..malas nk pk la..bia la~~sedey mmg sedey nk buat cm ner..cuma tuh la..satu jer arapan..arap2 dpt ...
Ley Post at 12-1-2010 00:04
ai tak mengharapkan dorang berlakon bersama lagi.... tapi
ai mengharapkan relationship dorang berkekalan...
at least ... kuar bersama2.. walaupun ngan yg lain2 sekali