Reply 740# nazurah
o0o0o ye ke? tak pe, nnt kalo aku blk umah parents aku..aku halo-halo ko ye. bole la kite dating sambil makan tauhu bakar kat tasik bwh Bkt Lelayang tu. ahaks! |
Reply 741# attokz
uik... ko ajak aku dating... kang kena pelangkong dgn awek ko takut aku
bukit lelayang tu port aku jogg...bulan pose rehat lerr sebulan |
Ulu Tiram, Johor Bahru... |
Ulu Tiram, Johor Bahru...
shahrinas Post at 17-8-2010 12:41 
me tooo..  |
Hello orang negeri johor minat membaca tak??
if yes, Q'reazant provides a convenient and money-saving book rental service where you can choose books from our online catalogue and have them delivered right to your door steps! With more than 4,500 best selling fictions and non-fictions to choose from, our collection consist of books in both English and Bahasa Malaysia. NO DELIVERY CHARGES and NO LATE FEES!
Plus, we also provide fun and educational workshops for children as well as educational/book related products for sale.
Visit our website at www.qreazant.com for further details.
Hello orang negeri johor minat membaca tak??
if yes, Q'reazant provides a convenient and money-s ...
macncheese Post at 19-8-2010 14:29 
jom borak..... |
johor bahru.
nape x buat poll? pantas dan effisien |
Reply 742# nazurah
Naz, selalu jogg ke?
awat tak kurus pun hang aku tgk? hahahahaha~ |
shah alam  |
aku sempadan bt.pahat ngan muor...
cmf_vitagen Post at 7-9-2010 11:22 
Peserai ke? Semerah? |
sonata85 Post at 6-9-2010 12:41 
idop segamat..tp skrg dok kt jb ar...huhu |
Reply hh_hs
haaa... oren bodo tu la yg sedap lega tekak kalo minum time panas. skang dah pupus ...
nazurah Post at 11-8-2010 10:37 
ader lg r...tp susah nak cr ar...manufacturer kan kt BP kan...raya ritu paksa abah beli gak...mhl skrg...1 bekas tu rm40...kalah f&n...tp ttp nak bli gak...syedapppp |
me tooo..
alysa79 Post at 18-8-2010 08:34 
me three..haha |
| |
Category: Negeri & Negara