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Author: Presiden_Lanun


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Post time 23-3-2014 11:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
razhar posted on 23-3-2014 11:10 AM
RMAF sepatut nya ubah stupidd SOP tu..bila saja unknown blips detected..they should challenge the bl ...

Sis .. Yg ne iols setujuk.. 3 kali tak reply terus tembak jah. .. Mcm Korean Air kena dulu.

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Post time 23-3-2014 11:45 AM | Show all posts
lorelai posted on 23-3-2014 07:40 AM
biarla mereka

i skrg percaya pd tudm. lmbg dia yg nnt nak bergadai nyawa..sebelom org laen

cuba tengok filem WIRA ANGKASA...   lebih kurang macam tu la kalau nak tau cerita scamble scramble ni....

penat aku berlakun jadi stunt sebab sabre fadzil jadi hero tapi dia bukan pilot..

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Post time 23-3-2014 11:45 AM | Show all posts
adam dah cakap jgn gaduh..

eh budak ni..

tgk cm adam..

aman damai je berforum..

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Post time 23-3-2014 11:45 AM | Show all posts
so bila nak jumpa?

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Post time 23-3-2014 11:45 AM | Show all posts
berancuk posted on 23-3-2014 03:41 AM
kan dah kena lagi, padan muka

kena light2 jah
barulah nnt muncul org nak esplen
bagus org2 cam razhar k.. i suka

kalu puji puja melambung..

nnt xde improvement

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Post time 23-3-2014 11:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dunhill. posted on 23-3-2014 11:44 AM
Tk taula klu ada org dh post sbb aku tak larat nak selak

Mungkin juga us menembak jatuh pesawat n ...

Senjata haarp us? Imam mahdi turun dari panji panji hitam dari timur?

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Post time 23-3-2014 11:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Now it's time to test their weapon, etc .man vs machines, man vs technology. Pray for mh 370

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Post time 23-3-2014 11:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
alibnmat posted on 23-3-2014 11:42 AM
..ya pd i first 3 days tu mcam agak lambat nak bitau apa2

Ai tak perasan lambat mata ai ni tak lepas baca crawler kat tv tu sambil berdebar debar... masa tu pun dah bermacam spekulasi kuar..siap ada fb salah sorang stewardess ke apa tu kononnya ckp dah selamat landed..fuhhh..mmg pening...

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Post time 23-3-2014 11:49 AM | Show all posts
North Korea test-fired 16 short-range rockets into the sea on Sunday, the South's military said -- the latest of dozens launched in recent weeks in apparent protest at joint drills between Seoul and Washington.

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Post time 23-3-2014 11:50 AM | Show all posts
kelana36 posted on 23-3-2014 03:45 AM
cuba tengok filem WIRA ANGKASA...   lebih kurang macam tu la kalau nak tau cerita scamble scramble ...

okie kapitan
jap lg aku download..

wow abang ni pelakon jugak ke
lagi lah nak dptkan tandatangan

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Post time 23-3-2014 11:50 AM | Show all posts
(Reuters) - Russian troops forced their way into a Ukrainian airbase in Crimea with armored vehicles, automatic fire and stun grenades on Saturday, injuring a Ukrainian serviceman and detaining the base's commander for talks.

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Post time 23-3-2014 11:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kelana36 posted on 23-3-2014 11:45 AM
cuba tengok filem WIRA ANGKASA...   lebih kurang macam tu la kalau nak tau cerita scamble scramble ...

Oh ya ke..kena tgk balik..lama dah cite ni..

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Post time 23-3-2014 11:51 AM | Show all posts
trusnowan posted on 23-3-2014 11:44 AM
patut seseorang tolong summarize buat column FAQ yg 'kenapa itu ini?"

Kalau boleh sertakan sekali gambarajah .. lagi senang semua faham

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Post time 23-3-2014 11:51 AM | Show all posts
Haer posted on 23-3-2014 11:41 AM
Bukan setiap hari mereka ambil gambar melalui satelit tu lelebih lagi area yg tiada kepentingan, u ...

mungkin jugak..sbb ada tertengok tv3 jemput pakar satelit..pakar tu ckp satelit ni byk yg jenis pakai buang..ada expired date mcm tu lah lebih kurang


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Post time 23-3-2014 11:51 AM | Show all posts
Czaziq posted on 23-3-2014 11:36 AM
bygkan kalo msia kne bom dlm ms 45min ape boleh jadi. igtkan tudm sentiasa standby. harap pasni jd ...

betul..zaman sekarang..perang bukan lagi hantar sopwitch ni ...

so kena ubah mentaliti rasa  selamat tu...


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Post time 23-3-2014 11:52 AM | Show all posts
lorelai posted on 23-3-2014 11:50 AM
okie kapitan
jap lg aku download..

gugel jap WIRA ANGKASA, macam hensem jer

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Post time 23-3-2014 11:53 AM | Show all posts
PrinCessMaya posted on 23-3-2014 11:37 AM
Dok tuduh2 menteri tdo lah..upper level tidolah...sendiri tdo tak baca penerangan org x mau ngaku... ...

apa lu tahu bab tentera?

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Post time 23-3-2014 11:54 AM | Show all posts
juliez posted on 23-3-2014 11:28 AM
Ada juga link.. tq! Kita patut suruh TT buat ruangan Q&A knp tudm tak intercept, knp atc subang  ...

ok..noted..terima kasih


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Post time 23-3-2014 11:55 AM | Show all posts
lorelai posted on 23-3-2014 11:50 AM
okie kapitan
jap lg aku download..

adam stuntman james bond 007 dan jet li..


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Post time 23-3-2014 11:55 AM | Show all posts
magnus posted on 23-3-2014 11:21 AM
Tq buat sinopsis...senang plak tu nak paham

meh aku tolong tepek...

                                                                                                                                                                                                MH370: I Speak Out                                                                                                                               
                        Posted by: seademon on: March 20, 2014                       
This posting is made with the above in mind. A lot has been said about the disappearance of the MH370. Most of what has been said are purely speculations, with some that might have qualified to be nominated for best screenplay at the Academy Awards. I, too, have some idea of what might have happened but I put them aside so I could listen to the daily press conference with an open mind. I will also attempt to maintain some form of ethics because I also have the feelings of the family of the passengers and crew in mind when I write this.
The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) has come under intense attack by both foreign and local media alike. The Air Defence system has also come under intensive fire by members of the opposition party for its failure to detect the MH370 upon deviating from its intended path and the subsequent failure to scramble our fighters. Some even say our air defence personnel were asleep on the job, and that at least one air defence radar was not working.
It is easy for keyboard warriors to criticise the RMAF without knowing what or how our air defence systems work. Perhaps when they think of an air defence system, they had the following in mind:

Why I write this is to give a general understanding of how our air defence system works, and what really happened that night. I have been generally quiet on this matter as at the time of writing, I am grieving the passing of my younger brother exactly 100 days today. But duty calls, I guess.
I left the RMAF almost 20 years ago. A handful of my squad-mates are still serving senior officers. Back in September 2012, a number of bloggers (including I) and some senior editors of the Malaysian media (including those that are opposition-leaning) were invited to a media open day organised by the then Minister of Defence. Everything was displayed to us, including some of the very sensitive information, so that we could acquire enough background and understand how the RMAF works. Out of the 80 or so people who were there that day, I guess I am the only one to come to the defence of the RMAF.
First of all, this is how a typical air defence centre looks like from the inside:

It is no longer the one-man show you see in the movie “Tora! Tora! Tora!” There are several air defence centres around Malaysia covering both the Peninsula, Sabah, Sarawak and FAR beyond. I have a photo of how far our air defence radars reach, but although I was allowed to take photos of the main display, I opt not to put it up here. Suffice to say, what we have is enough to tell us way ahead if a hostile aircraft is approaching our airspace. When we were at the air defence centre, we were shown a live interception of two bogeys by two of our MiG-29N interceptors.

If I may say, what we all saw on the screen was what would have been seen by all the operators of the other RMAF Air Defence Centres around the nation that if one failed, it would not jeopardise what the others could see.
During this display, not one journo nor blogger could come up with a sane question related to what was shown to them. In the end, I and a few of my blogger friends had to ask the questions to get the RMAF clarify on issues that the media and bloggers have been attacking them on. Even the Deputy Chief of Air Force, Lieutenant General Dato Seri Haji Roslan bin Saad thanked me for my participation and for helping the RMAF clarify some issues.
Let us go back to that wee hours on Saturday, 8th March 2014. MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 0041 hours (Local Time). At 0107 hours, the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) transmitted that all was well with the aircraft.
The aircraft soon after arrived at waypoint IGARI, about 78 nautical miles from Redang island, bearing 056 degrees) which is a point in the South China Sea between the Malaysian border with Vietnam. At this point, Lumpur Flight Information Region (FIR) would hand over the control aircraft to Vietnam. At 0119 hours, a person believed to be the co-pilot transmitted the final vox transmission, “Alright, good night.” At 0122 hours, the aircraft disappeared from secondary radar coverage without any distress call suggesting its transponder had been switched off by someone on the flight deck. However, it was only at 0240 hours that Malaysia Airlines was notified.
The RMAF Air Defence radars saw the MH370 tracked West Southwest to waypoint VAMPI (68 nautical miles East Northeast of Lhokseumawe, Indonesia), then Northeast to waypoint GIVAL (69 nautical miles South Southwest of Phuket International Airport) before tracking Northwest towards waypoint IGREX (100 nautical miles East Southeast of Car Nicobar airport on India’s Nicobar Islands), the last known position according to the primary radar. Where MH370 went to after this point is unknown at this point, but I believe the Indian Air Force’s Andaman and Nicobar Command’s primary radar there would have caught the MH370 in its scope.
So, if the MH370 was seen to deviate from its intended course, why didn’t the RMAF scramble its fighters to intercept the airliner?
Every bogey (unknown aircraft) would be tagged by an Air Defence Officer and this data will be processed to ascertain whether it was a threat to air defence or otherwise. In the case of the MH370, it was not regarded as hostile. Is this a weakness on the part of the RMAF? Mind you three jetliners took down the World Trade Centre towers as well as the Pentagon in the  sophisticatedly-defended United States of America.
Should our fighters have been scrambled? If you remember, the MH370 was no longer in our airspace. When the MH370 tracked West Southwest from IGARI to VAMPI, she did not cross Malaysian airspace. She flew over Thai airspace and into Indonesian airspace, then tracked up to GIVAL near Phuket and subsequently to IGREX near India’s Nicobar Islands (see below).

When she tracked from IGARI to IGREX she entered an area with two Royal Thai Air Force fighter bases namely the RTAF 7th Wing in Surat Thani and the 56th Wing in Hat Yai. They, too, were not scrambled. Nor were the fighters of the Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU) scrambled from Lhokseumawe or Banda Aceh in Aceh, or Suwondo in Medan. If you think the Indonesians are as incapable as the RMAF, they forced a US military transport down without scrambling their fighters at their base in Banda Aceh on 20th May 2013 for entering Indonesian airspace without proper clearance.
The Chief of Air Force, General Tan Sri Dato Seri Rodzali bin Daud have explained that the RMAF did not see the need to scramble its fighters as the blip on the primary radar was deemed not hostile, and that there was nothing wrong with the air defence system. I just find this attack on the RMAF as another cheap publicity shot by a bunch of losers who do not know how things work and why, and would just take pot shots and see what gets hit.
I know the RMAF I see now is a far advanced RMAF than the one I left almost 20 years ago, and I have faith in the officers, men and women in their capability to defend this nation.  I cannot say the same for the group of losers bent on hitting out at any institution of His Majesty Yang DiPertuan Agong.
To these losers, please just STFU!


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