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Author: chippotato

[KBS] Brain-Shin Ha-Kyun, Choi Jung-Won~ 5 Dec (Mon-Tue 9.03 PM KBS WORLD)

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Post time 17-1-2012 09:04 AM | Show all posts
mlm nie kan dona last ep?? ko bestt r leh tgok ending...xpe pas hbis 2 ko meroyan lak kt kbsw ...
makdik2301 Post at 17-1-2012 08:34

    aku tgk kat sini mlm td...streaming bgs giler...xde buffering sikit xpaham gak le...yg tu lain cite le least dpt tgk apa yg terjadi kan....owh..mmg sah aku akan meroyan kat sini...kat sini le tmpt aku cari dulu....

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Post time 17-1-2012 09:05 AM | Show all posts
Reply  sedona

    hahaha..panjang nya kiss tuh...siap smbung2 ag...
aku tgok pic 2 jihye nang ...
makdik2301 Post at 17-1-2012 08:38

    a ah..dia sedih mase Dr Lee nyanyi tu ler....xsangka plak aku SHK ni boleh nyanyi gtu....

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Post time 17-1-2012 09:14 AM | Show all posts
Reply 624# soursop_juice99

yg adik dia kawen tu betol..aku ade baca kat fb.....mlm td pon, Ha young tu ngan dr tido tu dh tunjuk2 dh gediks diaorg....makin mesra le gtu..dh ade part2 pegang tgn dh....
mlm td gak, aku suka part Dr Lee cari Ji Hye....sellalu kan Ji Hye jek yg tehegeh2 kan....pastu dia call Ji Hye xangkat le sbb demam..pastu Dr Lee dpt agak tu pin no bilik Ji Hye..

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Post time 17-1-2012 09:27 AM | Show all posts
drama ni ada berapa episod?

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Post time 17-1-2012 09:29 AM | Show all posts
sesaper bole citer epi 13 mlm td? x dpt tgk!!!!! tgk epi 14 mlm ni kat kbws mesti x best sbb tgl 1 epi..plz........

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Post time 17-1-2012 09:42 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by ctaisyah at 17-1-2012 09:43

Reply 644# buahcinta

    ada 20 episode . mlm ini episode terakhir di korea... tp  @kbsw br nak masuk episode 14 mlm ini...

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Post time 17-1-2012 09:43 AM | Show all posts
korang tau tak, disebabkan korang letak clip dr lee pegi umah ji hye tu, aku sanggup stay up sampai kol 4am disebabkan nak tengok video tu. Sebabnya connection kat tempat aku ni lembap giler. video 12 minit pun nak loading ambik masa 1 jam x sia-sia aku stay up..  roomate aku time tu semua dah tido. aku sorang terkekekekekeke dlm bilik. pastu asyik rewind balik. pastu terkekekekek lagi. pastu rewind balik. comel gler couple ni{:4_181:} Dr lee nyanyi seddaappp! aku pun terikut touching macam ji hye tadi.

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Post time 17-1-2012 09:52 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sitihawa at 17-1-2012 09:59
sesaper bole citer epi 13 mlm td? x dpt tgk!!!!! tgk epi 14 mlm ni kat kbws mesti x best sbb tgl 1 e ...
lindasam Post at 17-1-2012 09:29

    ep 13 malam tadi...

dr lee nak operate mak dia, sebab prof kim tak nak. tapi dalam bilik bedah, tangan dr lee terketar2. mmg bedah keluarga sendiri tak boleh ikut law dr2 kat situ. akhirnya, prof kim setuju operate mak dr lee.
dr lee pergi tenangkan diri kat makmal dan buat kerja2 selidik.

operate berjaya, tapi ujian scan mri dapati barah dalam kepala mak dr lee makin merebak. mak dr lee makin lemah.

prof jo jaehak dapat tahu pasal ubat cphk lupa daaaaaaaaaa.... yang di gunakan buat mak dr lee. patut dadah tu bukan utk mak dr lee, utk spesimen pesakit lain. prof jo jaehak cuba korek rahsia dari dr seo.
akhirnya jo jaehak buat aduan pasal benda tu dan sampai ke pihak atasan dan masalah pada hospital. director hwang pun dah dapat tahu dan akan ada audit datang hospital sebab kes tu besar.

prof kim, dr lee, dr seo, dr yun dipanggil mengadapa sebab audit datang. prof kim mengaku dia yg bertanggungjawab dan kata tindakan itu betul dan tak salah utk pesakit.

dr lee syak dr seo yg pecahkan rahsia sebab dengki dan perasaannya juga pada jihye. dr seo tak ngaku dia yg pecahkan rahsia dan dr seo syak prof jo jaehak yang buat aduan.

dr lee, dr seo dan yun jihye serta semua orang hairan bila tengok keadaan prof kim yang pelik dan tak seperti biasa. dia spt mcm cepat lupa dan tak ingat apa yg di kata sebelumnya.

mak dr lee nazak. dan minta di bawa keluar picnic. jihye beritahu dr lee akan hajat mak dia. dr lee minta kebenaran eunsuk, ketua nurse nak bawa mak dia keluar. eunsuk benarkan dgn syarat bawa bersama dr iringan.
dr lee, adik dia hayeoung dan yun jihye bawa mak dia keluar tgk matahari . jalan2 kat taman dan ketawa2.

yujin terima tetamu, anak dia datang dari luar negara. anak dia ke? tak pasti laks. tapi dia panggil yujin jer, nama budak tu ruby.

mak dr lee mati. dr lee sedih giler dan lari tenangkan diri. makcik kawan mak dia datang, tenangkan dia dan cerita2. dr lee dgn ceritanya sendiri pasal time mak dia, ayah dia bawa dia pergi taman permainan. mak dia pertama kali pakai cantik2. pakai baju polka dot..................... ayah dia yg selalu komplen kata mak dia tak cantik dan bau busuk, akhirnya kiss mak dia depan2 dia, dia malu tengok, hahahahah.. blablablaba....  lepas tu ayah dia dah berhenti minum dan tak pukul mereka lagi.
dr lee cerita sambil ketawa2 dan nangis2.....
yun jhiye dan kawan2 dr lain ada kat belakang dan seme sedih dgr cerita dr lee.

upacara kebumi kat bawah pokok tepi sungai.
seme doktor ada, dr seo pun ada,. yujin pandang dari jauh sahaja, sambil2 nangis. jihye temankan hayeoung.

apa lagi erk?

prof kim sakit kepala dan dah mula ingat ketika dia operate ayah dr lee dulu, yg selama ni dia nafikan pada dr lee. sah2 memang prof kim yang operate ayah dr lee dan buat silap ketika o[perate dan ayah dr lee mati.
prof kim menjerit dan ingat semula dan jumpa gambar dia bersama2 dr lain ketika di hospital usin ke apa nama dia. mmg betul apa yg dikata dr lee selama ni. dia jer yg lupa ingatan.


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Post time 17-1-2012 10:13 AM | Show all posts
guys, ade apa2 update kat FB x.....aku xleh bukak kat opis ni...kene pon same...

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Post time 17-1-2012 10:14 AM | Show all posts
korang tau tak, disebabkan korang letak clip dr lee pegi umah ji hye tu, aku sanggup stay up sampai  ...
soursop_juice99 Post at 17-1-2012 09:43

    no pin bilik Ji Hye...Dr Lee leh agak tu....

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Post time 17-1-2012 10:15 AM | Show all posts

gmbr adik dr lee kahwin..nate

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Post time 17-1-2012 10:17 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sitihawa at 17-1-2012 10:26

cuci mata sebelum petang jab, lalalla


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Post time 17-1-2012 10:18 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 17-1-2012 10:21 AM | Show all posts
sitihawa kesayangan hamba...hehehe...million thanks to u!!!! baca pun dh leleh dh..blm tgk lg...nape yujin tgk dr jauh je ek? ruby tu kim tu kan ke intelligent dlm bab otak tp bole x tau yg dia ada simtom2 sakit otak..anyway sape yg dh tgk sampai epi 19 tu habaqla prof kim idup ke x pas dr lee bedah dia...capture screenla epi yg best2..

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Post time 17-1-2012 10:23 AM | Show all posts
Reply 646# ctaisyah

oic. tq.

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Post time 17-1-2012 10:23 AM | Show all posts
satu lagi lupa nak tanya...sape ingat ada 1 mlm tu prof kim blk umah, pastu dia baca n tulis 1 surat..mlm tu dia mimpi budak lelaki n dia tbangun trus kayuh beskal g spital..mcm nk larikan diri dr budak tu..ada something yg dia hide...apa kes prof kim ni dgn dak tu?

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Post time 17-1-2012 11:20 AM | Show all posts
Audience Wants an Award for Shin Ha Kyun Fashion Stylist in Brain

Due to popularity of Shin Ha Kyun who plays the role of neurosurgeon Lee Kang Hoon in KBS2 drama series Brain, his fashion has also attracted attention. His clothing in Brain has won praises. “Why do you fascinate by Shin Ha Kyun?” The female viewers around 30 years old said, “He is very stylish in white coat in the drama, so should award a prize for his fashion stylist.” Another viewer said, “Shin Ha Kyun’s suit style looks very intellectual, with exceptional charm, fascinating the female audience.”

Therefore, TVReport specifically interviewed manager Shin Re Yon who is the personal fashion stylist of Shin Ha Kyun for 8 years and in charge of costume in Brain via telephone, talking to her about the clothing of Shin Ha Kyun in Brain.

- What is the concept of Shin Ha Kyun’s fashion?

“Every time the clothing is set after reading the script and according to up and down of Kang Hoon’s emotion. When Kang Hoon is in bad mood, generally is shirt without tie, and recently when the position is getting higher and is doing good, will use the coat and glasses.

- Heard that when changing clothes, even the socks are changed for a different one?

“the white coat of doctor covers a lot of clothes, so we spend efforts on places that are exposed. In addition, Shin Ha Kyun is not tall, the pant uses a short version, so the focus is on socks and shoes.”

- What’s the brand and price of the clothes?

“The setting of Lee Kang Hoon in the drama is not a wealthy person, so there is more of fashion of simple, agile and dandy. Sometimes he wore high class fashion worth millions of Korean won, but also a lot of times when he wears normal clothes. We have several sponsors from branded fashion for custom-made clothes.”

- When deciding the concept of clothing, how much does Shin Ha Kyun participates in it?

“It’s the level of discussing about fashion while reading the script. Shin Ha Kyun respects each person’s areas of expertise, apart from his acting, he leaves the others to hair stylist and fashion stylist.”

- The voice of “fashion stylist should receive an award” is many.

“Never heard of it, only heard on the set. Every responded well to the clothing, really happy (laughs).”

via TVDaily

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Post time 17-1-2012 11:26 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sitihawa at 17-1-2012 11:28

Melancholy Letter – Yoo Jae Ha (Brain Love Song & Memories of Murder OST)

In episode 19 of Brain, Lee Kang Hoon (played by Shin Ha Kyun) sang sincerely a song to Yoon Ji Hye (played by Choi Jung Won) after he felt heartache after discovering that she is exhausted due to overloading of jobs assigned by him. After singing the song, Shin Ha Kyun who recalls many twists and turns and Choi Jung Won who remembers the past kiss while shedding tears.

The song that Shin Ha Kyun sang is Melancholy Letter (우울한 편지), which also been translated as Sad Letter, Depressed Letter or Gloomy Letter. The Melancholy Letter was originally sang by Yoo Jae Ha (유재하) and was recorded in his album Because I Love You Vol. 1 (1집 사랑하기 때문에) released on 1987. The song has also been used as the OST for 2003 movie, Memories of Murder (살인의 추억). The song has since been remade and sang by many other singers.

Due to the singing scene, netizens has called Shin Ha Kyun as the serenade of Choi Jung Won. Shin Ha Kyun does not sang the complete song in the drama though, as he repetitively sang the verse of lyric which contains the name of Even if JiHyelobda (지혜롭다 해도), at the forth sentence of the forth paragraph.

Listen to Melancholy Letter (우울한 편지) at YouTube.

Melancholy Letter (우울한 편지) Lyric Romanization

ilbureo keurae-nneunji ijeo beoryeo-nneunji
kabang an gipsukhi neoheo du-eot-da-ga
heyeojiryeogo hal ttae keujeseoya
nae-ge juryeogo sseun pyeonjil kkeonae-nne

jibeuro do-rawahseo cheon-cheonhi pyeo boni
yeppeun jon-gi wiie sseo naeryeo-gan geul-sshi
han jul han jul tto han jul saegimyeonseo
naye geojis eom-neun ma-eumeul ttyiwo-nne

nareul parabol ttae nun-mul-jinnayo
majuchin du nuni nun-mul-kyeomnayo
keureom amu maldo pilyo eobshi seororeul mideoyo

eorisukhada haedo
nayakhada haedo
kanginhada haedo
jihyeropda haedo
keudae-neun aneun gayo aneun gayo
nae-gen amu kwahnkye eopt-daneun geo-seul

u-urhan pyeonjineun ijen

Melancholy Letter (우울한 편지) Lyric English Translation

Not sure is it intentionally, or just been forgotten
Has been deeply hidden in the bag
Until the break up
I take up the letter you wrote to me

I come here and open it slowly
On the beautiful paper is your handwriting
Engraving with line by line by line
That made my sincere heart beats

Do you shed tears when looking at me?
Are two eyes that encountered overflow with tears?
Then there is no need for words, let’s trust each other

Even if we’re stupid
Even if we’re weak
Even if we’re strong
Even if we’re wise
Do you know, do you know?
That it has nothing to do with me now?

The melancholy letter

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Post time 17-1-2012 11:48 AM | Show all posts
peh...ko menghilangkan kebosanan aku di opis ini....mlm td tgk dh paham part lgu tu..jadi lah...

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Post time 17-1-2012 12:04 PM | Show all posts
cuci mata tengahari


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