encikotot posted on 24-6-2013 05:50 PM
qiam waktu mlm jek
Kalau cakap pasal site je mesti I bayangkan dalam hutan belantara like that.....sebab abg i kalau dia cakap nak pergi site,tempat2 macam tu la dia akan pergi......semak samun...panjat bukit la.....kesian abang i.......
oto kerja dalam ofis kat kilang kan..so okay la....kalau stress2 boleh main game candy crush...haha
semalam cakap pasal game tu dgn kawan,dia tak bagi i download sekarang,kena tunggu lepas exam sbb addictive katanya..
i wonder best sangat ke main game candy crush tu...huhu....
Actually kan....after I 've read that page again,I realised how ignorant I've been all these while...
In a way to protect myself,didn't realised that what I'm doing are hurting other people..someone that I care about...
I guess...it is because since I know you,you always have been this mature,smart,nice,always positive kind of person,
till I forgot that hey you're a human too.
there can be a time you will feel sad,angry,down,childish,annoying...
and I can't even realised that when it happened...
and all I've talked about that time is me,me and me.....haih..=/
Gomennasai.... 对不起 nae...... >.<