Post time 15-2-2021 05:43 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Walaupun iols yg tgk live xde sub, iols dpt rasa beza karakter antara queen+ chef dgn queen so young...bila chef tu dh balik ke zaman moden, rasa awkward tgk queen so young yg sipan santun tu
Post time 15-2-2021 07:36 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
after all soul so yong mmg ada dlm diri dia. kalau bab romance so yong yg dominan n kuasai badan. kalau bab lain sobong. masa king dianggap mati mix soul.. sbb tu sobong ckp sepatutnya dia x ada perasaan .. sedih dll. tp sbb sobong lebih dominan so nmpk mcm soul sobong je yg wujud. kalau dlm era moden tnjk bo hwan ni still playboya atau dh berubah it would be nice. atau tnjk wujud lg ke joseon dkt era moden dgn paparkan muka lee minho dkt billboard.. hahaha
apa macam pagi ini? hahahhaha
semua boleh jadi penulis kedua ye hahaahahahahahah
post - Mr Queen - finale hmmm....semua ada version post - Joseon , 21st century era yeee
yes i think idea Bong Hwan dalam era 21st century dan kalau ada kembangan watak tu ke i setuju lebih baik...kan? at last ade So Young dalam modern version ke minum iced lattè ke, kan?
sedih gila tau..i cried..hahaha..sampai ke sudah tgn Byeong In tak disambut So Yong..and when he realizes that he thinks he knows So Yong so well but he still could not realizes that Queen is not So Yong anymore..emosi terganggu gara2 Byeong In smlm..mujur happy ending ek..
Post time 15-2-2021 09:51 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 15-2-2021 09:02 AM
hi all...
apa macam pagi ini? hahahhaha
Dalam spin off king berhajat agar dia lahir semula dan jmpe dgn so yong ..meols harap ada lah pairingkan lagi dorang ji di zaman would be really nice..
his character is the ost ambiguous, misunderstood, elusive somewhat you know...itu yg susah
and when he died , then i teringat seo dan and Alberto Gu in CLOU..bila seo dan kata that man loved me morethan his life, so yes.
he is true to heart lah. i mean ade prinsip. but in the end - So Young gives him a good closure and trickle of tears ...ade last parttu kan.
Kematian jasad bertaut budi - so yes. touching that scene.
i like the king and queen buat macam wow regal walk in the palace courtyard-wow man , then that sida drug addict tu.
but u see korean endings ROCK BIG TIME mannnn....aaaah...i wasnt expecting this!!!
waktu sniper tu shot both of them , aiyooooo....debar debar jugakss...
i mean i puji lah his character as he didnt fall short of clemency - dia kalau ikut amarh nak saja penggal leher Dwa Geun tu kan...sebab yes lah bunuh family dia bagai but , pandai he lets him lives....biaq pi...
gosh what a drama yg buatkan i gile 10 weeks ago...i mean wow man...
it is all well is is okay....budi dan memori dia diingati cantik tengoklah....
hmm....gitulah second lead ni ...big heart sebab dia kena tampung cinta tak berbalas, duka habis semua and then he died in the name of love. for her. wow tu epitome of his love to this lady.
so it is hmm.....
kenapa citer akasia bagai i tak kisah sampai macamni ye?
Post time 15-2-2021 10:46 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
yellowprestige replied at 15-2-2021 09:38 AM
Bamboo Forest tu you tgk kat mana? Ada yg with subs tak?
Dkt fb ade...try taip bamboo forest...lawak la jgk ep ni.part queen dok megendap nak tgk muka king ...byong in bersaing dgn prince yeongpyeong, director hong dgn kim hwan dok usha maid queen angkat berat