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Kaka2 yg reti post from Instagram, tolong post video from ig erma tu kat sini. Iols sgt2 berharap fazzy terpilih utk competition tu. Aamiin! |
sora13 replied at 8-9-2018 07:43 PM
Kaka2 yg reti post from Instagram, tolong post video from ig erma tu kat sini. Iols sgt2 berharap fa ...
Yg ni ke??
Uuuuuu.. mintk2 fazzy dpt g holiwud... 
coyote_ugly0911 replied at 8-9-2018 07:53 PM
Yg ni ke??
A’ah. Thank you kaka, muah! Kan, hopefully she’ll get it together gether with RR. Suka part erma cakap fazzy menyerlah drpd semua org yg ada kat dlm hall tu. |
sora13 replied at 8-9-2018 08:06 PM
A’ah. Thank you kaka, muah! Kan, hopefully she’ll get it together gether with RR. Suka part erma ...
Fazzy cute gila...kecik je among the models yg tinggi lampai... |
Lepas nie faz g fashion show coach la pulak ya |
MentariSenja replied at 8-9-2018 08:36 PM
Fazzy cute gila...kecik je among the models yg tinggi lampai...
Comelkan! Still she looks elegant in that outfit and that hairdo. It’s her “take me seriously” persona. Hehehe |
coyote_ugly0911 replied at 8-9-2018 07:53 PM
Yg ni ke??
But come to think of it, there’s another part of me that don’t want her to be selected for the competition because it’ll take more of her time, which in turn will prompt her to refuse another acting job/offer. I can’t deal with that right now, I want to see her in many more movies and dramas. |
sora13 replied at 8-9-2018 10:32 PM
But come to think of it, there’s another part of me that don’t want her to be selected for the c ...
Meols pulak tak sabar nak tengok timoh ecah..huhu... |
sora13 replied at 8-9-2018 10:32 PM
But come to think of it, there’s another part of me that don’t want her to be selected for the c ...
A ah laaaa... xmo xmo xmo... nk fazzy masuk set cpt2... drama pendek pun jadik laaaa... kaka dh tahap desperate dh nih... i want fazzy to stay relevant in film industry.. nnti kot nk preggy n having babies, haaa time tu stop laa kjap kan.. |
Bawak yg fresh sajork..mcm rendang..daging dendeng..etc. sekrg dah kat bicester for 2 nights...last night kat stonehenge. This time dtg sini sewa kereta sbb nak pergi outskirt bawak my nieces..lagi pun kali nih mmg bwk byk foods utk dorang. This year dorang tak balik summer break..raya rituh pun raya kat sini..tuh yg segala mak nenek hangkut..1 bag besar berat smpai 30 kg tuh, foods semata mengengkeh hangkat hehe!! 
Cantiknya fazzy ngn dress hijau tu.. Xde pic ber ootd dgn dress tu ke? Nk tengok..  |
Assalamualaikum selamat pagi |
fadz84 replied at 9-9-2018 07:24 AM
Cantiknya fazzy ngn dress hijau tu.. Xde pic ber ootd dgn dress tu ke? Nk tengok..
Tu lah. Iols pun nk tgk ootd dress hijau tu |
coyote_ugly0911 replied at 9-9-2018 09:31 AM
Tunggu ari ni laaa eely.. kot2 ade rejeki kite.. kemut tul kan fazzy nk share gmbr... {:s ...
Tulah kedekut nau skrg. Agaknya sibuk berfacetime kot |
coyote_ugly0911 replied at 9-9-2018 09:29 AM
Wahhhh!! Kompem meriah sgt nih... enjoy ur holiday yeeee Jell... we had to delay our holiday retre ...
Ada jugak gang yg ada minions...yeayyyy...meols bukan saje ngadap minions hari2 but aso hubby yg 24/7 at home...haha.. |
Comey je Fazzy dlm igs vee...carry plastic bag je...sempoiii |
MentariSenja replied at 9-9-2018 01:56 PM
Comey je Fazzy dlm igs vee...carry plastic bag je...sempoiii
Plastic gelenyar yg sangkut kat tangan tu ye? Bawak plastic cmtu pun nmpk classy.. cer klu kita2 yg bawak mau nmpk pprt.. hehe |
Bila fazzy balik KL ? Hikhik..dh rindu nk tgk dorg berdua together2 dlm gmbr... |
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