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Author: kermittx

Aku pelik ngkorang buat macam tak penting jer isu ni

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Post time 20-5-2010 10:22 AM | Show all posts
umngok buat takper, hatta jual negara kita yang terchinta nih sekalipun takper... asal umngok BN....

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Post time 20-5-2010 10:35 AM | Show all posts

The March 16, 2009 Agreement between Brunei and Malaysia:  Act of Statesmanship
by Datuk Deva Mohd. Ridzam

The dust has somewhat settled since the story on the agreement signed between Brunei and Malaysia to resolve several outstanding issues over land and sea borders first broke out in the blogosphere some three weeks ago.

Initially, there was some confusion and blurring of key issues. Misperceptions or distortions caused by a lack of knowledge on the background can be avoided by better understanding of facts as well as each country’s compulsions and policy processes better. Above all, we must treat our leaders and others and their Governments with respect.

Our relations with Brunei cannot be viewed in the same way as those with our other neighbours. Our relations with Brunei are special. The time has, therefore, come for calm reflection.

In diplomacy, one must know when to quibble and when to negotiate. To their credit, the Sultan of Brunei and former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, knew that the time had come to negotiate in earnest and strike a win-win deal.

At the heart of the matter are:

a) Overlapping claims in the sea, including two oil and gas concessions known by Malaysia as Blocks L & M and by Brunei as Blocks J & K; and

b) The status of Limbang, which since colonial times has been part of Sarawak.

The resolution of the issues, the leaders knew, was important not just for their peoples concerned, but also because it would have a positive impact regionally.

Let us establish some facts about the agreement. For example, claims that Malaysia stands to lose USD 100 billion (RM320.9 billion) in potential oil revenue are nothing more than speculation. Because of the dispute, no detailed survey has ever been carried out in the two Blocks, let alone any drilling.

It is pointless to trivialize some issues and hype-up others. The Malaysian public and the world deserve much more than criticisms made out of ignorance. One ought to present the public with as near the truth as possible.

To put the whole matter into context, let us be clear about what had happened in the not-so- distant past. There are important developments that we should bear in mind, and they are as follows:

    * On December 21, 1979, Malaysia announced to the world a map outlining its territorial waters and continental boundaries. Brunei lodged an official protest, stating that the said map ignored its rightful entitlement to its own maritime zones as well as access to international waters in the maritime areas adjacent to Sabah and Sarawak.

    * Conscious of the fact that the boundaries in the said map were unilateral claims on our part, our Government subsequently said that it will negotiate with all of our neighbours whose claims might overlap with those of Malaysia’s.

    * When PETRONAS moved to award exploration concessions in the disputed waters; Brunei did the same, thus triggering a dispute between our two countries since then.

Those basic issues were not going to vanish into thin air so long as they are not addressed. The Exchange of Letters between the Prime Minister of Malaysia and the Sultan of Brunei signed on March 16, 2009 fully resolved those outstanding issues.

In a nutshell, it is a truly historic document, a culmination of a 20-year determination of both governments to resolve through friendly negotiations those outstanding boundary issues both on the sea.

Brunei’s magnanimity and Malaysia’s astute negotiations produced the breakthrough. Brunei, in return for Malaysia’s recognition of its sovereign rights over the resources in the Blocks concerned – based on the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of Sea (UNCLOS) – accepted Malaysia’s participation as a commercial partner in the development of the oil and gas in those areas for 40 years, with effect from the date of the commercial partnership. And when a joint survey is completed with the demarcation of the international land boundary between Malaysia and the border markers are planted on the ground, it will show that the entire territory of Limbang falls within the borders of Sarawak. This will put to rest any claims over the area.

Obviously, the joint survey work would take a couple of years to be completed. But its significance is that once the exercise is completed, the boundary lines agreed upon shall be final and permanent, thus settling once and for all, any past dispute or claim concerning the area known to us as Limbang, one of the 11 administrative divisions of Sarawak.

The outcome of the joint survey in respect of demarcating the international land boundary between Malaysia, in the Limbang area, and Brunei, on the other side, would not result in any loss of territory for Malaysia. On the contrary, the joint survey will only reaffirm that every bit of the territory involving Limbang is part of Sarawak, fully and unambiguous under Malaysian sovereignty.

The same goes in respect of the sea areas concerned. As things stands now, there exist no recognized or agreed international boundaries in the South China Sea except in one stretch between Malaysia and Indonesia.

One must remember that the Malaysian Government, and for that matter any other government, has the mandate to enter into an international agreement to establish maritime boundaries between Malaysia and a neighbouring country. Indeed, international law requires that States resolve their maritime and other disputes in a peaceful manner.

Negotiations to establishing maritime boundaries will be an on-going exercise. Let us not forget that the maritime boundaries in the South China Sea, save those parts which have been legally established through international agreements, are unilateral in nature. Until such time that Malaysia negotiates with neighbouring countries concerned, our maritime boundaries with, say, Vietnam and the Philippines, will remain “not final and not permanent”.

Be that as it may, one must always remember that sovereignty is not some mystical absolute. In this regard, nation states the world over – once they are satisfied with the conditions and necessary safeguards – do decide to part with a degree of national sovereignty over some parts of sea and land boundaries for the sake of a larger synthesis and/or a higher goal: the enhancement of mutual political trust and expanded bilateral cooperation for mutual benefit.

Now in respect of Brunei and Malaysia, it would have been a folly to have missed an opportunity for a realistic and practical solution. Both countries simply cannot afford to pass on these problems to future generations to solve.

The March 16, 2009 agreement not only adheres to the principles of good-neighbourly relations, it is also founded on international law and our own Constitution. Abdullah and the Sultan of Brunei showed statesmanship, political will backbone and far-sightedness in reaching that settlement.

There is no point for leaders to sit on their hands indefinitely and hope that something will happen. Things do not happen that way. The two leaders decided to negotiate and clinch a deal that is fair and reasonable which both sides both sides can live with.

The agreement therefore reflects mutual respect for each other’s concerns and sensitivities. It was premised upon mutual benefit, and both countries and peoples will gain as a result.

Leaders need to seize the moment instead of sweeping things under the carpet. Without political solution, too many problems will fester and bilateral relations will deteriorate. By acting decisively the Prime Minister of Malaysia and the Sultan of Brunei have removed outstanding issues and prevented them from becoming impediments to the development of overall friendly ties.

Foreign policy is a quest for congruence of diverse interests. One cannot proceed on the basis that one country’ interest alone matter and that of others are false. Indeed, compromise is necessary for cooperation, and cooperation is essential for the resolution of most of the existing bilateral, regional and international problems. In this instance both Brunei and Malaysia walked the extra mile to improve bilateral relations.

The Letters signed by the two leaders thus provide the “glue of common bilateral interest” that would bind bilateral relations for generations to come. There is certainly today a “feel good” factor in the relationship today.

In appraising this historic document, one has always to bear in mind that while the peoples of both countries enjoy great affinity and fraternity, they operate under different political systems. The ethos of the countries concern also matter. Given this, the way of resolving sensitive issue require creativity and imagination.

Neighbours must show goodwill, understanding and tolerance: the basic principles of living in ASEAN. Letting issues of sovereignty claims to fester serves no one.

The 16 March 2009 agreement is a great step towards casting off the fetters of the past. Bilateral relations between our two countries today are back on a solid track and we should build on them as further demonstration of mutual trust and respect.

The agreement between Brunei and Malaysia is important not just for the peoples of our two countries. It is a monumental development regionally as well. The leaders have brought to fore the aims and objectives of the ASEAN Community, which envisages of nation states at peace with each other and living harmoniously side by side.

Datuk Deva Mohd Ridzam was formerly Malaysia’s Ambassador to Cambodia, Belgium, Luxembourg and the EU. He is a distinguish fellow of the Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Malaysia (The Week of May 17 – May 23, 2010 Issue of the EDGE)

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Post time 20-5-2010 10:43 AM | Show all posts
Madey dah ulang siaran berapa kali, tapi Ameno wat deek jer! Masing2 dah kenyang ke sampai diam seri ...
mallcop Post at 20-5-2010 10:16

I tak pelik kalau tiba2 isu lapok jadi modal lobai2 bodo PIS untuk "Aku pelik engkorang buat mcm tak penting" ke hulu "Ko tak pelik ke UMNO buat dek jek" ke hilir.

Kita maklum tahap intelek lobai2 bodo PIS. Yg pandai sikit hanya pandai tabur fitnah sahaja sesambil bawak isu lapok.

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Post time 20-5-2010 10:46 AM | Show all posts
Tak penting sebab ada yg berkepentingan memastikan supaya isu ni tak dilihat penting....
observateur Post at 20-5-2010 09:08

Tengok pantomin Abuya lagi penting wo!

ps: tengok pantomin sesambil pelik ke hulu heran ke hilir.

            Published: Jumaat April 30, 2010 MYT 11:45:00 PM         
                      Kabinet Lulus Perjanjian Sempadan Dengan Brunei - Abdullah         
KUALA LUMPUR: Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berkata beliau telah menandatangani perjanjian persempadanan laut dan darat dengan Brunei pada Mac 2009 di mana pertindihan dua medan eksplorasi menjadi milik Brunei selepas ia diluluskan Kabinet Malaysia sebulan sebelum itu.

Dalam satu kenyataan pada hari Jumaat, bekas perdana menteri mengesahkan bahawa konsesi Blok L dan Blok M kini adalah milik Brunei tetapi perjanjian itu meliputi persetujuan komersial yang membolehkan Malaysia menyertai dan membangunkan bersama sumber minyak dan gas di kawasan itu untuk tempoh 40 tahun.

"Kaedah kewangan dan operasi bagi melaksanakan persetujuan ini akan dibincangkan lagi oleh kedua-dua pihak. Ini bermakna bahawa bahawa dari segi sumber minyak dan gas, perjanjian ini bukan satu kerugian bagi Malaysia," kata Abdullah yang melakukan lawatan kerja dua hari ke Bandar Seri Begawan pada 15 dan 16 Mac tahun lepas sebelum meletakkan jawatan sebagai perdana menteri dua minggu kemudian pada 3 April.

Abdullah menjawab soalan yang dibangkitkan oleh bekas perdana menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, yang berkata Abdullah telah menyerahkan dua blok itu dalam perundingan dengan Sultan Brunei bagi pertukaran untuk Limbang yang merentangi sempadan Sarawak-Brunei.

Dr Mahathir berkata kehilangan dua blok menelan kos Malaysia sekurang-kurangnya US$100 bilion (RM320 bilion) daripada anggaran simpanan hampir satu bilion tong minyak.

Dr Mahathir juga berkata Brunei telah menafikan bahawa ia bersetuju untuk melepaskan Limbang dan Abdullah tidak menyebut mengenai dua blok itu apabila mengumumkan bahawa beliau telah menyelesaikan tuntutan ke atas Limbang.

Minggu lepas, Murphy Oil Corp yang berpangkalan di Amerika Syarikat berkata Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas) telah memberhentikan kontrak perkongsian pengeluaran bagi Blok L dan M kerana mereka "bukan lagi sebahagian daripada Malaysia".

Abdullah, yang mendedahkan butiran terperinci perjanjian itu bagi pertama kali, berkata beliau telah menandatangani Pertukaran Surat dengan Sultan Brunei pada 16 Mac tahun lepas bagi mengambil langkah-langkah tertentu yang akan menetapkan sempadan darat dan laut yang kekal antara Malaysia dan Brunei.

"Sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia, saya menandatangani Pertukaran Surat itu dengan Sultan Brunei setelah Kabinet Malaysia meluluskan urusan itu pada 11 Februari 2009," katanya.

Kedua-dua pihak bersetuju menjalankan kajian untuk menetapkan sempadan yang dipersetujui dan yang akan menjadi muktamad dan kekal. Urusan ini akan dibuat mengikut dua cara.
Pertama, kajian bersama itu akan mengesahkan sempadan dalam lima sektor yang sudahpun ditetapkan menerusi perjanjian-perjanjian sebelum ini pada 1920, 1931, 1933 (dua perjanjian berasingan) dan 1939.
Kedua, dalam sektor lain yang belum mempunyai perjanjian sempadan darat, kajian bersama itu akan menetapkan sempadan darat berdasarkan prinsip aliran air.
"Apabila keseluruhan urusan persempadan darat selesai, satu sempadan yang muktamad dan kekal akan ditetapkan antara Sarawak di bahagian Malaysia dan Brunei di satu pihak lagi.

Apabila ini dicapai, tidak akan berlaku lagi pertikaian sempadan darat antara Brunei dan Malaysia. Isu yang berlarutan ini, yang yang menjadi satu aral dalam hubungan antara Malaysia dan Brunei, akan diselesaikan tanpa merugikan kedudukan Malaysia," katanya.

Mengenai kawasan maritim, beliau berkata Malaysia dan Brunei juga bersetuju menetapkan satu sempadan yang muktamad dan kekal.

"erjanjian ini akan menyelesaikan isu tuntutan bertindih yang timbul sebelum ini termasuk di kawasan blok konsesi dikenali Blok L dan Blok M.

"Hak kedaulatan bagi sumber di kawasan ini kini menjadi milik Brunei. Bagaimanapun, untuk kawasan ini, perjanjian itu meliputi persetujuan komersial yang membolehkan Malaysia menyertai dan membangunkan bersama sumber minyak dan gas di kawasan itu untuk tempoh 40 tahun," katanya.

Abdullah berkata kaedah kewangan dan operasi bagi melaksanakan persetujuan ini akan dibincangkan lagi oleh kedua-dua pihak. Ini bermakna bahawa daripada segi sumber minyak dan gas, perjanjian itu tidak merugikan Malaysia. - BERNAMA         

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Post time 20-5-2010 10:54 AM | Show all posts
I macam pelik kenapa lobai2 bodo PIS terdiam?

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Post time 20-5-2010 11:07 AM | Show all posts
pembangkan mana..., ?... knp senyap jee ..,

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Post time 20-5-2010 11:10 AM | Show all posts
Nak bg isu nie hot suh le Najib naikkan hrg minyakkkkkk..........

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Post time 20-5-2010 11:13 AM | Show all posts
pembangkan mana..., ?... knp senyap jee ..,
matjan Post at 20-5-2010 11:07 pun pelik kenapa pembangkang senyap je ka?

Patutlah TT pelik orang buat mcm tak penting je isu ini.

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Post time 20-5-2010 11:23 AM | Show all posts
isu kurang best kot...bagi brunei takper jgn singapore...
abgboroi Post at 20-5-2010 03:59

betul....aku stuju sesanggat.....
kurang2 dpt kat org islam.........
kurang2 takder ler isu gado2 pasal ROYALTY MINYAK......

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Post time 20-5-2010 12:22 PM | Show all posts
lar 2 blok jer mamat ni jual...apsal xjual sume

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Post time 20-5-2010 12:55 PM | Show all posts
Malaysia dan Brunei kedua2nya negara anggota kepada UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS), iaitu undang2 laut antarabangsa yg paling luas berkuatkuasa setakat ini. Di bawah undang2 ini, hal exclusive economic zone (EEZ) diperuntukkan. Di bawah EEZ ni, apa2 sumber galian di dalam dasar laut yang berada sehingga 200 batu nautika (bersamaan 370.4 km) dari baseline (di pantai) sesebuah negara dikira hak negara pantai tersebut.

Sekarang mari kita lihat peta2 yang berkenaan dgn blok L dan M (atau dinamakan blok J dan K oleh Brunei). Peta pertama dikeluarkan oleh Petronas dan peta kedua oleh Brunei.

Mengikut indicator jarak dalam peta pertama, kita cuba buat anggaran. Untuk anggaran lebih tepat bagi peta kedua yg tiada indicator jarak, kita bergantung pada fakta bhw pantai Brunei adalah sepanjang 161km. Jadi kalau kita kira ikut ukuran tersebut, boleh dikatakan dalam kedua2 peta, blok2 L dan M yang dipertikaikan tu terletak dalam jarak 370.4km dari pantai Brunei (yakni, 200 batu nautika). Oleh itu, kedua2 blok atau kebanyakan dari blok2 tersebut terletak dalam EEZ Brunei.

Tuntutan yang dibuat oleh Malaysia dahulu ke atas2 blok2 itu adalah tuntutan unilateral dan diikuti dengan protes oleh Brunei. Kalau mengikut undang2, jika dibicarakan kes ni di ICJ, keputusan mungkin berpihak pada Brunei juga. Saya rasa Wisma Putra ada menjelaskan hal ini.



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Post time 20-5-2010 12:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1# kermittx

   Pak Lah PM Malaysia paling malap setakat ni.... dh jadi pm amik kesempatan kawin, buat agama baru, buat duit utk menantu..bla..bla..bla...Kalau pak lah pm masa 1997..mau kene jual satu mesia nih...
Hrp2 si Najib boleh tlg recover balik ekonomi malaysia.. tgk rm dah naik berbanding usd skrg..

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Post time 20-5-2010 02:12 PM | Show all posts
Lupa pulak kesimpulan dari peta2 yang saya paste kat atas. Dari fakta yg saya susun di atas, nampaknya Pak Lah bukanlah buat sesuatu yg tak munasabah dan bukannya memberi harta negara kepada negara lain. Mmg Malaysia boleh melawan di ICJ kalau nak tapi kedudukan kedua2 blok seperti dalam peta2 di atas agak jelas jadi kemungkinan besar Malaysia akan kalah dan membazir wang lg. Tambah pulak gaduh dgn jiran. Jadi, bukanlah satu langkah yg tak bijak dari segi politik dan ekonomi untuk menghentikan tuntutan ke atas blok2 tersebut (bukan memberi atau menyerahkan ye, kerana bukan milik kita pun dari segi undang2) kepada Brunei sekaligus menjimatkan wang, mendapat jemputan untuk meneroka bersama minyak di sana dan mengekalkan hubungan baik dgn Brunei.

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Post time 20-5-2010 02:15 PM | Show all posts
isu dah basi la woi

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Post time 20-5-2010 02:22 PM | Show all posts
inilah konsep rakyat diutamakan...

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Post time 20-5-2010 03:24 PM | Show all posts
Reply 3# abgboroi


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Post time 20-5-2010 03:26 PM | Show all posts
Reply  kermittx

   Pak Lah PM Malaysia paling malap setakat ni.... dh jadi pm amik kesempatan  ...
surfin_net82 Post at 20-5-2010 12:56

    boleh saya tahu camne RM leh naik dari USD?

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Post time 20-5-2010 03:32 PM | Show all posts
nampaknya ada juga orang nak dengar cakap mahafiraun ni.. ingatkan dah nyanyuk..

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Post time 20-5-2010 03:44 PM | Show all posts
Lupa pulak kesimpulan dari peta2 yang saya paste kat atas. Dari fakta yg saya susun di atas, nampakn ...
cmf_almondpecan Post at 20-5-2010 14:12

    mungkin sebab tu isu ni tak boleh dimainkan sangat...lagipun hubungan baik dengan Brunei juga perlu diambil kira...

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Post time 20-5-2010 03:49 PM | Show all posts
dulu dok heboh kata Anwar Ibrahim cuba jual Malaysia
sekarang yg cuba jual sebenarnya kalau bukan puak umno sendiri..terang2 depan mata dia kasi free je blok tu kat brunei..
PM sendiri pun senyap sepi je..kita bising pun apa kita dapat??
ingat boleh dapat ke blok yg dah kene sedekah tu

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