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[ENA/Disney+ 2024] CRASH - Lee Min Ki, Kwak Sun Young, Heo Sung Tae

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Post time 30-4-2024 10:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by Rahah at 14-6-2024 09:12 PM

Drama: Crash
Revised romanization: Crash
Hangul: 크래시
Director: Park Joon-Woo
Writer: Oh Soo-Jin
Network: ENA
Episodes: 12
Release Date: May 13, 2024
Runtime: Monday & Tuesday 22:00
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Genre: Action, Thriller, Mystery, Comedy
Content Rating: 16+

Plot Synopsis by AsianWiki Staff ©
Cha Yeon-Ho (Lee Min-Ki) gets transferred to the TCI (Traffic Crime Investigation) team. He studied mathematics at the top university in Korea and has numerous certificates in the field of TCI. He has a special ability to simulate the time of an accident, using his sharp analysis and reasoning abilities. On the flip side, he sorely lacks in social skills and is unable to drive a car, which affects his police career in a bad way.

Members on the TCI team includes Min So-Hee (Kwak Sun-Young) who solves cases with her unique persistence and perseverance no matter what comes her way. She has excellent martial arts and driving skills. There's also a secret reason why she sticks with the TCI team. Jung Chae-Man (Heo Sung-Tae) was a veteran detective in the violent crimes division. He realized the loopholes and lack of a system to combat the increase in traffic crimes and he formed the TCI team. He also occasionally surprises people around him with his use of eloquent speech. Woo Dong-Ki (Lee Ho-Cheol) is a car specialist. His vast knowledge about cars caught the attention of Jung Chae-Man and he joined the police force to work with the TCI team. Eo Hyun-Kyung (Moon-Hee) is the youngest member of the TCI team. She is skillful in taekwondo, judo, and boxing. The members of the TCI team must combat the rise of traffic crimes, which are also become increasingly more sophisticated, with determination, intelligence, and the use of their individual talents and skills.

Synopsis from MyDramalist
"Crash" depicts the story of the Traffic Crime Investigation Team (TCI), which tracks only car crimes such as insurance fraud, retaliatory driving, self-harm blackmail, leka, call jump, and autonomous driving. Cha Yeon Ho, a rational individualist from KAIST, and Min So Hee, a traffic investigation ace with cool judgment and warm sensitivity, track unusual traffic crime cases with the traffic crime investigation team to uncover the truth behind them.

(Source: Korean = Naver || Translation = MyDramaList)

Lee Min-Ki - Cha Yeon-Ho
Kwak Sun-Young - Min So-Hee
Heo Sung-Tae - Jung Chae-Man
Lee Ho-Cheol - Woo Dong-Ki
Moon-Hee - Eo Hyun-Kyung
Baek Hyun-Jin - Koo Kyung-Mo

Source: Asianwiki, MyDramalist

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 Author| Post time 30-4-2024 10:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Rahah at 30-4-2024 10:48 PM



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Post time 1-5-2024 08:52 AM | Show all posts
jom tengok.. letih tengok citer nangis-nangis

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 Author| Post time 1-5-2024 02:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Rahah at 1-5-2024 02:26 PM
zehra2 replied at 1-5-2024 08:52 AM
jom tengok.. letih tengok citer nangis-nangis

Jom... tu yang nak layan citer ni... plus memang suka layan action series...

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Post time 3-5-2024 11:02 AM | Show all posts
"Crash" promises an intriguing blend of crime-solving and character dynamics within the Traffic Crime Investigation team. With each member bringing their unique skills and backgrounds, it looks like the series will offer a fresh take on the genre. It is a promising drama with a lot of potential for excitement and suspense. Retro Bowl

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 Author| Post time 14-5-2024 08:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols dah tengok episod 1... interesting... tak pernah lagi tengok kdrama yang fokus pada traffic crime case...

Lawak betul tengok Lee Min Ki kena tangkap masa TCI team serbu scammer tu... iols ingatkan dia dah join TCI team ni... padahal dia keje as insurance investigator...

Lagi satu suka character Sohee yang ada good fighting skills & driving skills... lagi sorang junior dia tu pandai fight...

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Post time 15-5-2024 10:19 AM | Show all posts
iols melayan jgak epi 1 mlm td...wlaaupun lovely runner iols tak terkejar abis dek ketinggalan aritu...rumah lovely runner pun iols tak terkejar..hahaha

yg interesting lagi selain pasal jenayah diorg ni rare jgak...salu yg jadi kapten and sorg lagi selalu jadi dia dlm team baik plak...nicee

lee min kii...tlg laaaa..lawak kot kena tumbuk pun diam jee...geram tauuu...hahaha

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Post time 15-5-2024 11:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lynn_dmm replied at 15-5-2024 10:19 AM
iols melayan jgak epi 1 mlm td...wlaaupun lovely runner iols tak terkejar abis dek ketinggalan aritu ...

Haha rumah Lovely Runner tu sgt bahaya uols..once dah layan, sgt2 addictive & giler mabuk kitorg dlm rumah tu fangirling Byeon Woo Seok…kalau uols ada plan tgk citer lain, baik tgk citer2 tu dulu…sebab once dah terjebak memang susah nak cari jln keluar

Iols pun letak tepi dulu citer2 lain nanti bila dah kebah demam LR, baru tgk satu persatu…

Citer ni pun ada dlm list iols tapi tak taulah bila nak nengoknya…


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 Author| Post time 15-5-2024 02:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lynn_dmm replied at 15-5-2024 10:19 AM
iols melayan jgak epi 1 mlm td...wlaaupun lovely runner iols tak terkejar abis dek ketinggalan aritu ...

Lately Heo Sung Tae yang jadi captain tu selalu dapat watak baik... dah tak jadi villain lagi... tapi pandai jugak dia berlakon lawak ni... nak bagi arahan tak jadi sebab Sohee dah bagi arahan dulu... padahal dia boss...

Lee Min Ki tak tau fight... tu diam je kena tumbuk... dia kan keje insurance...
Tapi tak silap iols dia ni bijak... rasanya grad KAIST...

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 Author| Post time 15-5-2024 02:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 15-5-2024 11:20 AM
Haha rumah Lovely Runner tu sgt bahaya uols..once dah layan, sgt2 addictive & giler mabuk kitorg d ...

Nanti bila free boleh layan citer ni...

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Post time 16-5-2024 04:51 PM | Show all posts
Baru sempat tgk series ni.
Lawak la jugak

Yg berlakon jadi antagonist dlm taxi driver semua watak baik dlm series ni
Scene roadbully yg So-Hee drive tu dejavu betul , sama mcm scene do ki

Sekali Google, yihh director sama rupanya

Lambat betul iolss


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 Author| Post time 16-5-2024 07:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols curious jugak dengan 1st kes ni... sebab macam betul jer...
Rupanya memang based on real life case...
Tak sangka ada serial murder yang gunakan kereta untuk membunuh... sebab nak claim insurance compensation... giler... yang kesian tu mangsa2 semua halmeoni...

Syaiton betul anak yang accomplice dengan driver tu supaya langgar omma dia sampai mati... semata2 nak buka bisnes... memang karma la badan terbakar...

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Post time 17-5-2024 10:14 AM | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 16-5-2024 07:54 PM
Iols curious jugak dengan 1st kes ni... sebab macam betul jer...
Rupanya memang based on real life c ...

jahat kan...bunuh halmoeni yang takde sesapa...pastu dgn anak yg sanggup bunuh mak tu mmg geram yeee...demi insuranceee..sabo je laaa

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 Author| Post time 17-5-2024 03:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Rahah at 17-5-2024 03:53 PM
lynn_dmm replied at 17-5-2024 10:14 AM
jahat kan...bunuh halmoeni yang takde sesapa...pastu dgn anak yg sanggup bunuh mak tu mmg geram ye ...

Jahat giler... geram betul... itupun dia dah plan nak bunuh lagi sorang halmeoni... tapi masa tu dia perasan pulak polis tau... iols geram sebab susah betul nak tangkap... mujur jugak ada evidence yang boleh guna... sebab tak semua evidence boleh guna kat court...

Kesian mak tu kan... dapat anak tak guna... mati sebab anak nak duit insurance...

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 Author| Post time 22-5-2024 03:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Rahah at 22-5-2024 05:01 PM

Episod 3 ni sambungan kes kemalangan kat Kanghee junction... sebab driver nampak 'ghost'... padahal orang pakai baju putih... dah banyak accident kat situ & ada 2 orang meninggal... sebenarnya company towing service yang plan untuk bisnes diorang... kes ni cepat settle sebab TCI team yang menyamar jadi victim...

Lawak betul tengok Donggi... takut hantu...

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 Author| Post time 22-5-2024 09:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols geram betul tengok chaebol tu... kaya tapi jahat... menyampah betul tengok dia ugut secretary appa dia... padahal dah ada bini... dia ni mesti ada terlibat dengan kes accident Yeonho...

Patutlah Yeonho naik basikal jer... dah agak dia ada trauma... tapi iols speku kes dia tu mesti ada plot twist... rasanya ada kereta masuk lane dia... tu yang hampir bertembung... tapi dia elak... lepastu tak sengaja terlanggar orang...

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Post time 30-5-2024 04:58 PM | Show all posts
iols baru start balik crash selepas duk mengejar Lovely sedang mengejar baru smpi epi 5...hehehe


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Post time 30-5-2024 04:59 PM | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 22-5-2024 09:53 PM
Iols geram betul tengok chaebol tu... kaya tapi jahat... menyampah betul tengok dia ugut secretary a ...

kan..kesian kat yeonho...trauma bawak kete..tu pasal dia bawak basikal...pastu mesti berkait2 ngn chaebol 3 orang tu...bapak yg ketua polis pun jahat

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Post time 30-5-2024 05:02 PM | Show all posts
dah 5 episod ni...watak minki nye dialog sangat la sikit...iols harap dia dpt buat ayat yg pnjg lg..hahahah..salu ckp sikit2 je words nya..geram iols tgu dia bercakap...hahaha

tapi bagus jgak la sohee ajar dia taekwando ke apa tu..lembik betul nk melawan tak reti...hahaha

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 Author| Post time 30-5-2024 09:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lynn_dmm replied at 30-5-2024 04:59 PM
kan..kesian kat yeonho...trauma bawak kete..tu pasal dia bawak basikal...pastu mesti berkait2 ngn  ...

Dah mati chaebol jahat tu... padan muka... bawak kete macam orang giler... lastly accident kena bakar dengan orang yang balas dendam tu... Tapi iols rasa macam tak puas hati pulak dia mati awal... sebab kes Yeonho ni belum clear lagi...

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