jemput lerr dtg hostel/umah...
![](http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p149/irnawanira/Pendaftaran06.jpg) |
jemput lerr dtg hostel/umah...
ruang tamu
![](http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p149/irnawanira/Pendaftaran02.jpg) |
umah masa first sem. dok sharing... |
Reply #38 suka2's post
ok ler tu..kowang apartment...
tp kalo uniten cekau lebey, tp apartment kowang tk selesa gk...
then buatla cm aku..komplen gk wakakakakaka |
Reply #43 suka2's post
adoii beshnyeee...ade sket cm hostel kwn aku kt jepun...tp kwn aku punye bknla cm apartment yg share beberape owang..
cume cm bilek utk sowang je...tp segale kabinet ade ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
huhu...pakat promote hostel masing2 nampak...aku pun duduk ilmu...hidup ilmu...cewahhhhh...
btw..untuk pengetahuan kwn2...jemputllah ke konvokesyen esok and hr ahad ni...aku pun pg...tgk kwn2 yg dh hbs...sdih je...student tua yg tak hbs2 lagi...semoga thn depan aku dapat jugak grade....insyaALLAH... |
aku bukan budak uniten..tp aku pi kwn aku konvo, masuk dlm dewan...tgk org konvo ramai2 hari ni..
tp aku ada a few komen yg membina, untuk urusetia majlis konvokesyen uniten 02/09/07(mungkin boleh diperbaiki di masa akan datang):
1. Parent complain apsal dpt satu je buku konvo yg ada senarai nama graduan, sampai marah2 kat urusetia lagi. aku rasa pun tak patut satu famili dapat satu je. at least dua org dpt satu buku. atau mcm kat u lain, kalau dpt kad jemputan, dapatla buku konvo tu. yg aku rase tak patut bagi, adalah pada graduan, sbb diorg dah ikut raptai, mmg sepatutnya dh tau giliran masing2.so, next time, tak perlu kasi buku konvo pada graduan. cukup folder je...pun dah cantik..(yg penting, setiap tetamu jemputan graduan mesti dapat buku konvo tu...)
2. lagu koir yg dimainkan masa sesi selingan pro canselor berehat..ramai yg cakap sumbang..sbb ada satu suara high pitch yg agak ketara tak seimbang dgn suara lain. aku lebih setuju, kalau lagu universiti, tu dinyanyikan oleh penyanyi yg selalu nyanyi lagu patriotik negara, mcm Roy ke..akan lebih bersemangat. tp kalu nak buat koir jugak..mungkin boleh lebih bersemangat sikit.
3. Ni makcik sebelah aku yg komen, dalam byk2 anak dia grad, dia kata yg ni paling teruk sbb, dewan tu tak sesuai. patut buat kat auditorium. sbb, kami yg duduk kat bawah hanya nampak kepala org depan.tp kan aku yg grad tu pun bengang je sbb kene grad kat dewan tu..
4. Ketepatan masa majlis, memang suatu yg boleh dipuji. Cuma, patut banyakkan kerusi, keliling meja bufet ke..sbb ramai yg kene duduk atas tanah dan jalan tar dan simen je..mase makan..
5. Gamelan mmg sesuatu yg boleh dipuji. sbb mainan teratur dan sesuai dgn majlis. (aku suka part laju mase nak suruh tetamu kehormat keluar cepat2 tu...ahaha)
Apapun, tahniah untuk uniten, 10 tahun sebagai universiti..sudah tentu belum mampu menandingi universiti pendahulu. tetapi, dari segi usaha untuk menghias pentas dan kendalian majlis,keseluruhannya wajar dipuji. mana yg kurang mungkin dapat ditingkatkan, supaya majlis tu nampak...betul2 formal dan bertaraf tinggi. |
member aku citer photo aku convo uniten dulu ngn family aku ada kt hotel uniten..siap frame gi...haha..kelaka nye![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Originally posted by bezita60 at 2-9-2007 06:49 PM ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
aku bukan budak uniten..tp aku pi kwn aku konvo, masuk dlm dewan...tgk org konvo ramai2 hari ni..
tp aku ada a few komen yg membina, untuk urusetia majlis konvokesyen uniten 02/09/07(mungkin b ...
hehe..sy student uniten..dan slh sorg dr members group utk koir
just nk bgtau..mse konvo uniten sblm2 ni
kump koir mmg xde..cume kelmarin ngan smlm pye konvo je ade
but d most important thing yg maybe org xtau..kitorang juz b'latih b'nyanyi dlm 6 hr je! ok..
sbbnye..xtau la nape diorang tiba2 nk kump koir 4 uniten konvo
mse lthn tu dibuat b'mula dr ari selasa 28/08/07 smpi ari jumaat 30/08/07..
see..kitorg cume b'latih 3 ari je... dr kol 9 pg smpi 5 ptg ok..
da la ade 16 org je tmbh pianist sorg
kitorg plk suppose nyanyi 2 lagu je scr koir
tp dtambah plk kena nyanyi lagu uniten ngan lg 1 extra song
dua2 lagu 2 pn mse dnyanyikan mmg sy rse sedikit off
yela..16 org nyanyi ..pastu nada tggi..nk bg 1 dewan dgr..how?
nape graduan x nyanyi sama..kuat2..kasi semangat ckit
tp..x kisah la org nk kate ape..sy bgga gak jd 1 of d uniten choir members 4 konvo smlm & kelmarin
sbbnye..sume sggp korbankan holiday (bdk2 lain tgh seronok cuti tau..kitorg kat cni cbuk b'latih) semata-mata utk uniten kovo..ade yg bkn bdk kl pon join,so sian diorang x dptla blk kmpg
yg dr kl..nk kena bgn kol 5.30 @ 6 sbb nk smpi punctual 9 pg kat mph
arini plak(isnin) ramai sgt members yg ade exam..
mane nk bace buku,wat assignment..b'latih lg..
blm cmpr sgl penat yg ade..tp xpe,it's ok..HIDUP UNITEN!! (semangat2!)
gamelan mmg x dinafikan lah..diorang da b'latih lama..
n every konvo pn diorang ade..tu blm cmpr dgn diorang g perform kat luar lg
so..mcm mane lah nk dicompare kan
so..sy mewakili rkn2 lain..memohon maaf la
klu mse show kitorg tu..ade t'dgr suara2 smbg ke,pitching lari ke..out of tone ke..heh :p
kami da try bg all d best smlm & kelmarin..tu je yg mmpu kitorg wat..![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
[ Last edited by mooch at 3-9-2007 09:47 AM ] |
hohoho lambat lg nak abes..huhuhu =) |
dah last sem dh...seronok nak hbs...tp tension giler.... |
Post Last Edit by hamtaro87 at 16-9-2009 12:12
ham tgk uniten blm lg ade thread,
so pd student or ex-student uniten putrajaya n muadzam, jom kita meriahkan rumah kita.....![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
University Profile
Putrajaya Campus Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Campus
![](http://i926.photobucket.com/albums/ad104/fuhhyoOoO/libbldg.jpg) ![](http://i926.photobucket.com/albums/ad104/fuhhyoOoO/coba.jpg)
Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) is a unique institution, providing both academic programmes and engineering technology skills training within the same campus. The university's programmes are focused on engineering, information technology,business management and related areas. UNITEN not only prepare its graduates to become knowledgeable and competent professionals, but also to develop them as well-rounded individuals with broad intellectual outlook.
UNITEN is one of the first private universities in Malaysia and is wholly-owned by the public-listed Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), one of the largest utility companies in South East-Asia. Though relatively new as a university, UNITEN is moving rapidly towards establishing itself as the regional centre of educational excellence. The support and commitment it receives from its holding company, TNB, has enabled it to accelerate the infrastructure development of the campus.
The number of programmes it offers would be increased accordingly, in line with its commitment to serve the needs of the nation and other countries that look to Malaysia for assistance to meet their requirements for tertiary education.
UNITEN strives to provide quality education to prepare students for positions in industry, commerce and academia. The comprehensive and innovative programme contents and teaching techniques are designed towards expanding the frontiers of learning. Students will be challenged to develop into multi-skilled professionals possessing mental, intellectual and emotional fortitude to succeed in life.
The curricula, further enhanced with project work, research, open-ended experiments and practical training, are designed with inputs from the industrial and commercial sectors as well as from local and foreign universities. The emphasis is towards producing professionals to fulfil the needs of the industry of commerce in particular and the nation in general.
All academic programmes are formulated to meet the academic requirements of the Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA). In addition, engineering and accounting degree programmes are designed to satisfy the requirements of the relevant professional bodies.
The selection of lecturers and advisory staff is based on their qualifications, professional experience, teaching expertise and professionalism, passion for their respective subjects and their commitment to share their knowledge and experiences with the students. |
Sian thread neyh, meh aku kasi up sket~ ![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif) |
thread uniten dh ader sbenornyer
akan dimerge nnt |
thread uniten dh ader sbenornyer
akan dimerge nnt
hunt_fear Post at 17-9-2009 23:37 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
occay mod.......merge ja thread ni.......thx.............. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi