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Author: AKAZ85

Hanis Haizi Amougou V76

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Post time 2-8-2023 02:13 PM | Show all posts
sleepyfish replied at 2-8-2023 01:48 PM
Lagi satu brand Loro apa tu kan quiet luxury. Very understated & elegant. Ko masuk dengan baju one s ...

Wow loro piana, very elegant n correct understated. My hubby's fave especially the trousers. I cuma mampu beli kat outlets saja. LP woollen shawl at bicester outlets abt £2k after discount. Man's trouser paling murah after discount n in sale cheapest is abt £300-400. I ada beli 3-4 shirts n their ladies loafers unfortunately takder size for me. So i bleh agak why SA loro piana tak layan dia. They know she just window shopping saja. Depa dah lama jadi SA so bleh agak lah customers yg enter their shop tu genuine buyer or just browsing. Kepam saja lah nak buat content for acik f konon nak beli loafers kat situ. Kepam we knw u dah miskin skang ni.

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Post time 2-8-2023 02:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sleepyfish replied at 2-8-2023 01:35 PM
Gosh super regret listening to her rant about the SA

Her accent is so hilarious.

mana dia tau semua tu? selalu kalau depa berjumpa bukan ada husband masing2 ke?

ke dia buat kesimpulan laki fyda kedekut sebab fyda dok ambik order masak-masak semua tu?

and nora kena pukul? dengan laki sekarang ke laki lama..kalau laki sekarang sure la fyda and dyna akan nasihatkan nora..

kata acik F acik bawang..dia pun sama..

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Post time 2-8-2023 02:26 PM | Show all posts
sleepyfish replied at 2-8-2023 01:35 PM
Gosh super regret listening to her rant about the SA

Her accent is so hilarious.

If her families secrets n her secrets she can tell to strangers like me for example so friend's secrets are nothing to her. She spilled in social media, other so called friends n followers n God know who. I pun actually dah tak kuasa nak bacer cerita dia kat sini n malas nak bagi attention bcos like u said lah, she doesn't deserve anyone's attention. She blocked me long time ago n my other ig acct pun kena blocked gara2 I contacted Dyna n Dyna masa tu still bagi chance kat kepam to be her friend. Betul lah tu dia memang tak suka esp Nora n then fida bcos she nak the 1 n only true friend of dyna. Adan uker skang kena ghosted dgn dia org. Apa hal tak suka hwla ckp melayu. Best apa ckp melayu when meet up.  Kat sini msians tak kira apa bangsa kalo kita jumpa semua sembang in malay. Rindu sgt nak ckp melayu kita org semua ni.

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Post time 2-8-2023 02:29 PM | Show all posts
missyL replied at 2-8-2023 02:03 PM
Jgn la perempuan ni mengandung lg walaopn nmpk gemok mengandung hahaha

Setau i lah kalo movies, films u watched at cinema, play kat theatre. Awat movie watched kat theatre? Well here in UK ni we watch movie kat cinema lah. Maybe US lain kot

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Post time 2-8-2023 02:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sleepyfish at 2-8-2023 02:35 PM
nevberg replied at 2-8-2023 02:25 PM
mana dia tau semua tu? selalu kalau depa berjumpa bukan ada husband masing2 ke?

ke dia buat kesi ...

Laki sekarang la. Nora ngadu ke dia sbb dyna budak tak tau apa. Tapi bila she nasihat Nora tak dengar. Laki nora baran. Alkisah. Don’t shoot the messenger. I just cerita apa she cerita my friend.

Dia cerita Fyda mengeluh la fed up semua dia kena buat. Cuma Dyna ye laki ok. Lain tak ok. So she ckp sikit pun she tak jealous dengan HWLA. Cause her life is better laki sayang & lavish bla bla bla

Don’t ask me anymore details. Semua ni heresay. So I tak tau much. Plus my friend tak akan korek lagi sebab bosan gila layan Hanis. Tak kuasa wey.

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Post time 2-8-2023 02:34 PM | Show all posts
Edited by surioo at 2-8-2023 02:45 PM
nevberg replied at 2-8-2023 02:25 PM
mana dia tau semua tu? selalu kalau depa berjumpa bukan ada husband masing2 ke?

ke dia buat kesi ...

Ni semua pasal dia kena ghosted dgn hwla lah n paling last dyna yg ghosted dia. So dia mesti assumed yg nora n fida yg influenced dyna jg kawan dia. Dia lupa kot smpi buat deal dgn dyna nak kawan balik dgn nora n fida if dyna took her back as friend. Ingat dyna tu bodoh mcm dia ker? Tu yg dia sakit hati n buat cerita seakan2 mcm how jali treated her dulu. Oh well kepams kan, 10 dia ckp 1000 jgn caya. Saja nak pecah belahkan dyna, nora n fida. If I can't get no one else can.

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Post time 2-8-2023 02:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
anony-mous replied at 31-7-2023 09:03 PM
Tq for the effort uols. No 4 tu xde la hebat nau kakpam kalau she one the the two yg dpt marks 100 ...

Yg dua org tu repeat paper kut sbb tu dpt 100

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Post time 2-8-2023 02:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
From apa I baca sini plus experience Surioo mmg I advice to stay away. Bukan apa tengok la dia ungkit non stop ibu halia tu. Still share gambar bag dior silver yg dicuri tu. If you guys nak korek go ahead. She sejenis lonely layan je & spill. But I takmo my friends be involved with her. Enough la.

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Post time 2-8-2023 02:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
surioo replied at 2-8-2023 02:34 PM
Ni semua pasal dia kena ghosted dgn hwla lah n paling last dyna yg ghosted dia. So dia mesti assum ...

Ha ah she is someone which should be avoided at all costs. Very tiresome. She is oblivious to her faults. Always blaming everyone except herself. I told my friend stay away! Nanti tak pasal2 kena

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Post time 2-8-2023 02:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sleepyfish replied at 2-8-2023 01:35 PM
Gosh super regret listening to her rant about the SA

Her accent is so hilarious.

Kepam badmouth fida dan nora??
Bangsat nya kau hanis ya....sah2 ko jeles dan sakit hati kan sbb dyna dah tendang kau keluar dr hidup dia
Well, teruskan sakit hati kau la hanis....sah2 smpi ke mati la ko takkan ada kawan2 kt LA sana

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Post time 2-8-2023 02:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sleepyfish replied at 2-8-2023 01:35 PM
Gosh super regret listening to her rant about the SA

Her accent is so hilarious.

perangai jilaker kakpam ni mmg dia bawak sampai mati kan? dia mmg orang paling tak boleh percaya.
i’m not surprised kalau citer2 dalam kain hwla ni ada yg dia made up je. knowing kakpam kuat menipu. dan mungkin jugak kisah kena pukul atau tak cukup duit tu sbnrnya masalah dia. serupa mcm quotes yg dia selalu up kononnya sindir orang lain, tapi so obvious quotes tu mengena kat diri dia sendiri.
@ezypepper boleh sampai kan kat nora or madinah apa yg kakpam citer ni. jgn la sesekali associated dgn kakpam lagi. biar dia jadi kera sumbang sorang2
FYI kakpam, antara gang hwla, chuols paling gemok, pendek dan huduh. so tak yah perasan chuols paling lawa.  husband blekpar babu chuols tu paling miskin, muka bulat botak kulit hitam berkilat & perut buncit mcm preggy fullterm. so automatic chuols laki bini pasangan paling huduh dari gang hwla. mujur dorang dah tak nak kawan dgn mr & mrs amougou miskin bifoti

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Post time 2-8-2023 03:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
namieamuro replied at 2-8-2023 11:08 AM
sll i mute u. jarang sgt i nk dgr kepam menceceh. tp sbb smlm i nk tau apehal muke mcm menahan nk  ...

rug yg besar dan berat mcmn la dia sumbat dlm mesin tu smp rosak, overload la tewww

iols basuh comforter dgn karpet kain besar tu dlm mesin basuh elok je
tp iols pny mesin basuh 14kg la hohoho

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Post time 2-8-2023 03:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mamijarum06 replied at 2-8-2023 11:24 AM
Iols dgr pun cam nak gelak je. "Never felt unwanted" hahahahah. Maigaddd, u mmg selama nobody want ...

never felt unwanted tu
bukan ke dia da kena benda tu lama dgn ex boipren sblm² ni? konon 1st time hadap? poodah

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Post time 2-8-2023 03:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sleepyfish replied at 2-8-2023 02:33 PM
Laki sekarang la. Nora ngadu ke dia sbb dyna budak tak tau apa. Tapi bila she nasihat Nora tak den ...

Jahat gila Kepam, memang patut la hwla tak kawan dengan dia,sampai rahsia rumahtangga hwla pun dia p cerita kat orang lain..
Ish hangin i

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Post time 2-8-2023 03:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hagrid replied at 2-8-2023 01:03 PM
Aaaaa kuajaq betul Pam..
Dia siap reveal laki si BG tu ada herpes rasanya..
Mcm siut je sampai nak ...

Omg serious la reveal benda mcm tu. Maruah n privacy org kot. The only person has the right to tell anyone is BG or her husband himself. Who are u to tell to public. I thot i dah habis shocked of perangai betina ni. But today i learnt something more shocking. Kepam, with that behavior,  u hv no right whatsoever to complaint about friendship, nak being selective la bagai.  Truth is u are a piece of shit, the shittiest of them all, that not worthy of any kind of friendship. 1000% not trustworthy. Siblings n parents sendiri pun boleh burukkan kat socmed, inikan pulak kawan. Ummah manusian sekalian, sila lari jauh2 dr pompuan puaka ni  

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Post time 2-8-2023 03:16 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 2-8-2023 03:28 PM | Show all posts
surioo replied at 2-8-2023 02:29 PM
Setau i lah kalo movies, films u watched at cinema, play kat theatre. Awat movie watched kat theat ...

sama la tu movie theatre

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Post time 2-8-2023 03:31 PM | Show all posts
namieamuro replied at 2-8-2023 01:02 PM
mmg 99.99% si babu rahman igt kuin kepam berduit. tak mungkin la kepam tak tompang lime light bapa ...

hahaha sejenis nak jadi biawak juga kan si babu tu, ingat dah dapat jackpot

nak menumpang reta bini kalau betul2 luck dia baik dpt kawin pompuan kaya

tapi lama mana je perkahwinan tu, sapa je suka bela biawak

sesuai sgt la berjodoh berbodoh dgn si kepam berangan nak dpt laki kaya juga tu

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Post time 2-8-2023 03:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hagrid replied at 2-8-2023 03:04 PM
Jahat gila Kepam, memang patut la hwla tak kawan dengan dia,sampai rahsia rumahtangga hwla pun dia ...

I rasa dia orang dah sedar dan tahu. Tu yang kena ghosted. She deserve it. Tapi dari cerita she tak gaduh, just konon her choice to stay away from HWLA. So memang ada canggah cerita. She cakap she cannot masuk with them, not her level. Baju pun stakat shein. Whatever la. From my perspective yg rugi Hanis. Now lonely no friends.

Anyway Hanis kan rasa superior dari dulu. Dulu look down on org makan gaji tapi married to one now. Tu la dalam hidup ni tak boleh sombong sangat. Now nak beli chanel brand new pun tak tentu mampu. Preloved tak kira ok for Hanis yg cakap besar ni

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Post time 2-8-2023 03:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sleepyfish replied at 2-8-2023 02:33 PM
Laki sekarang la. Nora ngadu ke dia sbb dyna budak tak tau apa. Tapi bila she nasihat Nora tak den ...

haha..lavish ke pun?

citer habis sini je…don’t worry

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