bianca tu mmg celebrity kat piilipino tu..
masa detto dgn kimbum tu.. mmg pilipino terus ...
airwickss Post at 1-8-2010 09:57
x aci la cenggitu.... org sume dok berhempas pulas antar borang.. dia senang2 je dpt masuk..
tp benda dah lepas.. wat pe dikenang lagi..
p/s:jgn lupa world date with KB kat KBSW jap lagi..
i was shocked and i said "omg minho u'r sooo tall..and he replied:heheheheh"*so cute when he laugh*
i managed to hug even though later the bodyguard scratch my arm accidently with his watch..and minho just smile when i hug him*i'm wearing the black flowery shirt