Lady C ni pun social climber mcm Meghan juga... it takes one to know one! Dia claimed yg ayah dia is a Russian count, but who knows. Sheols kahwin dgn Lord Colin Campbell tu sekejap aje, tak sampai dua tahun pun, bercerai 4 dekad yg lalu, kenapa masih nak guna nama bekas suami tu.
One Q, adakah Lady C ni dianggap sbg transgender? She was medically assigned as a male masa mula2 lahir dulu sbb she has genital malformation issue.
I pun percaya yg the palace circle and some aristos mmg gunakan Lady C ni utk leak stuff. If you notice, Lady C mmg berhati-hati dgn segala kata2 sheols. I rasa sheols mmg work closely with her legal team to minimize the risk of being sued. Kenapa sampai sekrg the Harkles tak berani nak sue Lady C, even si Sam Markle tu pun diaorg tak berani nak saman.
Lady C being too vocal is one of the thing yg I really appreciate abt her. Gelagat dia suka mengajuk Smeg tu mmg kelakar sgt. Cuma her pronounciation tu kdg2 buat I sakit kepala. Re her gossips, I take it all as 50-50. I lebih percaya gossip Lady C drpd si Robert Lacey. RL ni terlalu pro Harry. Dan anak pompuan RL ni laa yg wrote 3x Lifetime movies yg meloyakan pasal the Harkles tu, what a small world kan!
Bila Kate & William arrived kat Royal Box, Priyan ...
Mcm tak nampak pun priyanka bagi dirty look kat Kate. Atau i terlepas pandang.... Dia (buat2) sibuk atur selendang time DDOC di announce tiba.
BTW, apa yg melayakkan dia duduk di royal box dan dpt seat betul2 kat belakang royal couple so that masuk frame kalau kena amik gambar oleh media ye....? rasanya majoriti yg dalam box tu tak kenal dia pun.
Author|Post time 12-7-2021 01:53 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 12-7-2021 06:47 AM
PP and Zara... what a resemblance kan!
Seiras sgt ... I selalu rasa PP ni sgt penyayang ....anak girl and cucu girl macam selalu dapat special attention from him ... Lagipun yg gegirl ni rajin melayan atok ya
Lifetime movies kebanyakannya mmg meloyakan... patutnya movie ni diberi tajuk ...
Meolls semenjak mengikut kemarahan rakyat malaysia dengan pandemik ni, rasa macam mild benor tajuk charlatan duchess tu. Macam selayaknya bagi gelaran lagi hina
Ergh i loya betul betul bukan buat buat bila tengok pelakon tu bawa watak maggot
Karatz Cambridges pun kdg2 sama delusional dgn sugars, over protective ngalahkan RPOs.
Priyanka merasa dok kat Royal Box tu sbb kawan dia si Natasha Poonawalla tu kot. Dia adalah Executive Director of Serum Institute of India, one of the largest vaccine manufacturing companies in the world. Husband dia is the CEO of the same company, it was founded by her FIL. Si Natasha ni ada jugak involved dlm charity events with other British royals, ada pix sheols dgn Charles etc.
Sugars ni bodoh betoiii, Harry laa yg patut protect bini dia! It is not William's job to coddle Meghan!!!
Dan sejak bila Harry grew-up on the street???
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