Post time 16-6-2017 04:33 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
cahayamataku replied at 16-6-2017 04:03 AM
Ohh bang Haron Ajis kee
Tetiba iolss teringat nasihat bang Haron Ajis pada Sahauk
Tak berapa sama chuols. Popular tu ramai orang suka. Bang haron kata yang orang tak suka tak pe, janji terkenal. Tak menang abpbh la kut yg tak pe, janji mendoniaaaaaaa haha
Post time 16-6-2017 04:39 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Check in. Tahniah tt akhirnya bukak jg rumah utk FA. Kenapa aku rasa geli ek bila tgk teaser shmpr? Serius hjjh nampak fake and gedik...FA plak dok menyengih2 je spjg dlm teaser tu.
I jenis tengok drama melayu on and off, kalau tv tu terbukak mak or kakak tengok I tengok ja. That's why I tertengok HSC ni So I x sangka production Michael Ang gini, I thought dia director top top top rupanya...
If Fattah berlakon dengan Sheila Rusly I think ok jugak
Tadi I tengok ig fattah, ada orang cakap Fattah ni x leh lawan syukri yahaya (in terms of acting). Dalam hati I, at least Fattah x mintak org lain send gambar xxx Banyak pulak fake account gigih create account just to condemn fattah kat ig. But best pasal fattah is that he buat dek je
Post time 16-6-2017 05:46 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Nasheeha replied at 16-6-2017 01:01 AM
Kat mana nk tgk citer plan cinta x jadi ni ea? Gigih carik online x jumpa. Suka sgt tgk gandingan ...
Iols pun suker gilerrrr citer plan cinta tak jadi...ulang-ulang tgk byk kali !! Fattah giler sengal dlm citer tuh honestly fattah blakon dgn fathia pun best..hopefully ada lg drama diorang together