For the first time " Six Flying Dragons" feels like it's about six completely different main characters. That's not a good thing- the mood whiplash gets pretty severe as we have to jump from the usual horrific grimness to comic relief, sometimes in the same scene. If anyone's to blame for this it's Muhyul (played by Yoon Gyoon-sang). The guy's too much of a dorky goofball. To some extent this can be charming, but not when the other character in focus is Boon-yi (played by Sin Se-kyeong), and she has to deal firsthand with the death which for Muhyul is just an abstract concept. There might be something to that, come to think of it. Where all the other characters have already managed to get their hands dirty and not even felt guilty about it, Muhyul doesn't seem to appreciate there's a war going on. It's kind of hard to blame the guy, given that he seems to think his life is some sort of romantic comedy. Indeed, while three dragons have gotten together by the climax, by the end of this episode they've managed to separate again.