alahai.. makin berdebar rasanya nak mengikuti kisah penggembaraan Harry Potter and the geng.. Kuasa Voldermort pun dah makin kuat.. pasti ada saingan sengit.. Kena beratur pagi-pagi kat MPH Midvalley nie.. |
saya order from whsmith, UK...
murah jerr...30BRUNEI DOLLARS....less than 10pounds... |
Originally posted by sultana at 8-7-2005 01:00 PM:
Saya ada Harry potter and the half blood prince ni in pdf and doc form... :bgrin: Tapi nak jugak le beli buku tu nanti... tapi best gak dapat baca awal... :pompom:
[ Last edited by sultana on ...
sultana...mana u dapat? |
i dah place order, kat popular melaka :pompom: :pompom:
tak sabarnye tunggu sabtu :music: |
aitt...macam mana plak softcopy dah dijual nie? :hmm: aritu 2 rakyat UK ditangkap kerana cuba melelong 2 buku HP yg ke 6 nie di internet. Ebay kot. Dorang seludup kluar dari kilang percetakkan.....
Anyway, jumpa di Kinokuniya KLCC. 6 hari lagi :clap: |
6 days to go.. tut..tut..tut..(bunyi countdown...) |
kat canada dah 'terjual' HP 6 ni....
VANCOUVER, British Columbia (Reuters) -
Harry Potter's latest secret may have slipped out in Canada, and publishers of the best-selling books hope the magical allure of author
J.K. Rowling's autograph will get it back under wraps.
Rowling's sixth book about the young wizard is scheduled to be released on July 16, but a store near Vancouver briefly put the put the book on sale last week.
Raincoast Books Ltd., which distributes the books in Canada, said a "small number" of the books were sold, and it has won a court injunction barring the buyers of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" from disclosing the plot.
The court also ordered all the copies be returned to Raincoast, which has promised the early buyers book plates autographed by Rowling once the embargo is lifted.
Millions of copies of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" are expected to be distributed to stores around the world, and publishers have launched big security efforts to keep the wizard's adventures a secret until the official release date. |
Mintak tolong..nak tanya pencinta-pencinta Harry Potter..Rasa2nya kat MPH yang cawangan kecil cam Shah Alam dan Alamanda...ada tak jual buku HP ari Sabtu nih?Sebab kite mmg plan nak ke MPH Alamanda to buy the book sbb tu yg paling dekat..kalau nk ke KL tu..jauhnya....dulu dok kepong...bley pre-order kat popular...tapi skang dh tercampak kt putrajaya nih...tak ada harapanlaa...rasa2 korang ler...kat MPH alamanda tuh...ada supply buku tu utk hari tu tak(16/7)?Malas plak nak call MPH..so..nk tanya pendapat koranglaa..kalau2 ada yg tahu and yg mmg nk pegi beli kat cawangan2 MPH yg lain selain MidValley.Thanks!Tolong ek! |
Originally posted by biniwills at 2005/7/12 10:20:
Mintak tolong..nak tanya pencinta-pencinta Harry Potter..Rasa2nya kat MPH yang cawangan kecil cam Shah Alam dan Alamanda...ada tak jual buku HP ari Sabtu nih?Sebab kite mmg plan nak ke MPH Alamanda ...
rasanya ada kot...sebab first aku tau pasal pre order ni pun kat MPH Kl sentral. so aku rasa semua MPH store akan ada la HP 6 ni on the 16th tu... |
aktiviti di bookstore di malaysia
The sixth book cometh
THINGS are bubbling and boiling at various bookstores around the country in preparation for the release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on July 16. Here is what's in store.
MPH: Early birds who turn up at the megastores to pick up their pre-ordered copies of HP6 will get to enjoy Nescafe Gold, MiloFuze and NesVita bars. Those at other outlets will be served snacks. Activities include:
Search for the Half-Blood Prince Contest at Megamall Mid Valley, Kuala Lumpur; Megastore 1 Utama, Selangor; and Bangsar Village, KL (11am and 2pm), Kinta City, Ipoh (2.30pm).
Mad Science Harry Potter Special at Megastore 1 Utama (12.30pm) and Megamall Mid-Valley (3.30pm).
Photo-taking session with characters from Hogwarts (7am); Harry Potter Crossword Puzzle Contest (8am); Story-telling Contest (1pm) at Pelangi Leisure Mall, Johor Baru.
Times the Bookshop: All outlets: TPC members get a 10% discount plus a RM10 cash voucher. Non-TPC members will get a 10% discount. July 16 & 17: Free tote bag with purchases of HP6, and a certificate stating the date and time of purchase.
Lucky draw for cash vouchers of up to RM500 (Klang Valley outlets only) Special breakfast at RM2.90 at Flaming J, Hartamas Shopping Centre, KL, up to10am for those with HP6 receipts.
Kinokuniya Bookstore, Suria KLCC: The first six readers to queue up for the launch party before 7.01am will get a free copy of HP6. The first 300 customers to buy the book will get a RM25 book voucher each, and an exclusive magic wand.
July 16-18: Every purchase of HP6 will entitle you to a RM20 book voucher, and a special bag.
Borders, Berjaya Times Square, KL: Buy Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and get a 20% discount on other items. Breakfast at Starbucks and goodie bags for the first 200 customers. Come dressed as Harry Potter and get a surprise gift. |
gorg lambat sket kot....
kesiannyeeeeeeee |
tadi sherrina gi Borders, Times Square. Wahh, kat sana pon dah start terasa kemeriahan demam HP (sorry ye, kita tak demam AF, kita demam HP :lol ). Even staff dorang pun ada yg pakai robes mcm student2 Hogwarts pakai tu...cool. macam nak beli lah pulak :bgrin:
adoi, 7 org pertama dapat buku percuma!! wow.....pukul brape sherrina nak kene queue kat Kinokuniya tu? 6 pagi le gamaknya....amacam, ramai2 Subuh di Masjid KLCC dulu......ayuhhhh......(kalau sempat bangun seawal itu) |
tidor terus la kat sana....kawan kat opis ni siap nak berkhemah kat sana(kononnya).... lol
rabu, khamis,jumaat, sabtu.....tak sabarnya........
[ Last edited by nevberg on 13-7-2005 at 08:36 AM ] |
2 days to go.. yippeeee yiippeeeee.. |
hi semua...saya ni kira org baru kar forum ni..tp dah lama kat dlm bidang harry potter ni..just wanna say hi to all...lagi satu memang tgh tak sabar nak tunggu hari sabtu ni 
saya cuma collect buku HP dr scholastic sahaja sebab adik saya dah kumpul yg dr Bloomsbury. Selain tu saya kumpul jugak buku2 versi BM. BTW, buku yg HP no. 4 dlm BM tu byk sangat error..error2 tu saya akan letak kat website saya.
adoi, 7 org pertama dapat buku percuma!! wow.....pukul brape sherrina nak kene queue kat Kinokuniya tu? 6 pagi le gamaknya....amacam, ramai2 Subuh di Masjid KLCC dulu......ayuhhhh......(kalau sempat bangun seawal itu)
Sherrina..saya check kat the star ..dia kata kat kinokuniya bagi utk 6 yg terawal.
Pd sapa2 yg nak tahu lebih lanjut pasal aktiviti2 yg ada kat mana2 kedai buku, ni link dia.
[ Last edited by hermione_twin on 13-7-2005 at 12:59 PM ] |
thanks hermione for the link 
kalau le sherrina keje kat ofis area2 KLCC, dah tido opis dah.....for sure :lol |
Originally posted by sherrina at 12-7-2005 10:59 PM:
tadi sherrina gi Borders, Times Square. Wahh, kat sana pon dah start terasa kemeriahan demam HP (sorry ye, kita tak demam AF, kita demam HP :lol ). Even staff dorang pun ada yg pakai robes mcm stud ...
bestnya.... jelesnya.... gorg... tp nak buat cam mana... dah pokai...
bulan nin ajer dah 3x pi KL... mmg tak dpt lg nak beli HP nin.... |
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