Reply #380 mfharun's post
let's say....experiences and knowledges you'll get at Malakoff could be useful.
I dunno how or what company you'll apply after you grad, but Malakoff is a well known established co, and I really think that'll impress job interviewers....at least. I'm not a job interviewer...but from experiences, your Industrial Training isn't a cherry on the top.
In Oil & gas industry, chemical eng is one of the most important discipline. The chances are still there. |
Hmmm hai all, anyone interested to work in drilling fluid lab as lab enginner? Please drop me your resume or PM me for further info...
And anyone have exp in handling XRD or have a basic in XRD are most welcome to apply... |
Ade sape2 yang penah keje ngan Offshore Works Sdn Bhd?
I dapat intebiu dari Offshore Subsea Works Sdn Bhd one of their subsidiaries la..
Please share ttg work environment all things about them..
Tenkiu beri2 mash.. |
Balas #384 fatimberlake\ catat
hmm..aku aku pn dpt inrview kt Offshoreworks..geosurvey
nk survey ape ek..huuhu |
Reply #386 RuL469's post
rasanya dia wat seismic geology survey. Untuk wat survey kat blok2 petroleum reservoir. Kerja2 seismic survey ni adalah perkara yg 1st sekali akan dilakukan didalam kerja2 Exploration & Production. Maknanya nanti after survey kalau satu2 kawasan kat laut tu ada potensi menghasilkan gas/minyak maka ianya akan dipetakan then next time akan ada lah kerja2 wildcat/drilling akan dilakukan kat situ...after that barulah offshore platform akan di develop kat situ. |
Originally posted by pressor at 14-11-2008 09:09 AM
company kat srwk kew??
x la semenanjung la..sesape any idea? |
Balas #384 fatimberlake\ catat
work environment i'm not sure. maybe you can expect the same working environment in all offshore company. if your post is offshore-based, then the environment might be rough, tough and extremely challenging with long periods away from home. the works is very exciting with a lot of thrills and frills plus good food and money. but if its an office-based, basically pretty much the same as any other office job. fun, lively and full of laughter plus some pressure from you superior and office politics.
regarding offshoreworks, i believe it is an offshore survey company. they will conduct geomatic survey of seabed for pipeline construction from offshore to onshore or from offshore platform to another offshore platform. the reason is simple to give good and realiable 3-D view on the construction of offshore platform and pipeline and identify any obstacle or issues regarding subsurface environment. yeah, the oil and gas is very particular in preserving the environment. basically they will collect data from the seabed to determine the nature of the seabed itself from sensor or any specialized equipment.
if you do get admitted, you can gain experience in procedure of seabed survey, the equipment, post data analysis of survey, geomatic, marine engineering and life of subsurface creature. okay, maybe not the subsurface creature, but hell, you will learn a lot of cool things.
just simple question out of the blue, fatimberlake happen to be a dude or a girl? if a dude, then it ain't no honey but if a girl, then the offshore people will have something to look forward when you next went to offshore..kee kee kee.. |
Balas #390 fatimberlake\ catat
yolah..mula2 jer semangat nak g offshore nih...heheh...tp ko masih muda lagik..nilah masa n peluang nak gain duit byk..huhu...
wish u all the best |
Reply #391 pressor's post
ye...betul...senior2 aku ada gak la yg mcm dah bosan duk offshore. Tapi aku masih belum puassssss |
ape soalan2 yg diaorg tnya..
soalan2 technical ada x? |
bg tau ja secara ringkas dan padat...
aku intrview ngn Offshore Geosurvey SB.. |
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi