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Author: CikPuanMelayu

Hantu Kolej Melayu - Updated #65

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Post time 14-4-2016 06:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
CikPuanMelayu replied at 13-4-2016 02:33 AM

Malayan Straits Times,

Kalau hantu kolej melayu,kenape xtaip dlm bahasa melayu..Baru senang sy nak faham.:-(

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Post time 14-4-2016 06:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
CikPuanMelayu replied at 13-4-2016 02:33 AM

Malayan Straits Times,

Kalau hantu kolej melayu,kenape xtaip dlm bahasa melayu..Baru senang sy nak faham.:-(

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Post time 14-4-2016 06:29 AM | Show all posts
CikPuanMelayu replied at 13-4-2016 11:09 PM

Thank you for the continuation. Appreciate your effort to type this for us, Cik Puan.

Update selalu ya Cik Puan Melayu... tak sabar menunggu.

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Post time 14-4-2016 08:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
betul ke cite ni ..mcm back to the future je

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2016 08:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
raunna replied at 14-4-2016 06:06 AM
Kalau hantu kolej melayu,kenape xtaip dlm bahasa melayu..Baru senang sy nak faham.:-(

Hantu Kolej Melayu cakap melayu. Masalahnya 'budak koleq, budak MC atau they all panggil diri old boy' ni kebanyakkannya selesa berbahasa inggeris. Sekolah elit katanya.

CPM dapat dalam english version. Maafkan CPM. Hihi

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2016 08:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by CikPuanMelayu at 14-4-2016 11:28 AM
eizarz replied at 14-4-2016 08:25 AM
betul ke cite ni ..mcm back to the future je

Inilah yg dikatakan urban legend MCKK. Bersambung dari one generation to others. Tokok tambah mesti wujudlah kan kalau dah nama urban legend. Wallahua'lam.

CPM dapat cerita dari cousin CPM budak koleq batch late 90's. Dia pulak ada yg alami sendiri and dari senior2. Dulu2 bila cousin balik cuti, sukalah tukar2 cerita sekolah masing2. Hihi

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2016 08:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ipo replied at 13-4-2016 08:19 AM
setiap kali balik kuala kangsar, kalau nak pergi pekan kuala
memang sengaja lalu ikut MCKK ni...can ...


Gah nampak sekolahnya. Budaknya pun ramai yg hensem2 belaka. Hihi

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2016 08:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
feuersturm replied at 13-4-2016 04:02 PM
sekolah lama dan hantu memang berpisah tiada

teruskan cerita CPM, nanti2 rajin saya tokok t ...

Tambah tau. Lagi best baca dari budak koleq sendiri.

Tapi cerita 'jambu' tak payahlah. Cousin CPM cerita hantu, takut. Cerita 'jambu' sengih2. Hihi

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2016 09:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cerebrum16 replied at 13-4-2016 04:45 PM
kisah seram2, ni pak guard MCKK byk juga alami..  tapi saya tak dpt detail kisah2nya..  nnti le nak  ...

Mesti best. Nanti share eh.

CPM tanya cousin. Ha'ah katanya...orang kuala panggil budak MC. Orang tua2 panggil budak Malay College.

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2016 09:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
blackwidowbae replied at 13-4-2016 09:44 PM
Hantu flat face tak dep kerrr

Nanti CPM suruh cousin cerita. Dia pernah cerita dulu. Intro dia..


"malam2 pi toilet kalau tengok cermin nanti muka sendiri flat takde mata hidung mulut"

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2016 09:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
blackwidowbae replied at 13-4-2016 09:46 PM
Rumah papan tinggal yang dekat belakang dorm mckk tu pun berhantukan

"Rumah berhantu rumah MI Mustapha Ishak (warden koleq). Rumah lama 2 tingkat. Tingkat atas tak duduk pasal ada benda lain duduk. Ha'ah scary budak New Hostel balik prep malam lalu rumah tu. Laju je jalan tak pandang." --- cousin CPM whatsapp. Hihi

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2016 09:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
darlingangel replied at 14-4-2016 06:29 AM
Thank you for the continuation. Appreciate your effort to type this for us, Cik Puan.

Update se ...

My pleasure. Hihi

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2016 09:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by CikPuanMelayu at 14-4-2016 09:48 AM


New Straits Times 27th October 1984

Teenager Found Guilty of Impersonating Royalty

Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday - Unidentified teenager, 18, who claims himself as the long lost Tengku Qhaidzir was sentenced to 5 years jail for causing havoc and bringing pain and grief to the Royal family. Although he looks exactly like Tengku Qhaidzir, it is impossible for him not to have aged over the years. His story is ridiculous but tests conducted by psychiatrists confirm that he is mentally sane.

Time   : 10.30 am 10th November 1984
Venue : Visitor's room, Pudu Jail

"How's life?" asked Mukhri. "Ok. They treat me well. What's up?"

"You've got to save him!" exclaimend Qhaidzir interrupting Mukhri.

"I know. I've been waiting for this moment. Promise me if anything wrong happens, you'll come and save us," said Mukhri.

"You've got yourself a promise, I can only pray for your success."

They both shook hands, and that was the last time they ever met.

Time   : 27th October 1989
Venue : Pudu Jail, Main gate

"A 1003892. You are now a free man. Make full use of everything you have learnt over the last five years. Good luck."

The gigantic doors of the main gate opend and Qhaidzir stepped out of the prison. "I have no future for myself. My wealth is gone. I live only for one cause now."

"I have nothing left in this world. My future... all gone. The tragedy has change my life. My friends rely on me now."

And The Mystery Continues...

*This story was adapted from a true story. The characters involved are purely fictional and any similarity with anyone, dead or alive is purely a coincidence.*


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Post time 14-4-2016 10:23 AM | Show all posts
its kinda sad tho for tengku.. anyhow, like ur stories.. meh la letak lagi bila ada masa.. i'll religiously follow ur stories k..

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2016 10:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ramaramu replied at 14-4-2016 10:23 AM
its kinda sad tho for tengku.. anyhow, like ur stories.. meh la letak lagi bila ada masa.. i'll reli ...

Kan... Me too. Kasihan Tengku.
Kalau CPM jadi Tengku pun, baiklah duduk dalam train je. At least bolehlah kawan dengan Syakrim. And maybe Mukhri too. Hihi

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Post time 14-4-2016 10:35 AM | Show all posts
CikPuanMelayu replied at 14-4-2016 10:29 AM
Kan... Me too. Kasihan Tengku.
Kalau CPM jadi Tengku pun, baiklah duduk dalam train je. At le ...

kan.. lebih baik wait for another year with mukhri.. lps tu sama2 hidup bertiga dalam train tu.. drp kat sini keluarga pun x percaya..
sedih membayangkan dia duduk dalam jail..

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Post time 14-4-2016 11:03 AM | Show all posts
tapi kisah ni tak tentu lagi betul kan?

sebab kalau betul.. mcm pelik bila tak buat ujian DNA

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2016 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Cerita ni CPM dengan beberapa orang cousins dengar dari first hand budak koleq. Senior cousin CPM. We all jumpa brother ni masa dalam train (train lagi. Hihi) ke Geneva dari Interlaken. As usual, cerita hantu la yg paling favourite semua orang bila dah ramai2 ni. Hihi

CPM copy paste je ni dari cousin CPM. Dia la  gigih compile semua.



It was the last week of December 1990, a week before the school term started....I've already there painting another chapter of my alma mater life. I was made a college prefect taking responsibility looking after the New Hostel where the form two students stayed. I was warned though by the prefects who looked after the same batch at Prep School (hostel for form one students), to be cautioned and pray  there will be no disturbance. That is when I first heard the name which still give me the goosebumps. I wasn't really paying any attention as my thought it was merely a lonely home sick boy seeking attention.....but I was wrong.

Days passed by, the second formers have settled down and well adjusted with the New Hostel life. There were always the usual lectures, fire drills, labour work, hostel activities, stories and lagends being shared with the juniors. No sight of Kak Ramlah.

The boy associated with Kak Ramlah was coincidently stayed at Dorm 10 of the New Hostel (built in 1972) the dorm known for its haunted midnight train lagend. An old steam train that came out from the wall at midnight, stopped in the middle of the dorm luring young naive yet curious collegian into the opened coach and trapped them into the endless journey through the walls. The dorm is located at the end of level 3 which is the top floor next to the toilet overseeing the brances of a tall old raintree. That is another story. Back to the boy, Nik who seems very quiet yet something in his eyes burning as if a force is holding him from warning us that she has returned again. The fact that Nik stayed at Dorm 10 with its reputation, gave everyone a goosebumps whenever passed by the dorm corridor even during daylights.

Words to spread fast even during the pre-internet era. Not even three months into the year, everyone has started to mentioned about her and the boy. The resident of Dorm 10 has been having sleepless nights due to Nik has started talking to himself in the middle of the night, screaming out of the blue. Some of the dorm mate can felt the presence of Kak Ramlah inside the dorm.


Kak Ramlah is a spirit who is one of many spirits passed by Kuala Kangsar from their journey across the earth. She was only visible to Nik. Kak Ramlah could have been just one nickname she/it uses; she/it could have been known differently in a different world. Because of her/it the second former experienced sleeping in surau, reciting Yassin throughout the night, being sent on an errand to ascertain the truthness that she/it did exist at 2 o'clock in the morning, playing a Yassin tape in the dorm after lights off and so many more during their stay at Prep School.

BACK IN 1990...

Back in 1990 at the Prep School (built in 1913), Nik was a lonely boy who always sit on a marble bench seat next to the public phone between the Prep School hostel and surau, daydreaming while waiting for Maghrib. It is believed that Kak Ramlah approached him to become his 'friend'. And the haunting started.

One night a second former went rushing and banging at our room door. Nik suddenly when missing in the middle of the night. I asked his dormmate to stay calm and wait in the dorm while 5 of us the New Hostel prefects went to look for him.

After a while we managed to find him walking alone in the middle of the 'desert', a barren dusty football field. He mentioned that Kak Ramlah asked him to play with her there. Yet we did not see anyone other than him. We asked him to return to his dorm but refused to do so. We had to dragged him up as he tried to strangle free. His force was strong as if he is the world strongest man.

Finally we managed to bring him back at the dorm. Everyone was waiting quiety and stunned to Nik being so defensively aggresive. Some of them were reciting Yassin and few were hiding behind their own blanket and pillow. Nik still struggling to free himself, two of us can't barely hold him tight.

His eyes were burning as if he was possesed. He has been breathing heavily, once a while snorted like a horse. While we tries to lay him on the bed, he looked sharply at me, open his mouth grawling angrily with an old lady's voice and said, "Don't you dare to take him away from me!" Everyone was stunned.

Kak Ramlah has spoken!


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 Author| Post time 14-4-2016 11:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hest replied at 14-4-2016 11:03 AM
tapi kisah ni tak tentu lagi betul kan?

sebab kalau betul.. mcm pelik bila tak buat ujian DNA

True story according to MCKK old boys. Tapi bab tokok tambah tu for sure sebab dah jadi urban legend kan.

Bab DNA tu CPM pun ada terfikir. Kot la tak advance lagi ke masa 80's. Kita kan third world country. Hihi

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Post time 14-4-2016 11:18 AM | Show all posts
CikPuanMelayu replied at 14-4-2016 11:12 AM
True story according to MCKK old boys. Tapi bab tokok tambah tu for sure sebab dah jadi urban lege ...

eh tak la.. tahun 80an MOH dah advance. sedangkan kisah denggi dan malaria ni pun dari tahun 1943 pun diorang dah start build up program. tak kan DNA tak de.. lagi 1.. sebagai ahli keluarga yang mengakui look like.. macam pelik kalai tak terkesan.maksudnya mesti usaha nak tahu juga.. kan? hehehehe tak pe2.. cuma makna mukhri tu dia g try berusaha untuk masuk dalam train tu la ya?

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