Sejarah Baju & Singlet Jenama Pagoda (Pagoda Underwear)
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aku pernah pakai baju ni masa dating dgn exbf aku ..sempoi tak...
myrandapv Post at 2-8-2011 16:39 
biar betik...... ?? |
Reply 19# myrandapv
ya ke???...phewww!!! jelas tuuuu |
waaahhh.. pagoda yg menggoda... hehehhehe |
zaman kat u dulu aku suka pakai pagoda ni..simple,murah and stylo bila digayakan dengan jeans and kasut converse hitam bertali putih..
markah akan bertambah jika mempunyai bentuk badan ala2 ricky martin..pehh memang menjadi jelingan anak dara di masa ituuu |
kalau dah ade sorry. Min ngai ni dah jadi property comp ke? 
Asia Pacific Land
Established in 1961, AP Land is a renowned property developer in Malaysia. Since its disposal of the FIABCI award winning City Square Centre in June 2007, AP Land is charting a new course of growth through a two-pronged strategy of geographical diversification in property development as well as broadening its income base through its expansion into the agricultural sector. AP Land will continue to replenish its land bank in Malaysia particularly in prime and upcoming locations.
In addition to its property development projects in the Klang Valley and Penang, AP Land is now moving towards fulfilling the Group’s vision to become a premier property conglomerate in the Asia Pacific region by gaining a foothold into the huge and growing property market in China and tap into the niche lifestyle property market in Japan.
Other than its core business of property development, AP Land also aim to groom its agriculture division into another key revenue generator via the development of its oil palm plantations in East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Corporate Information
Date of incorporation : 19 January 1961
Former names : Mount Pleasure Holdings Berhad, Public Corporation Berhad, Public Textile Berhad, Min Ngai Knitting Factory (Malaya) Berhad, Min Ngai Knitting Factory (Malaya) Sdn Bhd
Principal Activities : Investment holding, property investment and provision of management services
Registered Address : 468-6D, 2nd Floor
Jalan Ipoh
51200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel No : +(603) 4043 7888
Fax No : +(603) 4043 1222 |
Baju geng geng Otai ni.Guru guru silat suka pakai.Geng gedebe pun suka.Tapi baju ni kalau dipadankan dengan seluar jeans pun masuk.Jeans biar yg mahal.Baju pagoda je. |
Reply 21# HangPC2
lorrr..xder yg salah nye kot.......ok pe....aku pakai dgn jeans lusuh aku...and sneakers adidas..aku xbpe minat sgt jadi mcm pokok krismas nie..berlip lap sana sini..huhuhuh...tp tu 10 tahun dlu la.. masa umur awal 20an.. |
Reply 27# mamalubaid
aah..sesekali pakai baju tuh..ok pe...aku pakai dgn jeans lusuh and sneakers adidas.. |
Reply 22# kurasatakada
xder la seksi mana kot...aku mmg jenis sempoi je. |
Reply Lee.
myrandapv Post at 3-8-2011 16:10 
sukenye dia....
so skrg dh single ke.. |
Reply 35# myrandapv
golak lagi dio..
kang ado kena gigit telingo kang... |
Reply 36# Lee.
single la kot sbb blm pernah berkawen..  |
dah2..nk berkenalan pi PM la.. |
Reply 39# hunny_zizie
bole berkenalan...;) |
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