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Post time 1-5-2019 06:01 PM
From the mobile phone
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noraidil_06 replied at 1-5-2019 05:59 PM
Gambar sape tu?
Puteri Masako dan lakinya LA |

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Post time 1-5-2019 06:43 PM
From the mobile phone
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Victorioussss replied at 1-5-2019 09:35 AM
Pure gentleman..xmudah mengalah dan setia walau rintangan melanda. Teringat iols pada kisah zaman se ...
Intro dah ok,romantik sis..pstu tambah cite naruto sasuke sakura aiolzs rasa speechless..cehhhh~ |
Beautiful and pure love...
Tp nak cari lelaki mcm ni maybe susah laa lebih2 lagi d zaman ni...ada je y soft spoken tp buaya,biawak dan segala mcm hewan y senang nak tipu pmpuan2 kt luar sana utk support dorg..hmm..
Not all men are trash but many of them laa...paling trash tu y jd pedo haa..
N one thing laa sy curious about,men really won't change ek even after marriage?cth before this playboy sepanjang hidup,after marriage mmg akn tetap playboy jgk ek?just curious.. |
Victorioussss replied at 1-5-2019 02:07 PM
No lah..xde pernah lelaki kt malaysia ni ckp malay woman are trash atau perempuan melayu haprak, d ...
Oh yer ke lelaki Tak pernah cakap macam tu. Malang jadi Lelaki. Kami perempuan cakap ajer sesuka hati.
Btw, sekarang you tengah league trash aka haprak ke, Atau gentleman hahaha. |
noraidil_06 replied at 1-5-2019 05:41 PM
I dh merata cerita i used to have Japanese bf. Controlling yet sgt menyayangi. Tp controlling dia ...
Oh yer ke sis. Best tu. Cerita lah sikit. Japanese men ni penyayang kan. And Suka beri gifts!
nurrlisa replied at 1-5-2019 09:58 PM
Oh yer ke sis. Best tu. Cerita lah sikit. Japanese men ni penyayang kan. And Suka beri gifts!
Suke beri gift yes. Belanja iols tengok concert. N he knows iols minat ct Nurhaliza, merata la dia bw i pegi. Being his gf is being a princess.
Bur he expect brilliant conversation. Which is hard when u spoil me so much!! |
noraidil_06 replied at 1-5-2019 10:03 PM
Suke beri gift yes. Belanja iols tengok concert. N he knows iols minat ct Nurhaliza, merata la dia ...
Ala bestnya di layan seperti princess! Brilliant conversation apa salah nya, in fact that's what I look for in a man. Sekarang sis kawin melayu ke. |
nurrlisa replied at 1-5-2019 10:06 PM
Ala bestnya di layan seperti princess! Brilliant conversation apa salah nya, in fact that's what I ...
Melayu la. Hehehehe. If ada peluang kawin lg, i tetap pilih Melayu. |
noraidil_06 replied at 1-5-2019 10:11 PM
Melayu la. Hehehehe. If ada peluang kawin lg, i tetap pilih Melayu.
Iyer? That is interesting Hehehhe. May I know why, religion aside. |
Edited by Victorioussss at 1-5-2019 10:20 PM
nurrlisa replied at 1-5-2019 09:56 PM
Oh yer ke lelaki Tak pernah cakap macam tu. Malang jadi Lelaki. Kami perempuan cakap ajer sesuka h ...
Well iols xpnh ckp perempuan useless or trash so u bole pikir sndiri level u compared to me |
nurrlisa replied at 1-5-2019 10:14 PM
Iyer? That is interesting Hehehhe. May I know why, religion aside.
Budaya. He insisted on certain value instill in my daily life. He want our kids to be raised free from religion.
Above all i x suke kena control. I was young wild n free. Why wld i confine myself to him? Even now pun i hate to be controlled.
He came to Temerloh pujuk2, but i ignore. Fast fwd he is still single n he told me n our mutual fren that hati tertinggal di Pahang. Awwww.
I want Melayu sbb i rase i sgt Melayu n i want my kids to be Melayu through n through.
Kenichi Fukae tq for the memory. Osaka will always be my fav place. |
umbut replied at 1-5-2019 11:22 AM
Dpt nak pompuan sorang je ke.. lelaki takda.. next nanti.sapa naik takhta lepas naruhito tt
Naruhito jadi emperor, adik lelaki naruhito jadi crown prince and anak sedara Naruhito akan jadi next in line |
noraidil_06 replied at 1-5-2019 10:11 PM
Melayu la. Hehehehe. If ada peluang kawin lg, i tetap pilih Melayu.
Tq momod if i bole bagi tacang, i dh bg tacang pistachio |
Victorioussss replied at 1-5-2019 10:18 PM
Well iols xpnh ckp perempuan useless or trash so u bole pikir sndiri level u compared to me
Level I compared to you? Wow. Care to elaborate |
nurrlisa replied at 1-5-2019 10:22 PM
Level I compared to you? Wow. Care to elaborate
No need..nk sembang pun to u malay men are all trash
And im happend to be a malay man
noraidil_06 replied at 1-5-2019 10:20 PM
Budaya. He insisted on certain value instill in my daily life. He want our kids to be raised free ...
What a sweet love story! He must have loved you so much. Well I can see your views on budaya. Apa yang kita pandang tentang budaya sangat mempengaruhi kita.
Thanks for sharing your story sis. |
Victorioussss replied at 1-5-2019 10:25 PM
No need..nk sembang pun to u malay men are all trash
And im happend to be a malay man
I didn't say all Malay men. And I said it in jest. Why so cereal |
nurrlisa replied at 1-5-2019 10:29 PM
I didn't say all Malay men. And I said it in jest. Why so cereal
Mestila cereal! I cepat tacing harini mood lari sbb hormon!
Blnja cokelat cadbury crunch pls |
nurrlisa replied at 1-5-2019 10:29 PM
I didn't say all Malay men. And I said it in jest. Why so cereal
Jgn gaduh sgt dgn vic. Kikikiki.aummm |
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