English as a measure of INTELLIGENCE...
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English is not that important .........Grammar is important. For instance, commas save lives
Let's eat grandpa.
Lets eat, grandpa.
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Intelligent...Not because you know everything, but because you question everything you think you know. |
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English is not a measure of intelligence but scientific studies have confirmed that reading and intelligence have a very close relationship.
Given that many reading materials are in English (even many great works in non-English have been translated into English), those who have read more would have read English materials majority of the time, and to do so you have to be good in English, and that's why knowing English could be linked to the notion of having greater intelligence.
Hope this makes sense  |
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In my opinion,good command in english is needed but still it is not a tools to measure someones intelligence |
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U dont need to hv the perfect grammar...as long as u can make urself heard & understood, that to me is intelligence  |
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Agree. Kadang2 org yg tergagap2 bila speaks english ni dipandang macam low class. Depends on your social/work circle. Tapi hakikatnya, yang tak fluent english tu somehow lebih genius maybe on technical. Tapi, dunia sekarang, nak tak nak, kita kena bersaing lebih2 lagi in work environment.
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Sangat bersetuju dengan opinion you. Pandai berbahasa enggeris adalah satu kelebihan tetapi tidak fasih berbahasa enggeris bukanlah satu kelemahan.
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Jika dikaji..bahasa melayu lebih sukar difahami berbanding english..penuh puitis..tersirat tak seperti yang tersurat.Tapi orang kita ni pandang yang berbahasa melayu ni low class. |
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I beg to disagree (i'm writing in english because i'm comfortable using english to express myself - sometimes, not all the time). I did my engineering degree in Japanese, but did that made me less intelligent than those using english as their education medium? I don't think so. My technical knowledge is far more important than my english proficiency. Though of course, it is important especially when i need to explain to students or present in conferences.
Having said that, Malaysia's education is heavily based on UK/US. Thus the importance of english in education; but, it is just a language, not a measure of intelligence. |
And I remembered a few months back when Faiz Subri won the FIFA Puskas Award, some "intelligent" people with excellent English (or so they think) deemed him stupid and an embarassment. His expertise is sports, he has no opportunities to converse in english. English is a subject that is foreign and of no use to him.
Lainlah kalau kerja in education, research, politics where u hv to use english and need to hv high proficiency level.
Hence, at least to me, English is just a medium of communication, not a measure of intelligence. |
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Ilmu tu dtg dr pelbagai bahasa. Jd x semestinya kalau seseorg tu x pandai english dia x bijak.
Boleh bercakap dan faham BI tu satu kelebihan. Tp kalau x pandai BI pon bukan satu kelemahan pon asalkan diri kita berusaha kuat nk belajar utk tambah pengetahuan.
Konklusinya..dgn ilmu tu yg menampakkan seseorg tu bijaksana.bukannya bahasa. Bahasa hanya sbagai medium penyampaian ilmu je  |
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i'm working in a place that most of my colleagues are british. bagi diorang, it does not matter if your grammar is wrong or u got slang like manglish... just try your best and communicate.. if ada perkataan yang salah, they will correct you..
diorang pun faham english bukan our first language.. i'm not bad at all but to understand British's english..hari2 i balik tengok youtube rancangan dari uk tanpa subs..lama2 i boleh catch up eventho diorang cakap laju...kalau selalu ada my local colleagues yg x faham selalu tanya i apa yg dorang cakap |
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disagree. as long as you confident with yourself is important when you communicate with people. Knowledge is a key for intelligent. |
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malaysia punya english lagi better dari negara korea, jepun, holland and others. |
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English, is a language that in a way ties all cultures together by allowing people from all around the world to understand each other. Speaking good English an important quality in today's world.But, in my opinion, English cannot be the measure of intelligence.
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life thinking its stupid
- Einstein |
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English is one of the language in this world. Most of the Japanese cant speak well in english but japan is one of the most advance country in the world. Why? Coz english is just a medium instruction amongs people but intelligence is a hard work that u have to gain by ur effort not because u can speak well in english. Knowledge come in many language. |
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being able to speak a certain language is not a measure of intelligence. look at countries like Japan and Germany. you don't need to be able to be fluent in english to be intelligent. |
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English is a medium......doesn't mean a person who speaks perfect English is intelligent.....but definitely for a person whose English is not their 1st language but still can speak it, dare would I say might be smarter as they can grasp the cognitive, social and psychological benefits of knowing at least two languages. Of course the more the better.... |
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