Post time 4-3-2022 11:15 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Tashu replied at 4-3-2022 07:29 PM
takoot la nov
mintak jauh.
Tkt la jgk tp x bole nk kata apa. Sbb bnd x nmpk kan. Tp nov ade srg kolig sjns ckp lps gak.
Ade srg kolig last year dah prnh +ve. Pastu dia mgadu dkt safety officer sbb anak buah dia +ve dia risau dia +ve lg. Safety officer ckp ye la thn ni x renew lg. Renew +ve. Dia kata tiap2 thn mmg kn renew. Mulut x de filter.
Post time 5-3-2022 12:06 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
tari replied at 4-3-2022 09:20 PM
Ok tp x sepenuhnya
Selalu pkl 3,4 pg terjaga batuk selsema ada lagi Nov
Tari tau x tari kn virus ape? Sbb kolig nov ade yg ok ade yg mcm tari. Ada srg tu dah x ckp byk mcm dulu. Dia kata cpt penat. Naik tangga pun rs sesak dada.