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Author: airahthislove

SUPER JUNIOR M ~ Super girl Promotion ~

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Post time 29-4-2008 08:31 AM | Show all posts

Reply #320 airahthislove's post

komaWO airah!^^

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Post time 29-4-2008 08:31 AM | Show all posts

Chinese Market Amazon ( announced on April 22 that Super Junior M's album "迷 Me" has made a great reaction to its sales. The album with a total of 12 tracks has been sold out.

The album was described as a refreshing appearance to dance music. The melody of the seven members increased the song's quality. The song "The One" which supplicates 2008 Beijing Olympics' success, the dreamy melody "In my Arms" gives charm to the listeners.

This time, the album released a Taiwan version and another volume for the entire Asia.

Super Junior M's popularity in China is even more increasing, with so much Chinese fans waiting for the upcoming events and the group's guestings to various TV programs.

Photograph Provision: SM Entertainment

Original Article Input: (Monday, 2008 January 28, 17:14)

translated by: gamibe
:pompom: :pompom: :pompom: :pompom:

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Post time 29-4-2008 08:37 AM | Show all posts
Celebrity impressions-Han Geng
translation of the blog of the writer of Very Big Star's thoughts about SJ-M.

Han Geng: Wang Zhe's sky.
(Wang Zhe is an imperial, honorable, chivalrous person, sort of like royalty)

I never decided how to write this story. The more I care it, the harder it is to express myself clearly. Since he debuted, I have heard of him. I been following his news since two years ago. Last year, because of some reasons, we missed the chance of having him come alone, but finally he's here on our show successfully.

A long time before filming, when SJ-M was in its infancy and had no name, I have been told that we would be their first variety show. Yet because the exact time could not be determined, we did not reveal the news for a long time. So in the recent 4 months, I've been preparing for this.

In the 4 months of preparing, to find information about the guests, I almost visited all of their numerous fanclubs. Han Geng has a very good dancing background; he has a very amazing dancing aura; he has the body of a dance, the face of an actor; he's very hard-working, and also very humble; he has the necessary traits of a superstar--but he doesn't have a stage. Other than two TV stations, either he doesn't go on the screen, or he has to wear a mask--the Korean entertainment gave him two hard decisions, and it seems like that's all they could give him. Thus, in the long eight months, the only thing fans could talk about is pity for his talent and worry. Thus this environment gave me the wrong idea that Han Geng's very soft.

The afternoon on the day of filming, at 2:20, when the press conference began, SJ-M first entered my eyesight. The first greeting was "I'm SJ-M's leader Han Geng." Then, he officially answered the reporters' questions, joked with the host about Nanjing food, and translated the questions to his members. After the interview, he bowed to the editors and said, "Please help to promote SJ-M. Thank you. You guys worked hard." When to be official, and when to joke, he knew it perfectly, already acting like a real group's leader.

After the press conference, me, the outside-scene editor, the cameramen, and the hosts sat on the floor of the hallway talked. Little did we know that it was outside Han Geng's door. After seeing us, he immediately invited us to sit in his room, but because we felt bad about squishing all of us in his room, we declined, but still felt very comforted. A lot of precious things, he did not lose because he changed his position.

During the rehearsal, I first realized his differences with my impression. To make sure of the positions, he voluntarily asked for another rehearsal of <<U>>; After singing <<The One>>, he asked me to add a acapella; He carefully practiced the dancing telephone's music and moves over and over again...every little detail is proof of his change. What he's doing, what he wants the most, he knows better than anyone.

When editing the footage, the director asked me why didn't I ask about Han Geng's hardships in Korea, why didn't I make it more sentimental. I told him it's because it's the group's first variety show. But the real reason is because I don't want to see him cry, so I threw out the sentimental parts in the script. Meeting him that day confirmed my decision. I saw a Chinese report called him Hezhe ethnicity group's bold eagle; I know many fans called Wang Zhe Han Geng; the person I met in the short half of a day was a confident, strong leader. Whether a bold eagle or a Wang Zhe, he needs a sky that he could fly in, the wind under his wings, and the bravery to leave his sad scars. And these, I believe he can have.

If one day, as the bosses wish, Han Geng comes back on our show along, and we dig deep and ask about his past, I still don't want him to cry. Passing through layers and layers of obstacles, culminating life's many sacrifices and hardships, he grew to be a man that can make fans proud. Even if he was touched, moved, I still want him to use a cool expresiion to describe that poignant feeling, to nonchalantly say "life is very hard," yet still keep smiling.

1. The boss asked me if I wanted a picture with him, and after carefully debating, I declined. My ego won't let me take a picture with someone whose face is smaller than mine. Even if I took the picture, I would only be embrassed.

2. After filming the beginning song, while they were re-putting on makeup, Han Geng grabbed me and asked me how to saw " I really miss you guys" with a Nanjing accent. Because I'm not from Nanjing, and can understand but not speak a Nanjing accent, I went through my memories of Nanjing accents and taught him. After that, I began to get worried, so I dragged Xiao Lu over to teach him. Apparently, I was wrong. After filming, I went to my office and repeated what I taught Han Geng, asking everyone what accent that is. Hao mei(younger sister/any younger female) stared at me and told me it's from <<Crazy Rock>>(a movie)... Faint...Thank goodness I didn't let Han Geng say it......

3. When resting, Han Geng wanted the music from the dancing charades, but couldn't find a MP3, so I took Lee's PSP and put the music in their for Han Geng. Because I'm game console-blind, I couldn't figure out how to play the music. After teaching me twice, Lee lost his patience and said that Han Geng would definitely know how to use. Just as he said, as soon as I gave the PSP to Han Geng, he found the music and began to listen to it......

translation by [email protected]

Blog site: (also includes impressions of all SJM members)


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Post time 29-4-2008 10:08 AM | Show all posts

Reply #319 pheonix_lady's post

tp mmg tak bley blah aku tgk dia manja2 ngan heroin tu...

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Post time 29-4-2008 10:54 AM | Show all posts

Reply #324 Hana_Hirokawa's post

auu~~appa nak manja2 sket

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Post time 30-4-2008 02:31 AM | Show all posts

Reply #324 Hana_Hirokawa's post

Part tu selalunya bila dia d pukul @ d marahi oleh mak dia....

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Post time 30-4-2008 04:42 AM | Show all posts
Super Junior M - U

Cuz I can't stop
Here we go
No I can't stop

[Si Won]
Meng zhong de tian shi lai jiang lin
Er wo yi jing que ding yao de ren jiu shi ni
[Han Geng]
Qing rang wo lai wei ni duan ding
Shou hu ni de qi shi ta xian zai zai zhe li
[Kyu Hyun]
Wo wu fa xiang shen pang ni bu zai
Yao zen me ren nai yi ge ren de wu nai
[Ryeo Wook]
Oh wo de ai
Fang chu qu zen me shou hui lai

Cuz I can't stop thinking 'bout you girl
[Dong Hae]
Ni shu yu wo zui mei de meng
No I can't stop thinking 'bout you girl
[Zhou Mi]
Wo yao wo men shou jin jin xiang wo

[Dong Hae]
Ni fa shang can yu de xiang qi
Bai xi de bei jing rang wo chen zui bu yu
Di chen dai ci xing de hua yu
Chan rao zai er bian liu lian bu ceng xiao qu
[Ryeo Wook]
Ba jie zhi cang mei gui li
Neng bu neng qing ni he wo yi qi zou na wei lai
[Kyu Hyun]
oh wo de ai
Fang chu qu zen me shou hui lai

Cuz I can't stop thinking 'bout you girl
[Dong Hae]
Feng kuang bu yi bu neng shi qu ni
No I can't stop thinking 'bout you girl
[Zhou Mi]
Wo zhi yao wo men xin jin jin xiang yi

Cuz I can't stop thinking 'bout you girl
[Han Geng]
Bu yao liu wo gu dan zai zhe li
No I can't stop thinking 'bout you girl
[Si Won]
Ni zhi shu yu wo rang wo shu yu ni

[Zhou Mi - Rap]
Mei you shen me neng gou gai bian wo ai ni de zi you
Wo zhi xiang wo ni de shou he ni fen xiang suo you mei meng
Xiang yao pei ban zhe ni zia ni gu dan shi hou
Cha diao ni de yan lei fu chu wo de wen rou

[Dong Hae - Rap]
Bu guan you shen me wo ye bu gan jue ji mo
Mei you ni deng yu yong yuan pian li le zhong xin
Rang wo zhe yang peng zhe ni zai ni shou zhong
Rang wo wang zhe ni kan zhe ni ai zhe ni de xiao rong

[Ryeo Wook]
Wo hui rang ni zhi yao wo zhi wei wo ku

Cuz I can't stop thinking 'bout you girl
Feng kuang bu yi bu neng shi qu ni
No I can't stop thinking 'bout you girl
[Kyu Hyun]
Wo zhi yao wo men xin jin jin xiang yi

Cuz I can't stop thinking 'bout you girl
[Han Geng]
Bu yao liu wo gu dan zai zhe li
No I can't stop thinking 'bout you girl
[Si Won]
Ni zhi shu yu wo rang wo shu yu ni

Cuz I can't stop
No I can't stop
Cuz I can't stop

cr to me (pheonix_lady)

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Post time 30-4-2008 12:06 PM | Show all posts

super kiyoooooooooooooooooooo................

cr:as tagged

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Post time 30-4-2008 12:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #328 ayie77's post

mmg superb la.. kaler merah nih menaikkan seri geng lg~~

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Post time 30-4-2008 12:32 PM | Show all posts
080428 Hangeng in Wangfujing

ps:the other man is his father

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Post time 30-4-2008 12:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #328 ayie77's post

tgk sekali imbas cam muka wu chun lak hannie nih

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Post time 30-4-2008 12:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by miss_mulan77 at 30-4-2008 12:34 PM
tgk sekali imbas cam muka wu chun lak hannie nih

nae..sikit2 kan...

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 Author| Post time 30-4-2008 04:03 PM | Show all posts
[&#36234;&#31574;&#36234;&#24320;&#24515; Cut] Who doesn't like to bathe? (Eng)

aiyaa.....itu henry tarak suka mandi ka??

[&#36234;&#31574;&#36234;&#24320;&#24515; Cut] Who does aegyo the most? (Eng)

for unexplained reason...I wish Wookie & Q does "ke ai" the most

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Post time 30-4-2008 04:07 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 30-4-2008 04:12 PM | Show all posts
[&#36234;&#31574;&#36234;&#24320;&#24515; Cut] Who cries the most? (Eng)

Dongahe ni, lain org tanya....lain yg dia jawab
Wookie arr....such a soft hearted boy....

[&#36234;&#31574;&#36234;&#24320;&#24515; Cut] Who likes to look at pretty girls? (Eng)

siwon "says" it all wakakaka
adeii....lawak tul tgk derang...

[ Last edited by  airahthislove at 30-4-2008 04:13 PM ]

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Post time 30-4-2008 04:21 PM | Show all posts
alah tmnet lembap, tak dpt tgk lah airah, slow sgt..

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 Author| Post time 30-4-2008 04:22 PM | Show all posts

Reply #336 limau's post

kat tempat kawe pon line lembap gak

byk kali kene reload

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Post time 30-4-2008 04:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by airahthislove at 30-4-2008 04:22 PM
kat tempat kawe pon line lembap gak

byk kali kene reload

Yelah masalah yg sama kita....

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Post time 30-4-2008 05:04 PM | Show all posts

Selamat bercuti semua!!

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Post time 30-4-2008 05:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #335 airahthislove's post

wookie aa.... uri sensitive guy...
kelakar biler kyu siap nak tgk tag nama wookie biler nak tulih answer tu...

hae nak amik ati mc tu wakkakaka..... sabo jer la...

yg sape buat gaya aegyo tu... me memang tak expect answer dia wookie.. i was expecting siwon

wakakakkaka....hannie suka check out girls   leader SJM pun sama gak jer la cam leader SJ, umma teuk
me gelak tak hingat biler diorg soh hae jadi yoja

[ Last edited by  bawberry at 30-4-2008 05:44 PM ]

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