Org Kg Melayu, Majidi, Larkin n Tmn Suria..
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Reply 219# fida75
hi!steak hosue kg melayu ni macam selaluuuuuuuunya org sebut2x..
memang meletop eh??harus chobaaa?terliurrr lah pulakkkkk....***erk..tgk gambo signboard pon dah terliur..ekekekekkee |
Reply 216# idhane
phuhh...pinggan bunga2x.. |
Reply fida75
hi!steak hosue kg melayu ni macam selaluuuuuuuunya org sebut2x..
memang m ...
nurabella Post at 8-6-2012 15:42 
harus dicoba... aku try carik kedai sejak doluuuuu lagik mmg lum jodoh aku nak jumpa...; pasnie kompem jumpa... idhane dh bagi details klu x jumpa gak kena mandi air bunga aku nih...  |
Reply 223# fida75
yeah...mandi air bunga,bawah jembatan..ekekekkee...
so.memangggg meleTOP lah yerrrrrrrrr |
Reply 225# fida75
jgn mlm ni kedai tuh tutup dah lah kan........
kekekeke |
Reply 228# nurabella
ko jgn la skodeng aku...hahahaa... trademark.. ko nampak 1 couple nie... berpeluh2 sbb cari kedai tu baru jumpa...  |
yuhuuu... aku dh g dh kg. melayu steak house sabtu mlm lepas.. thanks to idhane sbb bg petunjuk yg superb ... patut la selama nie aku carik x jumpa kedai nie sbb aku cari yg kat area masjid tu, rupa2nya kat belah petronas.. klu x de info yg idhane bagi tu mmg sampai sudah x dpt mkn kat situ..
masa aku sampai tu kul 9 lebih.. penuh!! tmpt parking mmg mencabar jln masuk kecik muat 1 keter.. so kena parking dpn rmh org.. nasib la.. aku order sirlion steak dlm tu ada baby carrot, brokoli, kentang goreng & steak.. black pepper sos.. steak dia tebal tp lembut & masak serata, sos pekat.. sedap..
en asben oder mixed grill dlm tu ada sosej, lamb, telur goreng mata kobau, kentang goreng, baby carrot, brokoli, black pepper sos (diasingkan).. makan sampai licin..
amik air epal jus & carrot susu add on potato wedges.. total RM52.. klu dia add mashed potato lagi terangkat... walaupun tukang masak dia sorg tapi order cepat jer sampai... terbaek..
sori x upload gambo kat hp en. asben |
gambo tambahan, last week bfast kat Tapah, mkn 2 menu ni... terbaekkk...
Laksa Johor, Tapah
Nasi Rawan/Rawon, Tapah
Reply 230# fida75
akhirnye..... sampai jugak ye... hajat terlaksana
actually ramai pengunjung setia Steak House ni, dr org biasa hingga lah ke kerabat. s'porean pon ramai especially weekend. yg pelik nye, walau da popular, tetap maintain wat kat umh je dgn area yg sempit & parking yg payah...
utk fida, bape bintang nk bagi kat Kg Melayu Steak House ni? (makananye). lain org lain tekak, citarasa & selera nye kan.... |
gambo tambahan, last week bfast kat Tapah, mkn 2 menu ni... terbaekkk...
Laksa Johor, Tapah
idhane Post at 15-6-2012 09:46 
wow...sedap nye laksa itewww...  |
Say hi to all owners, I believe many of u are searching stuff to renovate ur new house...or prepare to move in...
I m here to promoted tinted and wallpaper for ur house~
now a days, tinted is very important to block sunlight, reduce heat and protect all type of furniture,floor and wood to avoid fade and let it having longer life~
anyone interest to have tinted for their house can contact us, we will give u a reasonable price, and u can order without any deposit!
we are going all the place without extra charge..hurry up~ What to wait? No need deposit,more safe!
Because there r too many customer, so we not effort to reply all of u in here. So pls direct contact 0162515556 / 0166725559 mr.Kelvin |
Reply 231# idhane
woahh....setiap minggu me"rawon" yer..ahaks. |
Reply 232# idhane
kerabat pon ke sana?.w.ahhhhh...harussss lah kena cuba nih..
Post Last Edit by IbrahimIsmail at 27-6-2012 00:11
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nnti nk try la kg melayu steak house tu...walaupun duk larkin aje, tp daku tk pernah makan kt situ pong... |
rindunye nak balik kg melayu. lame dok sane. jln kat hiway tebrau tue dah siap ke?
mcm mane la sane skrg |
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Category: Negeri & Negara