GOONG/PRINCESS HOURS~(updated : page 1 link hardsub/megaupload pg248
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Originally posted by babyface76 at 31-3-2006 10:16 AM
princess jgn lupa bila season 2 nanti informlah kat thread nie....heheh ada lagi ke thread nie agaknya....
kalau kite aktifkan,ade lah..kan baby.....aktifkan dirimu..cam iklan hotlink pulak.lambat pulak nak tunggu season 2 tahun 2007 tu. |
Originally posted by babyface76 at 31-3-2006 10:19 AM
link2 nie camne nak d/load??
macam biasa lah baby...ade tulis download tekan je. |
Reply #2183 hhhhh's post
maklumlah episode last ni pun di buat tergesa2..sbb tu ending dierr pun mcm tergesa2 gak.. |
dah nak wat camne pengarah korea suka sangat wat ending last2 minute...jawabnya jadi cincailah..iyalah mana nak kejarkan masa lagi...
cubalah fikir dulu...hish2...
dah dapat d/load ep24..tunggu masa nak nengok je....
kalau betul kata hhhhh adegan kat macau tu 10 min je cam tak berbalai wat shooting kat sanakan...
eh camne cg boleh pregnant..mereka kan tak pernah tidur sama...ada wat project ke?..hehe |
Originally posted by babyface76 at 31-3-2006 11:07 AM
kalau betul kata hhhhh adegan kat macau tu 10 min je cam tak berbalai wat shooting kat sanakan...
eh camne cg boleh pregnant..mereka kan tak pernah tidur sama...ada wat project ke?..hehe
hahahahhaha... tu open discussion dan open ending... |
Either dia btul2 preggy atau mungkin dia tak sihat sbb asyik makan Portuguese tarts tu aja. Ini yg ramai tertanya2 part bila dan dimana depa buat Projek tu. He He He |
komawo hhhhh...sedang d/load...ehehhe |
takde ke sesapa yg ada translation tuk ep 24??
sian gak ngan yul ye,...dia beritahu kebenaran kat depan2 press...mahu mak dia malu seumur hidup sebab wat jahat...heheh
kiranya yg wat kebakaran tu mak yul kan... |
nie kpd sesape yg nak tgk sbs report pasal goong utk sad scene ep.23
credit to Dallas @ soompi
[ Last edited by genie_1684 at 31-3-2006 03:11 PM ] |
Originally posted by genie_1684 at 31-3-2006 03:04 PM
nie kpd sesape yg nak tgk sbs report pasal goong utk sad scene ep.23
credit to Dallas @ soompi
Ni mesti tengok. Boleh nampak airmata Shin jatuh.. Oh sedihnya. |
huh..citer ni dah sampai ending dia ye..
amcm gan BM sub translation ko dah sampai epi berapa..? |
Yang komik Goong belum end ke?? Ching tak ikut komik dia... so confius sama ada diorang ikut ending komik ke tak... yang komik tu ada cakap pasal CG pegi Macau ke?? |
amali This user has been deleted
Manhwa/Komik Goong belum habis lagi .... terkini skrg Vol12...
X salah amali dlm manhwa x der scene p Macau (kalo salah tlg betulkan) |
Reply #2197 hhhhh's post
anyway thanx....
kat soompi iap buat csi mcm mana cg pregnant
nie diorg punya siasatan....credit usyagitntn@ soompi forum kat page 1685
The Goong MSSI
(morning sickness scene investigation)
Possibility#1: In ep 23, after the long and super hot kiss.
+ Wasn抰 that the mood that people supposed to be in before doing something like *wink*. And CG was on top of Shin, Shin wasn抰 wearing his jacket, Cg was wearing a dress (These are all the reasons, I collected from the last few pages)
Possibility#2: The scene where CG was reading the newspaper and Shin came in saying that no matter what CG should trust and believe him completely.
+ Unsure about this one because it just seems sad but not exactly something that would lead to you-know-what. Doesn抰 have a high chance of getting them anywhere here.
+Possibility #3 : (my prime suspect ) Not sure if it was night or early morning but all I know that it was dark , Shin came to CG room saying that he missed her and wanted to kiss her but then CG kept hiccuping, my gosh you抮e spoiling the mood CG . As AznGrlz mentioned they did not showed him leaving CG room but only heard them talking and then the scene ended. Who knows what happen after that!?
+Possibility #4: After street kissing scene, Shin was so bold as to kiss Cg in front of everyone on the street so why not, and we don抰 know what happened after that.
OMG you beat me to it AznGrlz perv minds think alike!
Edit: I was going for the scene that Shin cried but then there's just something about it that doesn't make me think of it as a possibility for our investigation. probably I was too busy crying with them
As for ep 24 I don't think there were many chances of them doing you-know-what because what I noticed that CG was wearing the same white dress all day. If they did it after the finger-connecting scene then CG would have changed into some other clothes.
such a nice scene but then the Internal officer came in... geez
Some said that it was possible that they did it after the scene Shin was holding CG in the garden at night, I thought so too and almost screamed when they show the scene comes after that: (see below)
First they show them in the garden with a very romantic pose:
Then... they showed this:
Now who can blame us for being pervs here?!
But then it showed that Shin and CG were both alone in their room and CG was crying while she was thinking abou the past so.. doens't seem like it.
In Macau
This is to die for. They were so close (the kiss in ep 23 was hot but look at Shin here )
and this scene: Where were they going??
BUT too bad, The possiblity of them doing... in Macau is really low because the wedding seemed to take place almost right after Shin and hulmamama's arrival at Macau ( probably took them about 3-5 days to settle the whole thing). And as for the second pic in Macau I posted int he latter part they showed both them still wearing the same clothes again so I don't think anything happened.
The "When" question then seemed to have a cleat cut answer here. Before CG left the palace. Here's my reasoning:
The scene of Yul and his mom after the car accident showed that some time has passed. She抯 out of the hospital now and she looks fine, no bruises |
Reply #2198 genie_1684's post
kena tunggu season kedua utk tahu dierr pregnant atau tak..
[ Last edited by jasmine at 2-4-2006 09:12 PM ] |
Translation part CG baring atas Shin dlm Ep 23.
Shin : Looks like im the responsible of the arson
but lie down like this, it can look like that nothing has happened
CG : Shin Goon is honest, soon the truth will be known
Shin : If im kicked out of the seat of the Crown Prince, can you still live with me?
CG : Then, you will be a house man, i will earn money.
Shin : A man whi is a houseman, does it look like a life?
CG : Who knows? Maybe that will suit you well.
{Imagination scene}
Shin : You came back?
CG : why didn't you pick up the phone?
Shin : it's not that, call at home ... children are sleeping
CG : (....?...)
Shin : You have already make a lot of effort to (..?..) not satisfied?
CG : children?
Shin : children .. they are sleeping
CG : try to go out and earn money, do you know how tired it is?
Shin : i know i know
CG : what's that noise?
Shin : oo awake !
CG : oo my kids, mommy is back
is your nappy changed?
Has daddy changed it?
Shin : Say mommy, mommy
CG : what's that smell?
You have again ....
Quick ! I'm getting mad
Shin : {talking to the baby} you wait for me here
CG : oo really ! if it's like this how can i can be out of the house without being
Good kids
CG : it doesn't look like a life
Shin : hey didn't you look at me intentionaly while i was taking my shower?
CG : no, even if i had seen something i dont have any 'naughty' thoughts
Shin : really? you don't have any improper anbitions to me?
CG : yeah
{Shin approaches his head, and looks like he's gonna kiss her. CG is closing her eyes.}
Shin : What is it on your hair?
You still don't want to admit it? ( i think he's saying 'you still dont admit that
you have some 'thoughts' toward me?')
You've never thought about it?
(.....?....), right?
CG: No, it's just that i'm too tired, so that's why i closed my eyes a moment.
I'm going, good night.
Shin : Yah!! Where do you want to go?
At least do (.......?.....)
CG : Right, it's hard to be like this (maybe she means, we dont have so much
moment for us), leaving like that is a bit ...
{She's touching his face gently and smilling at each other ^^}
Shin : That's right **big smile** (omg what is he thinking about???? )
{CG suddently stands up}
CG : To represent the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess of the Great Korea,
I yell out with passion
Tei han min goon, tei han min goon (Great korea, Great Korea)
Shin goon, in your life you've never done that
that represents the celebration of the Great Korea
Take advantage of this chance to make this world go forward/better (?)
Aja !!!
Tei han min goon, tei han min goon, tei han min goon ...
{CG is out of the room}
Shin : Bear my idiocy
*clap in his hands*
Tei han min goon ... I did it ! (---> so cute !! *^^*)

[ Last edited by hhhhh at 2-4-2006 11:14 PM ] |
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