GOONG/PRINCESS HOURS~(updated : page 1 link hardsub/megaupload pg248
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:cak:nie spoiler yg aku tgk kat soompi
the episodes broadcast on the 29th & 30th 's main content is... Due to CG, the palace is in a chaotic state (it's not all her fault that they are in such a mess, why blame it all on her... jees...) , so she decided to accept/consider the palace's order to temporarily go the Macau... Shin also went with her. Upon ensuring their love for each other , decided to held a simple wedding ceremony. This ends the first season of Goong... |
Originally posted by genie_1684 at 30-3-2006 06:37 PM
:cak:nie spoiler yg aku tgk kat soompi
the episodes broadcast on the 29th & 30th 's main content is... Due to CG, the palace is in a chaotic state (it's not all ...
cerita ni ada season-season ke?? bukan sekaligus habis cam cerita Korea lain??
nak tanya gi... Yul pula cam mana endingnya?? |
apa berlaku malam tadi...citerlah happy ending ke?? |
Reply #2164 babyface76's post
happy ending tp tergantung... |
jas...apa kata cite sikit apa berlaku lepas cg nak kuar dari istana tu??
apa jadi ngan yul??
mak dia accident ke?? |
ada sesape blh bgtau ape ending goong smlm???
x sabo nk tau ni...
dh tgk part kisukisulobulobu...suka2...
rukia pn byk kali ulg part tu...hehe... |

suka sgt couple ni.... |
suka tgk part bile cg baring atas shin...fuh,x tahan... |
happy ending.... memang best.... tapi open ending.... supaya boleh bersambung ke season 2...
tapi sebelum nak sampai ending tu ada part yg sedih giler & terharu sangat sampai laju jer air mata na mengalir... tapi part sedih tu antara part yg best dalam citer ni....
hehehhehe.... sajer nak bagi korang tertanya-tanya.... hhhhh pun dah hilang nampaknya... hahahhaaa
gambar atas tu la ending citer ni... baby nanti aku cari link ko tgk jer la ye... baru saspen..
[ Last edited by eyka at 31-3-2006 09:16 AM ] |
Originally posted by eyka at 31-3-2006 09:15 AM
happy ending.... memang best.... tapi open ending.... supaya boleh bersambung ke season 2...
tapi sebelum nak sampai ending tu ada part yg sedih giler & terharu sangat samp ...
nape eyka x abis kn cite ni???story la betul2....:stp: :stp: :stp:
ckp dgn detail....rukia nk tau gak... |
cg pregnant ke????
kalo mcm tu,bagus sgt la tu...hehe... |
macam aku cakap... ending dia best.. tapi open ending...
Goong ada season 2 tahun depan.. |
ha...lupa plak nk tanya...ape jd ngan kwn cg tu(yg pakai spec)???:cak: |
eyka...huhuhu citelah apa adegan yg sedih sangat tu...nak nunggu waktu lunch lambatnya....
aku sedang d/load ep nie....pakai mega...ada satu jam lagi baru habis...harap2 dapat nengok sampai habis...
link lain takde ke??
wah kiranya oh gaklah endingnyakan...mereka kawin betul2 kan... |
princess jgn lupa bila season 2 nanti informlah kat thread nie....heheh ada lagi ke thread nie agaknya.... |
link2 nie camne nak d/load?? |
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